This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1849 Prayer

Luo Yiyi said at this time: "The heaven is fundamental to us. We will inevitably allocate part of our strength to guard the heaven, and then gather the remaining strength to counterattack the two realms of Yongtu and Yongtu. This point, Yongtu, The two realms of eternity can be easily deduced. I feel that they do not have to launch an attack on our heaven realm when we launch a counterattack. They can also unite and fight us to the death on their territory."

As soon as Luo Yiyi said this, the eyes of everyone present fell on her.

Roy Yiyi paused and continued: "We will have a decisive battle with them on their territory while dedicating part of our strength to guard the heaven. It's really not certain who will win and who will lose."

After hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

Xiao Zhi slowly opened his mouth and said: "Our heaven realm currently has a total of fourteen strongest combatants. For this counterattack, even Heisha and Yaoyang from the super star realm, Ling Ao and Yunshen from the Oyun Batu realm all responded positively. , participate in this counter-offensive with us. Our strongest combat power is only eighteen in total. The original heaven requires at least eight strongest to be stationed in order to barely resist the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm. joint invasion, in this way, only the ten strongest ones are left to participate in this counterattack. If it is true as Emperor Kuntian said, the two realms of Yongtu and Eternity will be on their territory, and they will fight against each other. If we fight to the death, it’s really hard to predict who will win and who will lose.”

Emperor Meng Tian said with a gloomy expression: "If we really can only send ten of the strongest to participate in this counterattack, if we fight them on their territory, we will most likely lose. "

"Yes." Emperor Kongtian nodded with a heavy expression and said: "On their territory, they will have a huge home field advantage, and their legions can also use their combined attack method to The strongest level of combat power comes out."

Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly and said: "We want to fight this counterattack. It seems that it is not as easy as imagined. If we use all our strength to attack them, the original heaven will inevitably be empty. They can take advantage of this opportunity. Invade our heaven on a large scale and carry out a devastating blow to our heaven."

When Xiao Zhi was about to continue speaking, Yang Xi, who was sitting next to him, said somewhat puzzledly: "Brother, if we really encounter this kind of situation, we can just call back for help, right?"

"It's not that simple." Xiao Zhi said: "After we penetrate deep into their big realm, we can't just send back reinforcements if we want to. In away games, we don't have the ability to teleport, so we can only rely on our strength to fly hard." .”

Yang Xi opened his big eyes and looked at Xiao Zhi, still a little puzzled: "We don't need to go deep into their territory. We can also follow their example and launch an attack on their original world near the transmission channel. Yeah, isn’t that enough?”

"No." Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, explaining: "The Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm are different from our heavenly realm. The origins of their worlds are gathered together, such as the dominant stars in the Yongtu Realm. , is the polymer of the origin of the world. In this case, it is useless for us to bombard their origin world near the transmission channel. We can only go deep into the hinterland of Yongtu Realm and destroy all the masters of Yongtu Realm. Only the stars can destroy this Yongtu Realm."

What Xiao Zhi said was known to all the other powerful people present. Only Yang Xi was a little confused because he had just come into contact with it.

"That's it..." Yang Xi showed a thoughtful expression on his face and said, "Brother, then we can also transform the heaven into this. In this way, if they want to destroy our heaven, they will not be able to do so." It’s that simple.”

Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly and said: "I have already inquired through the system elf, but it cannot be transformed. If it could be transformed, I would have transformed the heaven through the sentient system."

"It can't be reformed... Then why can they be reformed?" Yang Xi asked doubtfully.

"Who knows this?" Xiao Zhi shook his head gently.

Tu Ming said at this time: "I think it is okay for us to go out in full force during the counterattack."

With a quick glance, the eyes of everyone present, including Xiao Zhi and Yang Xi, fell on Tu Ming.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tu Ming just smiled and continued: "Everyone must be clear that in addition to the heaven, we also have the Aoyunbatu realm and the super star realm as escape routes. Once the heaven realm is destroyed, we We can migrate to the Oyunbatu Realm or the Super Star Realm, and we can still live well."

Emperor Mengtian said coldly: "Tu Ming, you think too simplistically."

"Please give me some advice from Emperor Mengtian." Tu Ming smiled and said.

Emperor Mengtian said: "Once the heaven realm is destroyed, how are we going to go to the Aoyun Batu realm and the super star realm? Do we need to fly across the chaotic void? You should know that it takes a long time to cross the void. During this period In time, people from the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm can destroy the Oyunbatu Realm and the Super Star Realm first, so how should we respond to this?"

A wry smile appeared on Tu Ming's face and he said, "I didn't think carefully."

At this time, Yang Xi spoke again: "Brother, before we counterattack, we can condense two transmission channels, one leading to the Oyunbatu realm and the other to the super star realm. In this way, even if the heaven is really is destroyed, we can also follow the transmission channel and quickly go to the Oyunbatu Realm and the Super Star Realm."

Xiao Zhi turned to look at Yang Xi and said: "It's not as simple as you think. Condensing the teleportation channel requires the world's origin. Those of us who go to the Oyunbatu Realm and the Super Star Realm through the teleportation channel also need to consume the world's origin. , once the heaven is destroyed and the origin of the world ceases to exist, even if the transmission channel is right in front of us, we will not be able to use it to go to other great realms."

"That's it..." Yang Xi's face showed a thoughtful expression again.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, feeling a little big.

He originally thought that with their current strength in the Heaven Realm, this counterattack would be very simple. They only needed to mobilize their strength and could easily crush the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm into rubble.

Who would have imagined it? If you think about it carefully, things are not that simple at all.

As long as the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm stick together tightly and respond correctly in this counterattack, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

The Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm are now just incapable of maintaining their offensive and unable to take the initiative to attack the Heaven Realm.

If they just go on the defensive, it won't be that easy for Heaven to attack them.

In the Supreme Hall, the atmosphere seemed a little dull for a while.

After a moment of silence, Hongzu hissed: "What you just said is based on the fact that the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm are closely united. Don't forget, the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm are just because of us. Because of the Heavenly Realm, they are forced to stick together, and they cannot truly be monolithic, because essentially they are still in a competitive relationship."

Emperor Kongtian nodded and said: "You are right, Hongzu, but we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case they really become unprecedentedly united under our pressure, the situations we expected, It's possible, isn't it?"

Hong Zu hissed: "Then what should we do? Should we continue to have a stalemate with them like this?"

Emperor Kong Tian sighed softly.

Emperor Mengtian said in a deep voice: "It will take half a year for God Lord Linyuan's injuries to heal. During these six months, everyone should think carefully and see if you can think of any good way to break the situation."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

In the Supreme Hall, it soon became quiet.

In the original heaven, over a wasteland, I, Xiao Zhi, sat cross-legged on a gray cloud and said to Yang Xi who was sitting next to him: "Practice hard. With your cultivation talent, half a year will be enough for you to improve your strength." A piece of it."

"Yes. I will practice hard." Yang Xi nodded.

She turned to look at Xiao Zhi: "Brother, must we launch a counterattack on Yongtu Realm and Eternal Realm in half a year?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head slightly and said: "Not necessarily, it depends on the situation. If time continues to drag on and it is beneficial to us, then it is okay to delay for a while. But if time continues to drag on, it will not be good for us. If it's not good for us but good for them, then the sooner this decisive battle takes place, the better."

Yang Xi nodded when he heard this, and then asked: "Brother, if this counterattack goes smoothly, after we have wiped out both the Yongtu Realm and the Eternal Realm, will we still have to fight against the Super Star?" Realm and Oyunbatu Realm take action?”

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "That's for sure. In this era, there can only be one great realm in the end, and that is our heaven. As for other great realms, they can only be destroyed. This world is so cruel, There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Yang Xi said: "What if in this era, three great realms are allowed to continue?"

Xiao Zhi said: "Until the last moment, who can know how many survival places there will be in this era? Therefore, no one dares to take this risk."

Yang Xi said: "If there is some way to know in advance that the number of survival quotas in this era is three, brother, will you still choose to take action against the Super Star Realm and Oyun Batu Realm?"

Xiao Zhi turned his head, stared at Yang Xi, and said, "Yang Xi, can you predict the survival quota in this era?"

"No, how is this possible?" Yang Xi shook his head and said, "I'm just curious and asked casually."

"That's it..." Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment and said, "Even if there are three survival quotas in the end, the heaven will eventually take action against the Super Star Realm and Aoyun Batu Realm."

"Why?" Yang Xi asked a little confused.

Xiao Zhi said: "There is no reason, everything is to make the heaven continue better."

Yang Xi frowned slightly, and was about to speak, but Xiao Zhi spoke first and said: "Okay, stop thinking about it, practice hard, and in half a month, I will come to you to discuss and test your skills. The results of practice.”

After saying that, Xiao Zhi's figure became blurred and disappeared from Yang Xi's sight in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was already beside Si Wei.

"Husband, you're back." Si Wei said with some joy when she saw Xiao Zhi's return.

"Yeah." Xiao Zhi nodded.

"Husband, you seem to have something on your mind." Si Wei looked at Xiao Zhi and whispered.

"It's nothing. I just found some difficulties when discussing the counterattack on Yongtu Realm and Eternal Realm. It's not a big deal." Xiao Zhi shook his head lightly and said.

Si Wei nodded lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Next, Xiao Zhi continued to ponder his original magical power [Xuanshui Sword] and continued to study his most powerful divine realm.

Again, the strength can be improved a little bit.

The difference from before is that Xiao Zhi now likes to sit on the gray clouds, support his head with his hands, and think about something during his breaks in practice. He usually spends more than half an hour thinking about it.

On this day, in Xiao Zhi's divine realm.

The sky is cloudless and blue.

A figure appeared in the sky out of thin air.

This is Xiao Zhi's consciousness projection.

As consciousness descended into his divine realm, Xiao Zhi could clearly feel that there were traces and wisps of mysterious power floating out from everywhere in his divine realm like smoke, converging towards him.

This thread, wisp of power is exactly the power of the will of all living beings.

When he carefully felt the will power of all living beings, he could even vaguely see some pictures and hear some sounds.

This scene is all about praying to him.

These voices are all voices praying to him.

Xiao Zhi thought, and a picture suddenly became clear.

This is a young man wearing tattered military uniforms, who is in the room, kneeling in front of his portrait, and bowing to his portrait.

While prostrating, the young man was still praying: "Supreme Emperor and Supreme God, tomorrow I will take the entrance examination of the Changsheng Sect. Please ask the omnipotent Supreme Emperor and Supreme God to bless me to pass smoothly. Take the entrance examination and become a disciple of the Changsheng Sect!"

As he spoke, the young man kowtowed three times to the portrait of Xiao Zhi hanging on the wall.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shook his head.

This is how you develop believers and collect willpower.

After some people become your believers, they will worship you like a Bodhisattva, pray to you constantly, make wishes to you, and ask you to protect them.

He doesn't need any expression to deal with the wishes of these believers, he just accepts the wishes.

The picture in front of him shattered instantly, and another picture emerged from among the many pictures, and it quickly became clear.

This was an old man with some gray hair. He was kneeling in front of his portrait, kowtowing and making wishes and prayers with a face full of despair.

On the ground next to him, blood was flowing all over the ground. A young man was lying in the pool of blood, his face was pale, and he had fallen into a coma.

The young man's lower half of his shoulder was gone, and there were obvious signs of being bitten on the wound.

The young man's stomach was also bitten to pieces and was wrapped around with cloth strips. The internal organs inside could be seen through the cloth strips.

Such a serious injury would basically be declared dead for an ordinary person.

There were several people standing at the door, all with sad expressions on their faces.

The young man was injured by the ferocious beast and was obviously hopeless.

Because it was hopeless, the young man's father carried him to Xiao Zhi's portrait, kowtowed to the portrait and prayed.

Praying to the idol is the only thing this father who has fallen into despair can do.

He was extravagantly hoping that the omnipotent supreme god above the portrait could save his son.

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