This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1907: Ways to Break the Situation

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"Second brother!" Yang Xi shouted.

Yang Xu had already arrived in front of the black gate, waving the sword in his hand and slashing at the black gate.


The black gate trembled violently, and became illusory and blurred at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yang Xu chopped down with a knife and stabbed with a sword again, completely smashing the black gate into nothingness.

It was not until this time that Yang Xu turned around and looked at Yang Xi with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

Yang Xi groaned and said, "It's okay, I thought you were going to rush in.

Yang Xu said, "Big brother told me not to go in, how could I go in. "

Xiao Zhi looked at the black portal that turned into a bubble and disappeared in the sky, feeling a little emotional.

He thought that he had chopped so many times before, but he couldn't break the portal. As a result, Yang Xu went over and chopped the portal into nothingness with a few strokes. The difference was really big.

It was too difficult for him to be a clone. He only had a high god-level realm. He only 'inherited' the [Qingming Tianmu] of the original body. As for the other methods, they were not worth mentioning...

Soon after, everyone returned to Li Kuo's snowfield under the leadership of Yang Xu.

On the snowfield, under the huge tree of life, there were several wounded sitting and lying.

Blood Bear was originally a wounded, and as for the others, they were injured by those diamond giants when they fought with those god-level diamond giants in the previous battle.

Fortunately, the injuries were not serious. As long as they rested for a few days, they should be able to recover.

"Brother, next, we will wait here?" Yang Xi landed in front of the tree of life and asked.

"What else? "Xiao Zhi said: "The Giant Star Universe is so big, what else can we do except waiting here? Should we go to support other teams? If we want to support the team closest to us, it will probably take seven or eight days. It's too far, and support is simply unrealistic. "

Yes, it's too far.

This is not the heaven, and they are not the strongest.

It is unrealistic for their team to support any team.

After being sent to the Giant Star Universe, these teams are destined to fight on their own.

After the ruling clan of the Giant Star Universe appeared, whether these teams can survive depends on the strength and luck of each team.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's words, Yang Xi said with a somewhat gloomy expression: "I hope that Lord Ziyuan can catch this so-called true god clan in one fell swoop. "

"I hope so. "Xiao Zhi nodded.

If this so-called True God Clan cannot be quickly wiped out, it will have a great impact on their actions in the Superstar Universe, and even cause a devastating blow.

Therefore, this so-called True God Clan must be resolved as soon as possible.

'If Lord Ziyuan cannot resolve this True God Clan, wait until the new transmission channel is opened up, let Luo Yiyi come over, the True Buddha clone of the Great Powerful Buddha can also be sent over, the clone of Lord Linyuan is as powerful as the strongest, and can also be sent over, and my few visualization objects, although their strength is not as strong as the strongest, are still much stronger than ordinary high gods, and can also be sent over...' Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

'Call these combat forces over, We should be able to wipe out this so-called true god clan. ’

‘And Si Wei…’

Time passed by minute by minute.

Outside the Tree of Life, the cold wind howled and the ice was biting.

Under the Tree of Life, the climate was pleasant.

All the players stayed under the Tree of Life, either resting or gathering in groups of three or two, talking in low voices.

Above the snowfield, the mid-god-level Taoist soldier with a silver-white glow on his body floated in the sky, still responsible for standing guard for the players.

Unknowingly, a few hours passed.

Yang Xu, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and took out the Tianfo Buddha beads.

The Tianfo Buddha beads that were taken out emitted a faint light, and the voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord came from it: "Emperor Zhitian, I failed."

When Xiao Zhi heard this voice, his heart sank and he said, "When you rushed over, the portal had disappeared?"

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord said: "No, the portal did not disappear."

"Then how could it fail? Did something happen after entering the portal? "Xiao Zhi frowned.

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord said: "Yes, as soon as I entered the portal, the space inside the portal became extremely unstable. Then, I don't know whether the space was broken or I was squeezed out of this space. When the space around me became stable again, I was already in the dark void. According to the positioning of the Tianfo Buddha beads, I am now several planets away from my original position. "

Xiao Zhi frowned and pondered.

Yang Xu said: "This situation occurred, either your energy level is too high, and this portal cannot withstand such a high energy level, or the True God Clan deliberately destroyed this portal when you were teleporting, so it happened. "

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord said: "Well, I think so too. "

Xiao Zhi said: "Ancestor God, what are you going to do?"

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord, after a moment of silence, said: "Since it is impossible to reach the True God Clan's lair by teleportation, then I can only fly over slowly. "

Yang Xi said: "Take the planet where the teleportation array is located as the origin and fly forward along your current position?"

"Yes." said Lord Ziyuan.

Yang Xi said: "They can teleport, but we can't. If Lord Ziyuan is lucky and finds their lair after much hardship, but they don't fight with you, Lord Ziyuan, and teleport away directly after seeing you, what should we do?"

The voice of Lord Ziyuan was silent for a while, and said: "I am in charge of the Superstar Universe, I can't do nothing, right?"

Xiao Zhi sighed lightly and said: "The home advantage of the True God Clan in the Superstar Universe is really too great."

The people of the True God Clan can teleport freely in the Superstar Universe through the teleportation gate, and they can fight and leave as they want.

On the other hand, although the Heaven Realm has a great advantage in strength, it has nowhere to use its strength in front of the enemy's 'high mobility', and instead falls into a passive position.

So, what should be done to break the situation?

Xiao Zhi thought quickly in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi said, "Or, let's have a good talk with the True God Clan?"

The Heaven Realm and the Superstar Universe, one is the invader and the other is the invaded. Although they are in a hostile relationship, it is not a life-and-death struggle, and there is still a certain room for negotiation.

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord was silent for a while, and said, "Emperor Zhitian, do you want to negotiate with the True God Clan?"

Xiao Zhi said, "If the negotiation can achieve the goal, I don't mind talking to them. After all, our goal is only the origin of the world, not to occupy the Superstar Universe."

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord said, "Yang Xi, what do you mean?"

Yang Xi said very straightforwardly, "I listen to my eldest brother, and do whatever my eldest brother wants."

The voice of the Purple Abyss God Lord said with some entanglement, "We are a super magic universe. It is really embarrassing to negotiate with a mere high magic universe."

Xiao Zhi felt a little funny when he heard this.

He didn't expect that the Purple Abyss God Lord would be so face-saving.

But it is understandable.

After all, Lord Ziyuan is the most powerful being. In the eyes of many powerful beings, those below him are all ants.

It is really difficult for him to give up his dignity and negotiate with the ants in his eyes.

Thinking so in his heart, Xiao Zhi said: "It is indeed a bit embarrassing, but our god-level players are now scattered all over the Superstar Universe. Although each player team has a high god player sitting in the command, and their strength is not weak, if the True God Clan is determined to kill our players, our players will definitely suffer heavy losses."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "If our players lose too many, it will be difficult for us to quickly obtain the origin of the world from this Superstar Universe."

Seeing that Lord Ziyuan did not speak, Xiao Zhi said again: "If the players lose too many, Zu Shen, someone in the Strongest Hall will probably question your ability..."

Xiao Zhi's words seemed to hit Lord Ziyuan's soft spot. The voice of Lord Ziyuan said: "Emperor Zhitian, you have the final say in the heaven now. If you want to talk with the True God Clan, I can't do anything. Let's talk. As for how to talk, you can come up with a charter and I will obey you."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi secretly said that he was an old fox.

This Lord Ziyuan is really an old fox. He has called the ancestor god for so long, but it was in vain.

Don’t think that Lord Ziyuan said beautifully and said that he would follow his orders. In fact, this is shirking responsibility and passing the buck.

After passing the buck, no matter what happened in the Superstar Universe, it was Xiao Zhi’s responsibility, and it had nothing to do with Lord Ziyuan.

At that time, when negotiating with the True God Clan of the Superstar Universe, it was Xiao Zhi who was embarrassed, and it had nothing to do with Lord Ziyuan.

Although he guessed what Lord Ziyuan was thinking in an instant, Xiao Zhi could only complain a few words in his heart, and there was nothing he could do about this old fox.

After all, Lord Ziyuan is now the biggest reliance of these players.

Next, he still has to rely on the power of Lord Ziyuan.

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "How we should negotiate with the True God Clan depends on your opinion, the Ancestor God."

The voice of Lord Ziyuan said, "No need. You can decide how to negotiate. When you have thought it through, just let me know."

After that, before Xiao Zhi could speak again, the Buddha beads floating in the air had dimmed.

"Why is Lord Ziyuan like this?" Yang Xi said with some dissatisfaction.

Xiao Zhi glanced at her and said, "It's useless to say anything now. Come and help me think about how we should negotiate with the True God Clan next."

After that, Xiao Zhi looked at the players who were looking over here not far away and said, "You all come over and give me some advice."

"Oh, okay..." The players came over.

Yang Xu said in a muffled voice: "Brother, if we start negotiations with the True God Clan, it may be bad for your reputation. After all, we come from the Super Magic Universe." Xiao Zhi said: "Reputation doesn't matter. As long as we do this, we can protect our players and achieve our goals." Yang Xu nodded and said: "I understand."

After a moment of hesitation, Yang Xu said, "I think when we talk to the True God Clan, we must first show our fangs and tell them that we are far stronger than them. If they don't want to be exterminated, they should stop their stupid actions and stop attacking us. If they are stubborn, when our new transmission channel is opened up and the army is on the border, they will be wiped out. At that time, there will be no more talks." "Yang Xu, please continue." Xiao Zhi said. Yang Xu continued, "After you have frightened the True God Clan with your words, you can tell us that what we want is only the origin of the world in this universe. We are not interested in other things in this universe, and we have no intention of challenging their True God Clan's dominance in this universe. After we have obtained enough world origins here, we will naturally leave here..."

Xiao Zhi praised, "Yang Xu, I didn't expect you to know a lot about negotiations."

Yang Xu said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry to make you laugh, brother. These are all from my memories of a previous life..."

"So that's it." Xiao Zhi nodded, indicating that he knew.

Next, everyone gathered together to continue discussing this matter.

After a while, Xiao Zhi had already made up his mind, and without wasting time, he said directly, "Yang Xu, contact the Purple Abyss God Lord."

"Okay." Yang Xu nodded, took out the Tianfo Buddha beads again, and began to contact the Purple Abyss God Lord...

On a gray planet.

A terrifying demon shadow was flying at lightning speed in the sky.

There were several figures floating beside this terrifying demon shadow.

One of the figures was Zhu Changwu.

"Captain, Liu Xing is about to die." A player floating beside the terrifying demon shadow hugged a player who was almost inhuman and said miserably.

No one spoke, only the whistling sound of the wind could be heard.

Just a few seconds later, the seriously injured and dying player let out a painful groan and swallowed his last breath.

Still no one spoke.

It was not until a few seconds later that Zhu Changwu clenched his fist and smashed it hard into the air: "Hateful!"

Not long ago, their team was attacked by the True God Clan.

There were a total of five people attacking them, two high gods and three middle gods.

As the captain, Ku Luoxian led them to fight. As a result, after a big battle, more than a dozen of their team members died, and only one middle god of the True God Clan died.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ku Luoxian could only flee with the rest of the people.

Until now, Ku Luoxian has finally gotten rid of those who were chasing them.

Seeing Zhu Changwu's painful expression, Ku Luoxian said in a low voice: "It's my fault. I was too arrogant and thought I could defeat those bastards, which led to the death of my brothers." Zhu Changwu gritted his teeth and said: "Old Immortal, this is not your fault. It was the decision of all of us to fight them. We can only blame ourselves for being too weak. We couldn't even beat these people from the high demon plane!"

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