This Game is Unusual

Chapter 393 Reversal of Chasing and Fleeing Trend

Those who chased out from Shuanglin County were all Foundation Establishment cultivators without exception.

The speed of the foundation-building monks is as fast as lightning, and they can span a hundred feet in an instant.

With a flash of Xiao Zhi's figure, he rushed into the denser forest in front of him. Behind him, the four monks who established the foundation also rushed into the forest.

The military cultivator of Xuanmingguo let out a loud shout, and stabbed out again. A huge shadow of the spear appeared, smashed the vegetation along the way instantly, and stabbed Xiao Zhi in the head.

At the same time, Xuan Mingguo's Foundation Establishment player wearing a Taoist uniform also made a move. A hill several feet high appeared in the sky, shining with earthy yellow light, and smashed towards Xiao Zhi's head!

This is not the first wave of attacks on Xiao Zhi.

Before, he had endured several attacks, and he was dodging and running away silently.

Facing the attack this time, Xiao Zhi no longer dodged.

He stopped, and the real energy in his body surged wildly, making his strength instantly rise to the peak of foundation establishment!

It's not too close to the Shuanglin County. At this distance, these people should have no way to escape back to Shuanglin County, right?

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

The reason why he fled so far silently like a turtle was because he was afraid that these guys would be defeated, so he fled back to Shuanglin County, where there was a large guard formation, and he had nothing to do with them.

The defensive power of the moat formation is still very strong.

Even the county-level moat formation with the weakest defense is not something that he can defeat in a short time.

Once the time has passed and the Golden Core Realm of Xuanming Kingdom, or even the Nascent Soul Realm overhaul is provoked, it will not end well.

These thoughts flashed by, and Xiao Zhi threw away the sharp weapon-level sword that had already been seriously damaged, and the Frost Sword filled with cold air appeared out of thin air, and he held it in his hand.


Xiao Zhi twisted his body and slashed out!

With this knife, he didn't spare any strength, and directly used his consummation-level military exploits [Canglong Breaks the Seal]!

As soon as the sword was struck, a long blue dragon galloped out, instantly shattering the huge spear shadow that was attacking him.

The hill that slammed into Xiao Zhi was also crushed by the saber energy like a green dragon, and it melted out of its body.

This is a small seal, shining with earthy yellow light, engraved with complicated patterns of mountains and rivers.

The dragon-shaped sword continued to move forward, and under the horrified eyes of the military cultivator in Xuan Mingguo, it rushed in front of him and tore him in half, both man and armor.

After tearing apart the martial artist in the Xuanming National Army, the dragon-shaped saber energy cut through several large trees surrounded by several people, leaving a bottomless and terrifying knife mark on the ground, which dissipated in the air middle.

The power of a knife is so terrifying!

After Xiao Zhi reached the peak of Foundation Establishment, his power when he cast [Canglong Breaks Seal] was further enhanced.

This Wuxiu in the Xuanming National Army, whose strength was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, was as fragile as paper when Xiao Zhi exploded his ultimate move, unable to catch a single blow.

Seeing the Foundation Establishment Wuxiu rushing to the front, Xiao Zhi cut him off with a single blow. The two Foundation Establishment players from the Xuanming Kingdom showed shock on their faces.

The Jiji Lingxiu who was wearing the black Taoist uniform turned pale, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

Just now when Xiao Zhi used [Canglong Break the Seal] to kill the martial artist in Xuanming Kingdom's army, he also defeated the hill that he transformed with the magic weapon, which caused him to suffer obvious backlash.

"It's Xiao Zhi!!" said the Foundation Establishment martial artist wearing a blue-gray military uniform with an ugly expression on his face.

When the blue dragon-shaped saber aura appeared, he recognized it was Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, as the number one player in Dachang Kingdom, has a very high reputation in his own world, and also has a very high reputation in the player circle of Xuanming Kingdom.

His impressive record made the people in the world where he lived excited and applauded, and it also made people in the world where Xuan Mingguo lived became very wary of him.

The information about Xiao Zhi, in the world where the players of Xuanming Kingdom, almost everyone has a copy, has been thoroughly researched long ago.

"Run away, we can't be his opponent." Zhu Ji Lingxiu said, even ignoring the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Want to escape? Leave them here for me!" Xiao Zhi also knew that his identity had been exposed, and holding the Frost Knife, he rushed towards the two Xuanming Kingdom Foundation Builders through the air.

Exposure, that is also impossible.

His [Canglong Breaks Seal] is really recognizable.

If he didn't use Canglong to break the seal, even if he was a peak foundation-establishment cultivator, he wouldn't be able to kill that middle-stage foundation-establishment martial artist in seconds.

Foundation Establishment cultivators are not that easy to kill, I really think Foundation Establishment cultivators are vulnerable cabbages.

Impossible to kill in seconds, time is delayed, and accidents may happen at any time.

Xiao Zhi didn't want this to happen.

Therefore, long before the operation started, Xiao Zhi had already decided to make a big move and make a quick decision.

When rushing towards the two foundation-builders of the Xuanming Kingdom, the Frost Knife in Xiao's hand turned dark blue again, and he once again used the battle exploit [Blue Dragon Breaking Seal].

At this moment, the two Xuanming Kingdom Foundation Establishment players had no courage at all. Facing Xiao Zhi who rushed towards him with a knife, they didn't have the slightest thought of resisting, and turned around and fled without hesitation!

The two fled separately, Lingxiu fled towards Shuanglin County, and Wuxiu fled towards a completely different direction deep in the mountain forest.

They are not stupid either, if they run away together, Xiao Zhi will probably kill them all at once, and only if they run away separately, will they have a chance of survival.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi only hesitated for a moment, then took a step with a knife, and rushed towards the spiritual player who was running towards Shuanglin County.

In this direction, not only the Lingxiu from Xuanming Kingdom is present, but also the old county lord from Shuanglin County is present.

The county venerable looked at the old man. In fact, he was the most powerful among the four foundation builders with his strength in the late stage of foundation establishment. When he was chasing and killing Xiao Zhi, he was hanging at the back, just hiding his clumsiness.

Just now, when Xiao Zhi revealed his true combat power and killed Xuan Mingguo's martial artist, his reaction was a little faster than the two foundation builders of Xuanming Kingdom.

He turned around without hesitation, broke out at the fastest speed he could achieve, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Shuanglin County.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi swung his saber, and slashed out another cyan dragon-shaped knife aura. The dragon-shaped saber aura caught up with the fleeing spiritual player in an instant, tore apart an earth-type defensive supernatural power on him, and tore apart His body-protecting true essence then tore his whole body into two halves.

At this time, the old county official was more than 300 feet away from him.

The magistrate who was running wildly let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

The distance of 300 feet is considered a relatively safe distance. Even if the opponent is stronger than him, it is not so easy to catch up with him.

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