This Game is Unusual

Chapter 614 Meeting the Enemy

Wearing a white Taoist uniform, Long San stepped into the Sumeru Realm, his eyes burst into dazzling golden light.

This is the vision presented by [Dharma Elephant Heavenly Eye].

The golden light in his eyes seemed to be two groups of golden flames burning.

And the vision revealed by Xiao Zhi's 【Diamond Eye】is like two golden laser beams.

There is a clear difference between the two.

After casting [Dharma Elephant Heavenly Eye], Long San glanced at the black mist ahead, his gaze spanned a distance of 600 feet, and directly fixed on Xiao Zhi and his party.

"Get ready to fight." Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice, a long knife appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and he held it in his hand.

This knife looks ordinary, it seems to be a sharp weapon, but it is actually a spiritual treasure, it is his new Lingbao-level long knife, the Sad Spring Knife.

"Is there anyone else coming?" Li Pingfeng asked nervously, tightening the treasure-level long knife in his hand.

"Only three people have come here for now." Xiao Zhi said.

"They have started to transform. It should be that no one has come here again. Three of us are going to challenge the five of us." Lu Zhong said on the side.

Xiao Zhi also looked forward intently, and saw a phantom of a white dragon appearing beside Long San's body. The phantom of the white dragon quickly solidified and turned into a white dragon about several feet long. The white dragon was carved like white jade. Usually, the dragon's beard flutters, walking silently beside Long San.

Mo Yi, a calm man who was sitting, also stood up at this time, with the magic flames on his body transpiring, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a tall and burly demon with purple-black skin, red eyes, and a ferocious face.

At the same time, Sha Wu was also transforming, his figure swelled even more exaggeratedly, his body instantly turned into sand and petrified, turning into a sand giant.

After hearing Lu Zhong's words, Zhu Changwu, Li Pingfeng, and the white man Chaman did not feel slighted by this, but instead showed serious expressions on their faces.

Mo Yi, Long San, and Sha Wu are all late Jindan players. These are the three most powerful players on Xuanming Kingdom's side. They have been wiped out by these three players before.

Facing these three people, no matter how cautious they are, it cannot be overstated.

"The three of them rushed over, ready to fight!" Xiao Zhi stared at the front, growled and said.

As far as his eyes could see, Sha Wu, who had transformed into a sand giant, was carrying an oversized Guan Dao. He took the lead, rushed down the hillside, and rushed towards them.

Immediately behind him was Mo Yi, who was surrounded by demonic flames and was holding a black wide-edged epee.

Behind Moyi, a white dragon was scurrying about half a meter above the ground. On the back of the white dragon sat firmly on the back of the white dragon, wearing a white Taoist uniform, his eyes were burning with golden flames.

The Xuanming country player who was in charge of guarding the top of the mountain did not go down the mountain. He stood on the top of the mountain, yelling at the back of Long San and the others with excitement, as if he was cheering for Long San and the others. Cheer up.

After Xiao Zhi growled these words, he also started to transform into another form.

There was true energy condensed in front of him, and it turned into a miniature green dragon in one breath. The moment the little green dragon was condensed, it flew towards Xiao Zhi with a flick of its tail, wrapped around Xiao Zhi's arm, and Xiao Zhi's body merged, and a bright blue light bloomed.

Ka Ka Ka...

Xiao Zhi's height began to rise, and fine cyan dragon scales appeared on his body and face, his hands also turned cyan, and his nails became sharp and sharp.

In just two breaths, Xiao Zhi turned into a dragon man, and the aura emanating from himself suddenly increased a bit.

Almost at the same time, Lu Zhong was also summoning his visualization.

What he summoned was neither animals nor plants, but a somewhat hazy and illusory landscape painting.

This landscape scroll surrounded him, making him appear hazy and illusory.

The faint blue electric arc flashed and made a crackling sound. A dragon that was completely condensed by lightning, with a length of one foot, soared into the air and floated above Zhu Changwu's head.

At the same time, Zhu Changwu's body was also shining with thunder, setting him off as if the god of thunder came into the world.

The visualization object conjured by Li Pingfeng is a pocket-sized golden-haired lion.

"Roar!" With a low growl, Li Pingfeng began to merge with his contemplation, and a bright golden light burst out from his body, and his figure began to rise, almost breaking the military uniform he was wearing, with short black hair It quickly turned golden and began to grow crazily. The golden hair on his face and hands also began to grow crazily, and his hands turned into claws full of golden hair.

Li Pingfeng's transformation speed was slightly slower than Xiao Zhi's, but it only took three breaths to transform into a lion man with golden hair all over his body.

At this time, Charmain, the white young man from Canada, had also completed his transformation.

After the transformation, Charmain's figure was also raised, his skin was marble-colored, with a faint metallic luster, and he looked like a lifelike marble statue.

At this time, Mo Yi, who was mopping the ground with the black epee in his hand, had passed Sha Wu and rushed to the front. He was less than 200 feet away from Xiao Zhi and the others.

Xiao Zhi clenched the Sad Spring Knife in his hand, and said in a low voice: "I'm in charge of dealing with Mo Yi, Lu Zhong, you are in charge of dealing with Long San, Zhu Changwu, Li Pingfeng, and Chaman, you three are in charge of dealing with Sha Wu !"

This was a countermeasure discussed by Xiao Zhi and the others when they got together in reality during the day.

During the day, Xiao Zhi and the others got together not just for eating, drinking and having fun. They had discussed for a long time for tonight's operation. With everyone's collective efforts, what kind of possibility will appear tonight? They have considered how to deal with the possibility after it appears.

Li Pingfeng heard the words and said: "Okay, the three of us are responsible for dealing with Sha Wu. Chaman, you are taking the defensive route. Your defense is the strongest among the three of us. You are responsible for resisting Sha Wu head-on. Cooperate with you, I wish you Changwu stay far away, and be responsible for sending him out remotely!"

After a pause, he continued: "If we can't beat him, the three of us will try our best to hold him back. As long as we can hold Sha Wu, and we have Xiao Zhi, the victory will definitely be ours!"

The opponent is a late-stage Jindan cultivator, and also a 'sequence player' from Xuanming Kingdom's side, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Therefore, even if it was a three-on-one, Li Pingfeng felt guilty in his heart, and he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

Zhu Changwu didn't say anything when he heard the words, but the electric arc on his body shone brighter.

Charmain, who was like a marble sculpture, pursed his lips, and took out a heavy shield as wide as a door panel with a golden luster, holding an ax in one hand and a shield in the other, and put on a defensive posture, ready to fight!

At this time, Mo Yi, who was rushing to the front, was less than 100 feet away from Xiao Zhi and the others. He held the black epee on the ground, rubbed it against the ground to produce bright sparks, and plowed a clear line on the ground. Sword marks.

"Kill!" At this moment, Xiao Zhi, who had transformed into a dragon man, let out a loud roar, and rushed forward with great strides, rushing towards Mo Yi with an indomitable momentum.

While sprinting and gaining momentum, Xiao Zhi held the Beichun Dao in his hand, and a shadow as thick as ink quickly extended.

Lu Zhong followed closely behind, surrounded by mountains and rivers like a scroll, like a ghost, floating half a meter above the ground, flying forward like a ghost.

Then came Li Pingfeng, Chaman and Zhu Changwu.

Even in the Sumi Realm of All Lives, the strength of the players has been suppressed dozens of times, and the mere distance of a hundred feet is still nothing to them, and it is just a blink of an eye!

The next moment, there was a bang! Xiao Zhi and Mo Yi collided together, as if two high-speed trains collided together, the ground under their feet sank suddenly, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Xiao Zhi took a few steps back, and with each step, he stepped on a clear footprint on the ground. The military uniform on his body exploded, revealing the blue dragon armor he was wearing inside the military uniform, and his hand holding the knife Trembling slightly, pale golden blood flowed from between his fingers.

Compared to Xiao Zhi, Mo Yi looked even more embarrassed, his body was sunk deeply into the mud, leaving only half of his head outside.

boom! The soil exploded, and a figure broke through the ground, it was Mo Yi!

Roar! Mo Yi, with black blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, let out a low growl like a howl of magic, and charged at Xiao Zhi again with a black epee in his hand.

Xiao Zhi also let out a low growl, and rushed towards Mo Yi with a knife.

This time, the two of them passed by each other. Mo Yi let out a roar like a magic howl, holding a black epee in both hands. Wide, several feet long, bottomless and terrifying sword marks.

After Xiao Zhi rushed his head, he put the Sad Spring Saber across his chest and made a defensive posture. The golden light in his eyes became even more dazzling.

Next, Mo Yi seemed to be crazy, holding a black epee, slashing forward frantically, and let out bursts of magic howling.

Xiao Zhi held a knife across his chest and stood motionless, as if someone had cast a hold on him.

At this moment, all the 'control occupations' of both sides have taken action.

Both Mo Yi and Xiao Zhi fell into the illusion and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Xiao Zhi! Die for me!" Sha Wu, transformed into a sand giant, let out a loud roar, and rushed towards Xiao Zhi with a giant Guan knife in his hand.

At this time, Charman, who was holding an ax in one hand and an epee in the other, rushed towards Sha Wu, trying to stop Sha Wu.

Out of the corner of Sha Wu's eyes, he saw Charman rushing towards him, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer of disdain.

With such a dull speed, you still want to stop him?

And at this moment, a flood dragon completely made of thunder and lightning rushed towards Sha Wu like lightning.

Sha Wu, who had transformed into a sand giant, had quick eyes and quick hands, and held a giant Guan knife in his hand. He slashed out with a single knife, and split the Lei Jiao flying towards him in half with a very precise knife.

Zhu Changwu's face turned pale immediately, and he uttered a word: "Explosive!"

puff! The Lei Jiao that was split in half exploded into a dazzling electric arc, and the electric arc quickly spread towards Sha Wu's body along the giant Guan Dao.

Sha Wu trembled, his body convulsed uncontrollably.

The convulsion lasted only for a moment, and he recovered. However, at this moment, Charman had already pounced on Sha Wu like a steel chariot speeding towards him.

boom! Sha Wu was hit by this, and his huge body of gravel was directly knocked out more than ten feet away. Before he landed, Li Pingfeng had already pounced on him, and the treasure-level long knife in his hand lit up with a bright golden light. Slashed on Sha Wu's head with one blow!

It was as if a kitchen knife had been chopped on granite, sand and gravel splashed, sparks and lightning all the way.

This was Li Pingfeng's full-strength attack after gaining momentum, and he only chopped off some leftovers from the sand giant's head, not to mention killing the opponent, he didn't even break the defense.

Li Pingfeng showed a surprised expression on his face.

He was not Sha Wu's opponent, and Li Pingfeng knew this for a long time. What he didn't expect was that the gap between the two would be so big!

Just when Li Pingfeng was stunned, Sha Wu stretched out his thick palm and grabbed Li Pingfeng.

Li Pingfeng came to his senses and dodged to dodge, but it was a bit late, and Sha Wu grabbed an arm.

Sha Wu, who stood up, roared loudly, grabbed Li Pingfeng's arm, and smashed it hard!


Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and Li Pingfeng's body was directly smashed into the mud. The arm that was strangled by Sha Wu was almost torn apart, and light red blood gushed out, which looked shocking.

With just one slam, Li Pingfeng, a martial artist in the early stage of Jindan, was severely injured.

Sha Wu dragged Li Pingfeng out of the soil like a dead dog, and was about to hit him for the second time. When he sent this annoying little fish to hell, another Thunder Jiao flew towards him as fast as lightning. Sand five.

Charmain also held a shield, roaring and rushed over.

This time, Sha Wu did not slash Lei Jiao with a knife, but flew back. While retreating, he threw Li Pingfeng, who was seriously injured and almost lost the ability to resist, as a throwing object, and threw it at Lei Jiao.

Lei Jiao's figure flashed, avoided Li Pingfeng, and flew towards Sha Wu again.

Li Pingfeng flew tens of feet in the sky, and when he was about to land, he gritted his teeth with a pale face, stretched out his good arm, supported the ground with his hand, and barely stood up with his strength.

But at this time, dozens of feet away, Xiao held a knife and fought Mo Yi again.

Where the two fought, the ground collapsed everywhere, the dust danced wildly, and the energy flowed everywhere. Every flow of energy that escaped was like an invisible sword. When it came into contact with the ground, it would leave a hole on the ground. A series of deep marks.

Further away, both Lu Zhong and Long San were floating half a meter above the ground, facing each other across the air.

Unlike Xiao Zhi and the others' battlefield, this was a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, and it was eerily quiet.

Both are good at illusion, and illusion is invisible.

Invisible and qualityless forces collided in the air, seemingly silently, but in fact, the degree of danger was not inferior to that of Xiao Zhi's battlefield.

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