This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1812 Siege and Kill the Holy Lord Eternal Ming

"Teleport!" Lord Ziyuan shouted in a deep voice.

He wanted Xiao Zhi to teleport him to the Holy Lord Yongming.

He wanted to fight at close range with the Holy Lord of Eternity!

"Teleport me there too!" Luo Yiyi shouted, holding two swords.

Xiao Zhi turned his head slightly, glanced at Luo Yiyi, and thought to himself: "It's okay if Lord Ziyuan wants to fight in close combat. After all, he is the strongest person. If he has the strength to fight in close combat with Lord Yongming, you are a master." God, the defensive power is far inferior to that of Lord Ziyuan. It is estimated that at close range, if Holy Lord Yongming glares at you, you will die. Why are you just joining in the fun?"

But what Luo Yiyi said next made Xiao Zhi hesitate.

Then Luo Yiyi lowered her voice and said in a deep voice: "The Holy Lord Yongming dared to come alone, maybe he came prepared. I am worried that the Buddha Kingdom of the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha may not be able to control him at this time. , my map of mountains and rivers and the country may be able to keep him."

Luo Yiyi's words caused Xiao Zhi to think deeply.

The next moment, the figure of Lord Ziyuan flickered and appeared out of thin air not far from Holy Lord Yongming.

The moment he appeared, Lord Ziyuan raised his thunder hammer high and smashed it into the head of Holy Lord Yongming.

At this moment, the space fluctuated again, and Xiao Zhi's figure also appeared not far from the Holy Lord Yongming.

Xiao Zhi's body was blooming with a rich jade light. He also raised the Sky Sword and struck the Holy Lord Yongming fiercely with the sword in the air.

Luo Yiyi, who was wearing pitch-black armor, was also brought over by Xiao Zhi and was protected by Xiao Zhi.

Luo Yiyi, who was teleported, did not launch an attack on the Holy Lord Yongming. Instead, he held two swords and floated quietly behind Xiao Zhi.

From her body, a very faint shadow of the world emerged.

The phantom of this world spreads in all directions at an incredible speed...

Facing the thunderous giant hammer and the sky knife that struck at him, the two green lights under the black hood of the Eternal Ming Lord stopped trembling at this time.

The figure of the Holy Lord Eternal Ming was blurred for a moment. When his figure became clear again, he had turned into an old lady wearing luxurious clothes and looking old.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this old lady in gorgeous clothes was one of the hundreds of shadows around Holy Lord Yongming.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

Luo Yiyi's worries came true. Holy Lord Yongming was really prepared this time, and he did have a way to resolve the Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings.

That is scapegoat!

Under the command of the Holy Lord Eternal Ming, there are hundreds of wandering ghosts.

It seems that these wandering ghosts can die for him and resist some fatal attacks for him!

The next moment, the giant thunder hammer hit the old lady in gorgeous clothes!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhi's knife also hit the old lady.

The surrogate old lady didn't even say a word before her body turned into powder.

And where the old lady's shadow was floating before, the figure of the Holy Lord Eternal Ming appeared here.

Holy Lord Yongming said in a cold voice: "Mighty Heavenly Buddha, do you think that after Daoyuan fell into your hands, this move of yours can still do anything?"

However, as soon as he said these words, the body of the Holy Lord Yongming froze.

At this moment, the mighty Buddha's eyes were fixed on him again.

The figure of the Holy Lord Eternal Ming became blurry again.

When his figure became clear again, he had turned into a burly man wearing golden armor and a full beard.

This burly man is also one of the hundreds of shadows beside Holy Lord Yongming!

Another substitute appears.

And there are hundreds of scapegoats like this beside the Holy Lord Eternal Ming!

Seeing this scene, both Divine Lord Ziyuan and Xiao Zhi's expressions became gloomy.

Luo Yiyi, on the other hand, couldn't tell what her expression was because she was wearing a black visor.

At this time, the voice belonging to Luo Yiyi sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears: "Zhi Shen, I will try to pull the Holy Lord Yongming into my mountain and river community map later. If I can succeed, you will More of our most powerful people will be teleported over and enter my Shanhe Sheji Map. Let’s work together to kill the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming! ’

Xiao Zhi pursed his lips after hearing Luo Yiyi's message.

Xiao Zhi had no idea whether it was feasible to trap and kill the Holy Lord Eternal Ming with the Mountains, Rivers and State Map. Xiao Zhi was completely unsure about this.

After all, no matter how strong Luo Yiyi is, she is still not the strongest.

And the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming is a powerful being who has lived for who knows how many years!

Although he was very unsure, Xiao Zhi did not reject Luo Yiyi's proposal, but nodded and responded with the word "good".

Because he wanted the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming to die so much!

If Luo Yiyi can really trap the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming through the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, then the probability that they will join forces to kill the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming will become extremely high.

Even if Luo Yiyi's map of mountains and rivers cannot trap the Holy Lord Eternal Ming, there is no loss.

After getting Xiao Zhi's response, Luo Yiyi's voice once again sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears: 'Then I'm going to take action. Before I take action, you guys must find a way to attract the attention of Holy Lord Yongming! ’

'good! ’ Xiao Zhi responded with the word ‘good’ again, and then shouted: “Kill all these wandering souls! Kill the Holy Lord Yuanxing too!”

While shouting these words, Xiao Zhi used sound transmission to tell Lord Ziyuan and the Mighty Heavenly Buddha about Luo Yiyi's plan.

"Kill!" Lord Ziyuan's body flashed with purple thunder, and with overwhelming momentum, he swung his thunder hammer and killed Lord Yuanxing, who was floating not far away.

The Great Mighty Buddha, with the golden Buddha light that filled the sky, stepped towards the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming. His target was the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming.

Xiao Zhi also raised the Sky Sword in his hand again. As he raised the sword, the blade of the Sky Sword instantly turned dark.

His target is the hundreds of wandering ghosts around the Holy Lord Eternal Ming.

All three of them have goals and a clear division of labor.

'I hope that the Holy Lord Eternal Ming will not escape. After all, the Buddha Kingdom of the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha can no longer do anything to him. In this case, he will hardly be in danger of his life. With his back leaning on the transmission channel, There is no need to escape at this time. ’ Xiao Zhi was thinking quickly in his mind while preparing his killing move.

Xiao Zhi's guess was right.

Holy Lord Yongming did not choose to escape at this time.

As Xiao Zhi and others took action, Holy Lord Yongming also took action.

His target is clearly Xiao Zhi!

Then they saw Holy Lord Yongming turn his head sharply and aim the two green lights that looked like eyes under his black hood at Xiao Zhi!

At this time, the distance between Xiao Zhi and Holy Lord Yongming was only a few hundred miles.

For the most powerful, this distance can already be described as close at hand.

As the 'eyes' of Holy Lord Yongming fell on Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt suffocated.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's appearance began to grow older at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi’s body flashed with jade light!

At this moment, Luo Yiyi, who was being guarded by Xiao Zhi, took action!

Xiao Zhi only felt a strong pulling force on his body.

Xiao Zhi did not try to resist the pulling force, but allowed the pulling force to act on himself.

After a slight trance, the phantom of the world in front of Xiao Zhi suddenly became real.

The originally gloomy sky turned blue.

The originally dead land has become vibrant with various green plants, and countless human settlements are dotted on this vibrant land.

However, in the next moment, what he saw in front of him became illusory again.

This is because, after Xiao Zhi was pulled into the Shanhe Sheji Map, he was excluded again.

When Xiao Zhi was excluded, Xiao Zhi found that his surroundings had become empty.

Whether it is Holy Lord Yongming and the hundreds of phantoms around Holy Lord Yongming, or the mighty Buddha, Holy Lord Ziyuan and Luo Yiyi, or the clone of Holy Lord Yuanxing disguised as Holy Lord Yuanxing , all have disappeared.

'Did it succeed...' After a moment of confusion, Xiao Zhi showed a hint of joy on his face!

In the shadow of the world, he saw the figure of Holy Lord Eternal Ming, as well as the figures of Lord Ziyuan and the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha.

"This is..." In the shadow of the world, Holy Lord Yongming turned his head and looked around, looking a little confused.

Divine Lord Ziyuan and the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha did not hesitate to kill Holy Lord Yongming.

At this moment, the battle of the strongest suddenly broke out in this mountain, river, and state map!

As the battle broke out, the illusory world in front of Xiao Zhi began to tremble.

This was no ordinary tremor. In the illusory world, violent earthquakes were happening even far away from the battlefield.

Cracks appeared on the earth like hideous wounds.

Countless human settlements were affected, and houses collapsed and turned into ruins.

This scene looks shocking.

No one knows how many innocent people will be affected and die tragically in this battle.

Xiao Zhi had no time to feel sorry for others. The reason why he was released from the Mountains, Rivers and State Map by Luo Yiyi was because he still had something very important to do, which was to quickly recruit more people!

Although the mighty Buddha is strong, Lord Ziyuan is not weak either.

But with them alone, it would be very difficult to kill the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming in a short period of time.

The longer the delay, the greater the chance of changes.

At this time, we need to recruit more people.

Less than a second later, a figure appeared next to Xiao Zhi.

This is an exquisite young man with a jade light on his body, who is the original ancestor.

The next moment, another figure appeared out of thin air not far from Xiao Zhi.

The Jade Spirit Giant was also teleported over by Xiao Zhi.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Mengtian was also pulled over by Xiao Zhi.

Then there are Emperor Kongtian and Hongzu.

In the blink of an eye, all the strongest combat power that Heaven Realm could mobilize were teleported by Xiao Zhi.

In order to be able to kill the Holy Lord Eternal Ming with a thunderous force, Xiao Zhi was willing to risk everything!

The figures of the original ancestor and others who were teleported quickly became illusory, and when they reappeared, they were already in that illusory world.

At this time, except for Xiao Zhi, all the strongest combat forces in the heaven have entered the Shanhe Sheji Map.

They have only one goal, and that is the Holy Lord of Eternity!

They must kill the Holy Lord Eternal Ming as quickly as possible!

As soon as the figures of the original ancestor and others appeared in the map of mountains and rivers, they all showed their magical powers and killed the Holy Lord Eternal Ming.

At this time, Luo Yiyi was floating over a dense forest tens of thousands of miles away from the battlefield.

She did not participate in the battle, but her body was constantly trembling, as if she was trying her best to control something, and she seemed to be trying her best to suppress something.

With so many powerful people entering the Mountains and Rivers State Map, the world in the Mountains and Rivers State Map became more and more trembling.

The whole world is trembling.

Countless cracks appeared on the earth.

Volcanoes, tsunamis, flash floods, storms, and various extreme environments have appeared in this world.

Countless human settlements were turned into ruins.

Countless human beings died tragically in this disaster.

Later, for no reason, some trees exploded into sawdust all over the sky, some rivers flowed backwards into the sky, some mountains suddenly collapsed, rocks splashed, and some souls wandering aimlessly wailed and collapsed into pieces. nothingness.

Xiao Zhi could feel that after carrying so many powerful people, this mountain, river, and state map had become extremely unstable and might collapse at any time.

'hurry up! Hurry up and kill the Holy Lord Eternal Ming! ’

‘We must kill the Holy Lord of Eternal Ming before the Shanhe Shejitu collapses! ’ Xiao Zhi yelled in his heart.

At this time, Xiao Zhi's heart was almost in his throat.

Although he was very anxious, Xiao Zhi did not stay where he was and watch the battle.

There were spatial ripples visible to the naked eye, emerging from him.

The next moment, Xiao Zhi's figure disappeared into the air out of thin air. When he reappeared, he had crossed a long distance and appeared not far from the source-devouring forest of the Eternal Lord.

The Forest of Devouring Source still exists, but its scope has been reduced by more than half compared to before.

Countless source-devouring trees were destroyed.

On the ground, there was a mess.

When Xiao Zhi's figure appeared not far from the Forest of Devouring Sources, the eyes of the Eternal Lord immediately fell on Xiao Zhi and shouted: "Where have they gone?"

The people the Eternal Lord refers to are naturally Emperor Kong Tian and others.

Just now, Emperor Kong Tian and others were here fighting him and Lord Yongtu to death.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Emperor Kong Tian and others all disappeared and ran away...

The jade light on Xiao Zhi's body flickered non-stop, constantly repairing his scarred old body.

Faced with the question of the Eternal Lord, Xiao Zhi smiled coldly and said, "Where have they gone? I don't need to tell you this, you should know it too, right?"

Lord Yongtu once again raised his crutch.

As soon as Lord Yongtu made a move, Xiao Zhi's figure disappeared into thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already tens of thousands of miles away.

Yongtu Lord's attack is really terrible. Xiao Zhi is not in a good condition now. He doesn't want to bear Yongtu Lord's attack anymore.

The Lord of Eternal Life said with a gloomy face: "How many people have come to the Eternal Realm in total?"

Xiao Zhidao: "How many people have come from the Eternal Realm, don't you know? It seems that the cooperation between you and the Eternal Realm is very problematic."

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