This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1824 Survival

There was a flash of jade light on Xiao Zhi's body, and the golden flame dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye until it disappeared without a trace.

"Husband, are you okay?" Si Wei sensed this scene and asked a little worriedly.

"I'm fine. I have a holy body to protect me. This little flame can't threaten me." Xiao Zhi said calmly.

Although Xiao Zhi looked calm on his face, he was a little solemn in his heart.

This flame was not simple, it was like a tarsal maggot that stuck to his arm. Even if he activated the Tianji Holy Body, he could not dispel it and could only suppress it temporarily.

That's all. Just now, Supreme Mingde suddenly appeared and blocked his and Si Wei's path, forcing him and Si Wei to change directions and flee in other directions.

As a result, it would not be so easy for him to reunite with Luo Yiyi.

‘The matter has come to this, and they must be informed. ’

Xiao turned his hand over, and a pale golden ball appeared out of thin air in his palm.

Soon, this pale golden bead bloomed with bright golden Buddha light, and the voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian came from it: "Emperor Zhitian, what's the matter?"

Xiao Zhi spoke at a very fast speed and said straight to the point: "There is a newly promoted powerful person in the temple, called Supreme Mingde. I am being chased by him. Reinforcements are coming quickly!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi said these words, the black fog in front of him was dispersed by the dazzling golden light.

A golden sea of ​​fire appeared in front of Xiao Zhi out of thin air, filling his entire field of vision.

Si Wei reacted extremely quickly and immediately changed direction, taking Xiao Zhi with her, turning into a purple light and fleeing away from the golden sea of ​​fire.

A golden flaming sword was slashed out from the sea of ​​fire, chasing after them and about to fall on them.

Xiao Zhi snorted coldly, and struck out with his sword again, creating a huge black sword light and facing the flaming giant sword.

With a loud bang, the flaming giant sword exploded into a rain of golden fire that filled the sky, splashing in all directions at an incredible speed.

The speed at which the golden flames splashed was so fast that no one could react at all.

Xiao Zhi dodged and stopped in front of Si Wei, using his body to block a few splashes of golden flames.

As soon as these golden flames landed on Xiao Zhi, they began to explode.

But soon, they all went out.

Xiao Zhi's body was filled with jade light, and the expression on his face looked a little ferocious because of the pain.

"Husband, you don't have to be like this." Si Wei said with a worried look.

"It's okay. I have the Holy Body of Heaven to protect me. These flames can't kill me." Xiao Zhi said.

After saying that, he shouted again: "Don't be distracted. Fly quickly. We just need to hold on for a while. When the reinforcements arrive, we will be safe."

Si Wei bit her lip tightly, her eyes a little red.

It seemed that this dangerous situation squeezed out her potential. After reaching the limit, her speed actually increased slightly.

At this time, the voice of Emperor Kongtian came from the golden Buddha bead that Zi Xiaozhi was holding tightly: "Hang on! I'll be here right away!"

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian also came from the golden Buddha beads: "Emperor Zhitian, why don't you quickly upgrade the transmission channel to the highest level?"

Emperor Meng Tian's words were not addressed to his original form, Xiao Zhi, but to his avatar Xiao Zhi, who was sitting in the Hall of Power.

The voice belonging to the clone Xiao Zhi said: "It is already changing."

"I'm in the original heaven now. Send me to the entrance of the transmission channel quickly!" the voice belonging to Hong Ancestor hissed.

"And I!"

"And me!" Everyone said one after another.

"What Emperor Zhi Tian is facing is just a newly promoted powerful man. There is no need to go with so many people. I can just go with Emperor Kong Tian." A voice said.

This is the voice of the mighty Buddha.

"Change the direction and fly over there." Xiao Zhi pointed in one direction.

If he continues to fly in this direction, he and Si Wei will only get further and further away from Luo Yiyi, and the transmission channel from the heaven will also get further and further away.

Xiao Zhi sighed slightly in his heart.

Si Wei still has some strength, but she has obviously not experienced a life-and-death crisis, and her current state is obviously not calm enough. Under the pursuit of Supreme Mingde, she is already panicking.

Si Wei immediately changed direction and flew in the direction pointed by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's body exploded with several golden flames.

Soon, a rich jade light appeared on Xiao Zhi's body, forcing the golden flames to be suppressed.

At this time, Luo Yiyi, who was flying through the air in the black mist, suddenly stopped in the air.

At this time, in the black mist in front of her, a young man was standing quietly.

This is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes. The young man looks unattractive, but his eyes are as bright as stars.

Luo Yiyi stared at the young man blocking her way, narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you the Supreme God of Ming?"

"Yes, I am Mingshen." The young man nodded.

Luo Yiyi said in a cold voice: "As far as I know, you died decades ago."

The young man nodded again: "Yes, I have already died once."

Luo Yiyi said: "After dying once, do you still have the strongest level of strength?"

"No more." The young man shook his head.

Luo Yiyi smiled: "You don't even have the strength of the strongest level, how dare you stop me?"

As he said that, Luo Yiyi's figure suddenly became blurred and turned into a black afterimage, killing the Supreme Ming Shen!

The Mingshen Supreme also smiled: "You are not the strongest, why don't I dare to stop you?"

When he said these words, the figure of Ming Shen Supreme suddenly became blurry.

The next moment, dozens of young figures emerged from the black mist one by one.

Luo Yiyi's figure hovered in the air. She turned her eyes and scanned these teenagers one by one. She said lightly: "I have read your information. Your trick may be very useful to others, but To me, it’s not worth mentioning at all.”

When he said these words, a faint shadow of the world emerged from Luo Yiyi's body, and then rippled in all directions like water waves at an incredible speed.

The expressions of these supreme gods who emerged in the black mist all changed at this moment.

Their figures all became illusory, floating back like ghosts.

One of the Supreme Mingshen also had spatial ripples visible to the naked eye.

This is the true form of the Supreme Myojin.

Sensing the danger, the Mingshen Supreme wanted to leave here through space teleportation.

However, his movements seemed a little slow.

Before he could complete the transmission, a shadow of the world came and passed over his body.

As the shadow of the world rippled, the space suddenly became empty.

Whether it is the original form of the Supreme Ming God, or the clones of the Supreme Ming God, or even the ubiquitous black mist in this space, they have disappeared.

Everything in this space was forcibly pulled into his own map of mountains and rivers by Luo Yiyi.

Even the Holy Lord Eternal Ming can be forcibly drawn into her map of mountains and rivers, let alone the current Ming Shen Supreme.

After forcibly pulling the Supreme Ming Shen into the Mountain and River Sheji Map, Luo Yiyi's figure turned into a black afterimage and continued to fly forward.

Time passed by second by second.

"Increase her speed eight times!" said a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear.

The consumption of ten times speed was too great. Xiao Zhi, who had very little divine power left in his body, had to change the ten times speed blessed on Si Wei to eight times speed.

A voice came from far away: "Supreme Mingde, if you don't want to die, let Emperor Zhi Tian go!"

This is the voice of Emperor Kongtian.

The Sky Emperor and the Mighty Buddha have arrived at the temple and are on their way over.

Luo Yiyi is also on the way here.

Xiao Zhi held the Sky Sword tightly in his hand, and the jade light on his body was extremely rich, suppressing the golden flames on his body.

He shouted again: "Supreme Mingde, if you want to live, stop your stupid actions!"

"Kill him!" the voice belonging to Mingyu Supreme shouted.

Golden light once again filled Xiao Zhi's vision.

Relying on space teleportation, Supreme Mingde once again stopped in front of Xiao Zhi and Si Wei.

Si Wei was in a bad state due to the lack of life and death training, but her reaction speed was still extremely fast. The moment Supreme Mingde appeared, she had already grabbed Xiao Zhi's hand and changed the direction. Taking Xiao Zhi, he flew through the air in a direction away from Mingde Supreme.

Only this time, her flying speed was slower than before, causing the surging golden flames to almost engulf her and Xiao Zhi's figures.

After narrowly avoiding the golden flames, another mountain-like flaming giant sword slashed out from the golden sea of ​​fire, slashing at Xiao Zhi and Si Wei at incredible speed!

"Cut!" Xiao Zhi's expression was ferocious, and he once again grasped the Sky Sword tightly and slashed out a huge black sword energy.

At this time, he really had very little divine power left in his body.

If his sword was ten times more powerful with the power of 'Speech and Dharma Suit', it is estimated that the divine power in his body would be exhausted after this sword blow.

Once the divine power in his body is exhausted, he and Si Wei will probably be no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping block. It will be easy for Supreme Mingde to kill them in this situation.

Therefore, his sword was only blessed with eight times the power.

With the blessing of eight times the power, the power of this sword will be weaker than that of ten times, but not too much.

Xiao Zhi originally thought that his sword with eight times the power should be able to withstand the flaming sword of Supreme Mingde.

As a result, the swords collided, and the incoming flaming sword did not collapse and turn into a rain of fire like before. Instead, after a violent shock, it turned into a fire dragon and bit into Xiao Zhi.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank!

Xiao Zhi is the kind of person who becomes calmer in critical moments.

At this moment, he was extremely calm.

At this moment, a wry smile appeared on his face.

This time, he should be doomed.

Even after realizing this, Xiao Zhi was still thinking about how to save himself.

In an instant, he thought of many things.

Immediately, his body slammed into Si Wei, and a high-god-level aura suddenly broke out!

Caught off guard, Si Wei was knocked out!

The moment Si Wei was knocked out, the golden fire dragon rolled over and swallowed Xiao Zhi in one bite.

"No!" Si Wei screamed, her voice shrill.

But a voice rang in her ears: "Let's go! Let's go quickly! It doesn't matter if I die, I can just resurrect you. If you die, I have to resurrect you again, which will consume more world sources!" Leave quickly!"

This is Xiao Zhi's voice.

Si Wei was startled and turned around subconsciously to see a pocket version of Xiao Zhi standing on her shoulder, looking up at her.

This was the clone that Xiao Zhi had just condensed.

The clone that Xiao Zhi gathered in a hurry was far from even the god level, and only had a low level of cultivation that could reach the Nascent Soul realm, but it was enough to send messages to Si Wei.

"Husband, you..." As soon as Si Wei said her words, the clone Xiao Zhi interrupted her and shouted sternly: "Let's go! Leave quickly! Don't you even listen to my words? I said it, I Won’t die! Won’t die!”

Si Wei gritted her teeth: "Okay! I'm leaving!"

As she said that, she turned into a purple thunder light, drew a purple trajectory in the black fog, and flew through the sky in the direction where the Kongtian Emperor's voice just came from.

The next second, the eight times speed that had been blessed on her disappeared.

Si Wei's flying speed suddenly dropped.

Si Wei couldn't help but show an expression of pain on her face.

She thought that Xiao Zhi had been burned to death by fire.

She subconsciously glanced at the clone Xiao Zhi standing on her shoulder.

The figure of the clone Xiao Zhi seemed a bit illusory. He sat down on Si Wei's shoulder and said weakly: "Don't think too much, I'm not dead yet..."

After a pause, he said weakly: "I have a Dzogchen-level Heavenly Holy Body to protect me. If he wants to kill me, it won't be that easy..."

At this time, the golden fire dragon that had swallowed Xiao Zhi had turned around and entered the golden sea of ​​fire.

In the blazing golden sea of ​​fire, a little jade-colored light was shining tenaciously.

This jade-colored light is none other than Xiao Zhi!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's body curled up into a ball, and his Tianji Holy Body was activated to the extreme!

His Heavenly Saint Body is an eight-star immortal technique, and he has already cultivated it to the Great Perfection level!

The Holy Body of Tianji not only helped him control the heaven, but also gave him unparalleled defense power.

The only way he can think of to survive now is to rely on his Tianji Holy Body to resist the attack of the Supreme Mingde for as long as he can.

As long as he can hold on until Emperor Kongtian, Mighty Buddha, or Luo Yiyi arrives, then his life will be saved.


At this time, Xiao Zhi felt severe pain everywhere in his body.

He felt like a wax figure that had been thrown into a furnace and was melting rapidly.

At the same time, a strong pulling force acted on his body.

He was very familiar with this pulling force.

This is someone trying to teleport him.

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