This Game is Unusual

Chapter 276 Marching

In the early morning of the next day, horns sounded melodiously outside Baisang County.

More than 20,000 black-armored sergeants lined up outside the city, with swords and guns everywhere, and flags waving.

There was no need for any messengers at all, and the resonant voice guarding Wei Guanglin rang in everyone's ears: "Dachang Kingdom is victorious! All armies, follow me!"

"Wan victorious! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Countless soldiers raised their weapons and roared loudly!

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Even the player team was infected by this atmosphere. Many players also raised their weapons high and roared loudly.

Xiao Zhi also held up the Frost Knife in his hand. At this moment, he was in the middle of the army, and under the influence of this atmosphere, he also felt his blood boil!

Why don't the men take the Wu hook and collect the fifty states of Guanshan.

In fact, many men have a battlefield dream in their hearts. Wouldn't it be fun to dream that they can gallop on the battlefield and kill generals and enemies? !

This battlefield dream is almost impossible to realize in the real world.

This scene often appears in games, film and television dramas, but no matter how realistic the movie is, it is still a movie. How can it be as immersive as it is now?

Before Xiao Zhi, he had never imagined that in this world of sentient beings with great power gathered in one body and full of fairy tales, he could also experience the life of a gold and iron horse.

"Let's go!" Wei Guanglin, the guard, let out an explosive roar, pointing the spear in his hand forward, and the tip of the spear lit up with a ball of golden light, like a shining sun!

Wei Guanglin, as a Jindan realm martial artist, did not ride a flying mount, but a huge tiger with golden flames all over his body.

This is a big monster called the Golden Flame Tiger. Its strength is comparable to that of a high-level foundation-building monk. It is extremely powerful, but it is as docile as a kitten sitting next to Wei Guanglin, a martial artist at the Golden Core level.

The army marched out, and on the city wall of Baisang County, which was a section higher than ordinary county towns, a general in armor shouted: "I wish the guards a triumphant return as soon as possible!"

"I wish the guards will return in triumph as soon as possible!" The sergeants standing on the city wall shouted together.

There are no ordinary people in the army, and the weakest have the strength of acquired warriors.

Below the road, it is all on foot.

Only monks in the foundation building period are eligible to ride a mount.

Both Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu were riding dragon colts, and they were also wearing armor, which was a sharp weapon-level general's armor.

In addition to Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu, among the 20,000 troops, there were also two foundation-building stage martial artists riding dragon horses and wearing general armor.

In addition to Wuxiu, there are also two spiritual practitioners from the Foundation Establishment period in the army.

The two spiritual cultivators were unarmored and followed behind the army.

A spiritual practitioner combed his hair in a bun, wore a light blue robe with fluttering sleeves, and rode a deer.

A spiritual cultivator was covered in a black robe, riding a giant black wolf with a pair of red eyes. Behind the giant black wolf, there were dozens of huge monsters. Without exception, monsters all have a pair of blood-colored eyes.

Not only walking on the ground, but also flying in the sky.

A few demon birds flew high in the sky, their eyes were also blood red.

These should all be corpse puppets.

During the march, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but look at the black-robed spirit cultivator a few more times.

This black-robed Lingxiu looked like a corpse puppet at first glance, so he couldn't be a member of the Evil Sect Corpse House Sect?

When a Wuxiu riding a dragon colt and wearing general armor rode past Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi grabbed him.

The person who was held by Xiao Zhi was a middle-aged man. His face was full of anger. When he saw that it was Xiao Zhi who was holding him, his expression softened.

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Guardian Liu, do you know the two spiritual practitioners behind?"

The person who was held back by Xiao Zhi was a guardian envoy under the command of Wei Guanglin, the town guard of Baisang County, and Xiao Zhi had a relationship with him once.

The envoy Liu Zhenshou turned his head and glanced back, and said, "I've only heard a little bit about it. The one who rides the deer is Taoist Zhong Qing from Qilian Mountain, and the one who plays with corpse puppets is Taoist cunning wood from the Corpse Sect."

"Corpse faction..." Xiao Zhi murmured, the corpse faction was not the corpse house faction, but he had heard the name before.

He is not ignorant of the sectarian power in Dachang Kingdom now, and he frowned slightly: "Isn't the Shiheng Sect listed as an evil sect by the government? How come someone came here?"

The envoy Liu Zhenshou heard this with a light smile and said, "The Shiheng Sect is indeed an evil sect, but when a war breaks out between our Dachang Kingdom and the Xuanming Kingdom, these evil sects can't stay out of the matter, either join the war or be wiped out."

"I see." Xiao Zhi showed a dazed expression.

After marching for sixty miles, the 20,000 troops led by Wei Guanglin, the guard, arrived at the front-line barracks, and then settled in the barracks.

When the army went to the front line, it didn't mean that they were about to go into battle immediately. They still needed to rest and eat to recover the physical strength consumed during the march.

Ten miles away from the barracks, the two armies were fighting. Even if they were separated by more than ten miles, they could see the smoke and dust rising into the sky, and they could faintly hear the shouts of killing.

"Damn it, there are really many rules here, and you have to rest for a whole day before you can go to the battlefield tomorrow. If you just rush to the past, it will be over. My monks, why not be afraid of a fight!" In the frontline barracks, Duan Yi threw his helmet on the battlefield. Turned aside, cursing in a low voice.

He didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear of being heard by the military judge in the barracks.

"There are indeed too many rules. I thought that I would go directly to the battlefield after I arrived. In the end, I had to wait a day." Li Pingfeng also took off the helmet on his face, with a helpless expression.

"This is a fairy tale world, why do you feel that the fairy tale style is gone all of a sudden, and it has become the style of the Warring States?" Another player also asked.

The inch-cut young man Yang Bin who was sitting on the side glanced at them and said, "Do you have any misunderstandings about the army? Let me tell you this, the army is actually the place where the rules are most respected. Without rules, there is no such thing as a square. Such an army On the battlefield, it is a mess, no matter how many people there are, it is useless, I came here with the army today, to be honest, what I saw and heard along the way made me look up to the army of this world."

Another young man with an inch head in the player also said: "Yang Bin is right. The army is actually the place where discipline and rules are the most important. The rules here are actually nothing. Our army in the real world, military discipline will only compare It's tougher."

Li Pingfeng glanced at Yang Bin and the player, and said, "Are you from the army?"

Yang Bin shook his head and said, "It used to be, but not now. I quit the army a few months ago, and now I'm working in the sentient beings group."

Li Pingfeng smiled and said: "I heard that the All Beings Group is going to expand and will become one of the most important departments in Xia Guo's government. The name will also be changed, and it will be changed to All Beings Army. I don't know if it's true. .”

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