This Game is Unusual

Chapter 633 Unspeakable

'Frost Red Sword, Baobing. '

The expectant expression on Xiao Zhi's face suddenly froze.

Bao Bing? !

Can you feel that he has worked so hard for so long, and all he got is a precious soldier? !

The expressions on the faces of the other players present were similar to Xiao Zhi's.

"This... the treasure that was finally born after waiting for a few days is just a precious soldier? Isn't this too cheating?" Li Pingfeng, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but say something.

In the world of sentient beings, precious soldiers are actually worth several million dollars. Many monks who have just entered the foundation building stage may not be able to possess precious soldier-level equipment in their hands.

But all the Jindan cultivators present were there.

At the level of Jindan, a mere treasure soldier is really nothing.

And this time when the treasure was born, it wasn't just Xiao Zhi who was shocked. Almost all the players in the Golden Core Realm in the world where Xiao Zhi lived were shocked.

Lu Zhong said, "Xiao Zhi, tell me, did the people in Xuanming Kingdom realize that the treasures born this time are very ordinary, and they chose to evacuate without thinking about it just now?"

"It's possible." Xiao Zhi frowned and nodded slowly.

He turned his head, opened his big golden eyes, and looked at the mountain in Xuanming Kingdom thousands of feet away.

His eyes could not help but concentrate.

When he just returned to the birth point, he once glanced out of the corner of his eye. At that time, the mountain of Xuanming Kingdom was clearly still there, just a thousand feet away.

But now, where he looked, it was empty, and there was nothing there.

Could it be that I am hallucinating?

Xiao Zhi rubbed his eyes with his hands, and looked over again, the place was still empty, there was nothing there.

"Xiao Zhi, what's the matter with you?" Li Pingfeng who was at the side asked, seeing that Xiao Zhi was acting differently.

"The mountain in Xuanming Kingdom is gone." Xiao Zhi frowned.

What? The mountain in Xuanming Kingdom is gone? All the players present had surprised expressions on their faces when they heard this.

"Xiao Zhi, is what you said true?" Yang Bin said.

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "At least in my eyes, this is the case, and the possibility of illusion cannot be ruled out."

"Go, go and have a look." Yang Bin said in a deep voice.

Immediately, including Xiao Zhi and Lu Zhong, more than a dozen players rushed down the hill, heading towards the direction where the hill of Xuanming Kingdom used to be.

In the face of this matter, the precious soldier-level 'Frost Red Sword' just obtained is not worth mentioning.

Even in the Sumi Realm of All Lives, the strength of the players has been greatly suppressed, and a distance of 1,000 feet is still not a long distance for the players.

Soon, Xiao Zhi and these people went back and forth.

A black player from the UAE said, "It should be the players from the Xuanming Kingdom who removed their birth points."

The birth point of the player's world in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings can be moved, and the cost of moving is not too expensive. You only need 1 sentient being point to move the birth point in any direction for a distance of 1 zhang.

Before, neither Xiao Zhi's world nor Xuan Mingguo's world had thought of moving their birth points.

As a result, these two birth points are thousands of feet apart, facing each other.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, it was the players from Xuan Mingguo who took the initiative to remove their birth point.

Li Pingfeng said with a chuckle: "The guys from Xuanmingguo should have admitted their cowardice this time. There is nothing they can do if they don't. After all, they are not Xiao Zhi's opponents. Together, the three of them are the most powerful. They couldn't beat you, Xiao Zhi, and they had to flee in embarrassment in the end. After all, they still have no face to stay here, and pack up and get out as soon as possible. This is a wise move."

When the other players around heard the words, many of them echoed and praised Xiao in various ways.

Some players showed thoughtful expressions.

Xiao Zhi was no longer the kind of young man who would be smug when others praised him casually. He was not immersed in the compliments of the people around him, but was thinking quickly in his mind.

The sudden removal of the birth point by the Xuan Mingguo player made him feel a little abnormal.

Reason told him that the sudden removal of the birth point by the players of Xuan Mingguo might have something to do with him, Xiao Zhi, but the main reason was definitely not him, there should be other reasons.

So, what is the intention of Xuan Mingguo to do this?

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi shook his head, he knew too little information, besides, he was not very good at thinking about these things.

This matter should be left to the specialists to think about it.

The sudden removal of Xuanming Kingdom's birth point in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings is a major event.

Now, this information has probably been sent back to the real world. Let the heads and think tanks in the real world worry about this matter.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Yang Bin who was sitting cross-legged and eyes closed not far away from the corner of his eye.

Not only Yang Bin, but also several foreign players showed the same attitude.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, in the vast sea of ​​Cangzhou Road, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the blade of the Beichun Dao, slowly opened his eyes.

Soon, he turned into a kun fish, swam into the sea, and continued to comprehend his laws of water movement.

In the middle of the night that day, Xiao Zhi, who turned into a kun fish and swam in the depths of the sea, encountered another big octopus monster.

This is a gigantic octopus with dark red skin, and each tentacle is more than twenty feet long.

Because when Xiao Zhi turned into a kun fish, he deliberately restrained his aura, and looked like an ordinary big fish. Therefore, his existence was easy to "mess with flowers and mess with grass". In the past few days, not to mention the big monsters, even the water monsters of the monster king level have been provoked.

The huge octopus fluttered its tentacles, and quickly floated towards Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a kunyu, was very calm in his heart. He is now a monk at the peak of Jindan, and in his eyes, this little octopus just looks scary, but it is actually vulnerable.

He was about to call out the Beichun Knife, let the Beichun Knife strike, and ended the opponent with one blow, but just as he summoned the Beichun Knife from his body, he had a new idea in his heart.

Monsters usually have danger predictions that are more sensitive than humans.

As soon as the Sad Spring Knife appeared, the body of the big octopus stagnated in the water, and the next moment, it frantically danced its tentacles, and was about to flee into the distance.

Ink-like black sprayed out from a certain part of its body, instantly blackening a large area of ​​water.

However, just as it moved, a terrifying aura enveloped it, making it stiff and unable to move.

The black that swelled in the water began to shrink inward, and soon turned into a fist-sized pitch black ink ball.

The water that had been polluted by black before became clear and transparent again.

A big fish with a strange appearance slowly floated over, it was the Kun fish transformed by Xiao Zhi.

As Xiao Zhi approached, the body of the big octopus, which was imprisoned in the water by his qi machine and true energy, began to shrivel up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Zhi precisely controlled his true energy, and even tried to forcefully drain the water from the body of this big octopus in the water, squeezing it alive into jerky.

The strong desire to survive made the big octopus try his best to resist, but it was of no avail. The strength gap between the two was really too big.

Soon, it was drained of all the moisture in its body, turning into a thin layer.

You don't need to use a knife to kill demons, other methods can also achieve the same effect.

For example, if all the water in its body is drained, it will also die.

It's a pity that this big octopus blew up its demon core when it was dying.

After all, it wasn't an instant kill, so the big octopus had enough time to explode its inner alchemy when it was in despair.

However, Xiao Zhi didn't care about it, anyway, the inner alchemy of a big monster level monster is not worth a lot of money.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi put this piece of dried octopus into his storage ring.

After doing all this, he habitually called out his attribute panel and looked at the law option.

Law: water movement (1%)

Xiao Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic!

His law option is finally no longer the same "nothing" as before.

Water movement (1%) means that he has finally taken the first step forward in the law of water movement!

It's really... not easy.

Xiao Zhi stared at the word "water flow" in the option of the law, and soon, a line of introductory text emerged.

'Have been exposed to the law of water movement, the current progress is 1%, and when the progress reaches 100%, you can initially understand the law of water movement, and you can condense the embryonic form of the water movement field. '

Need to pull the progress bar to 100% to condense the embryonic form of the water field...

It's a little difficult.

However, no matter what, I have finally taken the first step, and I am no longer standing still like before.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the real world, and he was going to report this matter to the All Living Army.

Anything related to the law of perception is a secret. In the world of sentient beings, secrets cannot be revealed, and those who leak them will be severely punished. Therefore, the Nascent Soul bosses in the world of sentient beings keep this matter secret, don’t say that This is a systematic way of perception, and there is not even some experience.

If future generations want to comprehend the law, they can only grope a little bit by themselves like a blind man feeling an elephant.

Although Xiao Zhi is not the kind of saint who is dedicated to the common people and is selfless, but in this kind of environment, in the face of such big right and wrong, he is still willing to use some of the experience he has accumulated when he took the first step in the law of water movement. , for sharing, this will also allow latecomers to avoid some detours when comprehending the law,

Even though it is already late at night, Xiao Zhi's phone call was quickly connected.

"Xiao Zhi, what can I do for you?" The voice of his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji came from the other side of the phone.

"It's like this. Just now, I have successfully come into contact with the law of water flow." Xiao Zhi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"Really? Then congratulations." There was a hint of surprise in Liu Ji's voice.

"Well... I have successfully taken the first step, and I have also summed up some experience, hoping to help those who come later." Xiao Zhi said.

"Well, Xiao Zhi, tell me, I will write it down and report it to the higher-ups." Liu Ji's voice.

"Okay, then I'll say it." Xiao Zhi said, sorting out his thoughts in his mind.

Soon, he organized his thoughts, and when he opened his mouth to speak, an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations arose in his heart.

Inexplicably horrified, even the hairs on his body stood on end.

"Xiao Zhi?" After waiting for about a minute, seeing that Xiao Zhi hadn't spoken yet, Liu Ji on the other side of the phone asked tentatively.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Xiao Zhi still didn't respond. Liu Ji asked tentatively, "Xiao Zhi, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you speak?"

"'s fine..." Xiao Zhi said with a dry voice.

He wiped the fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead with his hands, and said: "I can't say it, you tell the higher-ups, the secrets of heaven must not be leaked, and I can't say anything about the law of perception."

After finishing speaking, before Liu Ji could answer, Xiao Zhi hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi threw the phone aside, showing a relieved expression.

Can't say, really can't say.

Don't say that he really said the words, just now, he just had an idea in his heart to speak out, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

His intuition told him that as long as he uttered even one word just now, something terrible would happen, and he might die!

This feeling is really terrible.

In the world of sentient beings, limited by the rules of the world of sentient beings, it's fine if you can't speak out.

In the real world, it is impossible to say it...

This is a bit scary.

After lying on the bed for a while, Xiao Zhi got up from the bed, went to the bathroom next door, washed his face with hot water, and felt better.

He came to the bedroom by the window, looked at the neon lights outside the window, and the modern buildings faintly visible in the distance, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

This world, unconsciously, has become somewhat different from before.

This world seems to be assimilating...

Xiao Zhi wasn't the kind of person who would be devastated after being hit or stimulated a little, and soon he adjusted his mentality.

Lying back on the bed, he closed his eyes, and with a thought, his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, on Cangzhou Road, on the surface of the sea, Xiao Zhi turned into a black kun once again, and with a flick of his tail, he plunged into the depths of the sea.

Xiao Zhi is a person who likes to sum up and think about things. After taking the first step in the law of water movement, Xiao Zhi, who turned into a Kun, no longer drifted aimlessly in the sea.

He began to search for and kill the water demon in the sea.

When finding the water demon, Xiao Zhi did not use the Sad Spring Knife, but relied on his little control over the law of water movement to hunt and kill the water demon.

In doing so, the efficiency is extremely low, and it seems a bit unnecessary.

But his purpose is not really to hunt the water demon, but to improve his progress in the law of water movement in this way.

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