This Game is Unusual

Chapter 261 Interview Video

"It has been confirmed that the 'World of All Beings' is not a game, not a product of alien technology, but a real different world."

"It has been confirmed that in this national war, our enemy, the players of Xuanming Kingdom, the world of sentient beings, came from a parallel world with a history very similar to ours and a higher level of technology. The speculation has been confirmed."

"It has been confirmed that the world where the party that loses the national war will have ancient demons appearing in the world, and this world will be destroyed. Feel panic, because we are very strong, our world has a population of 8 billion, there are countless passionate young people, there are countless soldiers who can fight, the ultimate victor can only be us, we will never fail!"

"The world of sentient beings is a brand new world. It has completely different physical rules from our world. This is a world where great power belongs to itself. This world is very big. The Dachang Kingdom where our players were born may be just one of them." In a small area, what we have come into contact with is only the tip of the iceberg of this world. This world is worth exploring for a generation, or even several generations. With the deepening of exploration, we may get some unexpected gains..."

"The world of sentient beings is not only a danger for us, but also an opportunity. People don't need to panic. Our government has formulated a comprehensive exploration plan. Our soldiers are carrying forward in the world of sentient beings..."

"The world of sentient beings is a different world. The exploration of other worlds is important, but the world we live in is our foundation. The world cannot be chaotic, and peace and stability must be maintained. This is a special period. We must unite as one. If Some people deliberately spread panic and deliberately create chaos in society, what awaits them will be severe legal punishment!"

On the screen, the old man was sitting upright, speaking with a calm expression.

At this moment, in the entire Xia Kingdom, and even the entire world, countless people were watching the old man speak in front of the screen.

From the mouth of the old man, every sentence, even every word, is so unbelievable.

If it were a year ago, or even half a year ago, someone said these words, and the people who heard them would only think that this person was crazy, maybe he had a paranoia attack.

But it’s different now. Even though countries around the world have controlled information and dealt with it coldly, after the two consecutive splash screen recommendations of “The World of All Beings”, many people have also noticed something strange, and some gossip is even worse. It is widely circulated among the people that due to the existence of the exclusive forum for the World of Sentient Beings game, many young people have actually learned part of the truth.

In addition, it was the leader of a country who said these things in front of the screen and in front of the public.

Xia Guo is not like some other countries in the world, Xia Guo's government is still very credible.

This is even more so for the leader of Xia Kingdom.

Will it be a lie if it comes from the mouth of a leader of a country?


At this moment, the entire Xia Kingdom was shocked and erupted.

In the past, although there were quite a few people who knew the truth about the "world of sentient beings", compared to the population of the entire Xia Kingdom and the entire world, these people were after all a minority.

But now, it is no longer a minority who know the truth.

At this moment, not only the country of Xia, but the whole world, the leaders of almost all countries are giving speeches, and what they are talking about is the truth about the 'world of sentient beings'.

After today, the truth about the "world of living beings" will be known to the whole world.

After the speeches of the leaders of various countries in the world, the previous blockade on the information of "The World of All Beings" has been quietly lifted.

Xia Guo, major video sites, major short video platforms, and after that, quietly released some videos.

These videos are also about the world of sentient beings.

Some are popular science videos about the "world of sentient beings", some are popular science videos about the world where players from enemy countries live, and some are exclusive interview videos of some high-level players in the world of sentient beings by Kyoto TV.

Not only Xiao Zhi was interviewed, but also Zhu Changwu, Yang Bin, Tang Lan, etc. Li Pingfeng was also included in the interview, Xie Ke was also there, but Duan Yi was not.

In Shashi, in a rented house, Xiao Zhi’s ex-girlfriend Shi Piao was sitting on the sofa, eating takeaway, watching videos on her mobile phone while eating takeaway.

On the sofa beside her was her boyfriend.

Boyfriend is playing a game.

It wasn't the galloping man that Xiao Zhi saw at the corner of the road that night a few months ago, but another young man with an angry face.

As for the big Ben male, it is already in the past tense, he has become Shi Piao's ex-boyfriend.

But this time, it was Shi Piao who took the initiative to dump Shi Piao. A few months ago, Shi Piao was dumped by the big guy as soon as he proposed marriage.

He hasn't had enough fun yet, why did he get married so early, it's just for fun, you really think I will marry you, what a silly woman.

After that, only a few days later, Shi Piao had a current boyfriend.

The current boyfriend met her before she broke up with Da Bennan, and as soon as she met her, he showed admiration for her.

With Da Bennan around, Shi Piao naturally looked down on this young man with no proper job, but after breaking up with Da Bennan, under the stalking of the ruffian young man, within a few days, Shi Piao fell. .

At the beginning, the naughty young man treated her well in every possible way, which made her feel like first love.

But in less than two months, her current boyfriend changed his face, and instead of doing anything, he just lay in the rented room of the two of them and played games. Punch and kick.

This world is so ridiculous.

Xiao Zhi was kind to her in every possible way before, treating her like a goddess, but she abandoned it like walking shoes, and chose to break up indifferently.

The current boyfriend treats her like a servant girl, but she silently chooses to bear it.

"Damn! Don't play anymore, these Zabi teammates are really mad at me!" The pissed young man threw his phone on the sofa and said angrily.

The commotion he made was a bit loud, and a bichon frize lying not far from the sofa barked suddenly, loudly.

The ruffian young man was in a fit of anger at this time, so he stood up angrily, and kicked it over, causing the bichon frize to bark in horror and dare not bark anymore.

"Damn it, it's annoying, tell me to kill you bastard again!" the ruffian young man cursed.

Shi Piao also stood up, his chest heaved, he glared at the ruffian young man and said, "Don't bully me!"

Thanks to book friends 20200309224229081, book friends 20191227180745616, and book friends 20171102064124526 for the rewards.

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