This Game is Unusual

Chapter 654 Argument and Battle Results

In this video, Xia Guo player Lu Zhong said that Xiao Zhi is currently in retreat and has no time to meet this challenge. Although Lu Zhong is not as strong as Xiao Zhi, he happens to be free now and can replace Xiao Zhi , exchanged ideas with Ares, the newly promoted Jindan peak player from Canada.

As soon as Lu Zhong's video speech was released, it directly made the headlines of major media, and immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Countless players and the general public had heated discussions on the Internet.

In this world, foundation-building players are a minority in proportion. The vast majority of players are only warrior-level, and few even reach their innate limit.

Not reaching the innate limit means that they usually stay in the real world, use their mobile phones to control the characters in the world of sentient beings, and practice innate skills and acquired skills, which also means that they spend most of their time in the real world inside.

These people are the main players participating in the discussion, and there are players from all over the world.

It has been almost a year since the birth of the world of sentient beings until now. In the following time, the exclusive forum for the game of the sentient beings world has undergone an update, and a large cross-border forum has been added. All players can freely speak in this multinational forum.

Here, no matter which country's language is used to speak, when other players watch it, they can convert it into their own native language that they can understand.

This undoubtedly brings great convenience to the exchanges between players from various countries.

Some players posted in the big forum: Is Xiao Zhi of Xia Kingdom cowardly? Facing the challenge, he didn't even dare to fart, and asked Lu Zhong to come out and take the blame for him. That gossip is correct. Although Xiao Zhi is still the number one player in the world in name, in fact, after his realm has been tied, he has already fallen short of the number one ranking in terms of combat power.

Behind this player's nickname, there is a note of 'Canada', which means that this is a Canadian player.

Under the post, a player from the Kingdom of Xia immediately retorted: "The strength of Zhishen, you can question it casually, time has already proved that Zhishen is invincible, and Zhishen was killing the Quartet at that time. At that time, may I ask your Ares, what was he doing at that time? Did he hide in a corner, trembling?"

Zhishen is a name given to Xiao Zhi by a group of admirers of Xiao Zhi in the real world.

Although during this period of time, due to the law of comprehension, no news about him has been circulated for several days, and Xiao Zhi has become much quieter, but in this world, there are still many supporters and admirers of him. , especially in Xia Guo, where the number of his supporters and admirers is the largest.

"Look, Xiao Zhi's dog is barking again. Yes, Xiao Zhi is the number one player in this world. He will always be number one. He is the undisputed number one. Xiao Zhi is your father!" A player who concealed his name and country spoke.

"Barking? Who is barking? You are the dog. You are a mad dog. If you have the guts to leak your name and country, show it to your father and me. Even a hide-and-seek rat has the shame to embarrass himself here. Show your eyes!" The Xia country player immediately retorted sharply.

"I will always be number one in Zhishen, and easily beat that Ares. I didn't know who this Ares was before today. Is this kind of thing worthy of being compared with Zhishen?" Another Xia player speak.

"I am a fan of Zhishen. I am very persistent. I think Lu Zhong will not lie. Zhishen should indeed be practicing hard work in closed doors. He is the first person in our world to break through to the Golden Core Realm, and also the first The one who broke through to the peak of Jindan, he must be retreating now, preparing for the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm." Xiao Zhi, a fan of the UAE, said.

"Why can't our Ares be compared with Xiao Zhi? Xiao Zhi was the number one player in the past. This doesn't mean that he will always be the number one player. His position can be replaced by others. "A Canadian player spoke.

"Don't think that the same level means the same strength. As early as when Zhishen first became a Jindan cultivator, he was still in Beilan Dao City. He had a record of killing three Jindan peak monks in a row. It's only the early stage of Golden Core, now..."

"Since your obsession is so strong, why don't you call him out and fight Ares?"

"I've said it many times. Zhishen is currently in retreat. People are doing retreat well. Why do they have to fight? Does it mean that if any cat or dog wants to challenge Zhishen, Zhishen must fight? Then Zhishen should not practice at all. , just deal with you cats and dogs."

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing. This is wartime, and we should be united in the outside world, and we shouldn't fight in the nest here."

"I'm actually more curious. If this Ares fights with Lu Zhong, who will be the winner?"


In just a few minutes, there were hundreds of replies to this post, and many posts like this appeared at the same time in the transnational forum dedicated to the World of Sentient Beings game forum.

There are posts discussing Xiao Zhi.

There are threads discussing this new Ares.

There are posts discussing who is stronger and who is weaker between Xiao Zhi and Ares.

There are posts discussing who will win if Lu Zhong fights Ares.

There are posts discussing whether Xiao Zhi's combat power can still rank first when the number of Jindan peak players is increasing.

Countless discussion posts have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

When there was no such transnational large forum with automatic translation of text and voice, players usually started discussions in game forums in their own countries. In this multinational forum, here to talk about various current events in and out of the game.

Because posting and discussing in this transnational forum will not be interfered by any national government, and you can speak freely and say whatever you want.

Also because of this, quarrels and scolding battles are not uncommon here, and have almost become the norm.

No matter how intense the discussion is in the exclusive transnational forum, the development of this matter still depends on the parties involved.

Not long after Lu Zhong, a player from the Xia Kingdom, released this video on the Internet, the Canadian player Ares appeared. He shouted to Lu Zhong from the Xia Kingdom across the ocean, expressing his willingness to accept Lu Zhong's offer. challenge.

Whether it is Lu Zhong from Xia, or Ares from Canada, behind them, there is a team, an organization, and even a country supporting them.

The teams behind the two sides began to contact, and soon determined the time and place of the battle.

The battle time was set at 12 o'clock in the morning.

The location of the battle was set within the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings.

In the world of sentient beings, two people are separated by tens of thousands of miles, so it is very difficult to meet each other. It is different in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings. No matter where the player is, after entering the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings, the birth point is a place.

Since it is a friendly exchange of ideas, there is no need to decide whether to live or die. This battle will only decide the outcome.

At 0:00 on July 10th, within the realm of Sumeru, 1,000 feet away from the birth point, Ares, a martial artist at the peak of Golden Core in Canada, and Lu Zhong, a spiritual cultivator at the peak of Golden Core in Xia, are here. A 'friendly' sparring took place.

Including Zhao Yan, Zhu Changwu, Yang Bin, Li Pingfeng, Levi's, Molde, Aoli and other Gold Core players, there were a total of more than ten Gold Core players who watched this battle as witnesses.

As a result, under the control of Lu Zhong's powerful illusion, the newly promoted Jindan peak martial artist Ares from Canada stood and was beaten the whole time, without the power to resist.

Fortunately, this was just a sparring session. If the two were immortal enemies and met in the world of sentient beings, then the Ares from Canada probably wouldn't even know how to die.

In this battle, Ares only persisted for less than 3 seconds, and chose to admit defeat aggrieved.

This is still Lu Zhong's intentional release of water. If Lu Zhong did not release the water, Ares would fall into an illusion and be controlled all the way. It is estimated that he would not even have a chance to admit defeat.

That's how powerful it is to control professions.

In front of the control profession, like Xiao Zhi, a monk who has mastered the supernatural powers such as "Diamond Eye" with a powerful illusion-breaking ability can still struggle and resist, and has a slight winning rate.

Like Ares, in a one-on-one situation, he can only be beaten all the way without any resistance.

After Ares chose to admit defeat, this discussion, which seemed like a joke, came to an end.

Unwilling to lose after being beaten to shame, Ares challenged Zhao Yan, another top Jindan player in Xia Kingdom, on the spot.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xia Guo player Zhao Yan accepted Ares' challenge.

Compared with the previous battle, this battle will be much more entertaining.

Ares turned into a red-eyed gray-haired werewolf surrounded by a layer of blood mist, holding two knives, and threw himself at Zhao Yan in a very aggressive posture.

Zhao Yan controlled two flying swords like bamboo leaves at the same time, and attacked Ares. His body was wrapped in white mist like silk threads. These white mist lingered around him and carried him away. Trying to widen the distance with Ares.

The white mist lingering around Zhao Yan's body is what Zhao Yan imagined.

Wuxiu's contemplation objects are generally animals, and most of them are some creatures in legends and myths.

The visual object of spiritual practice is different. It can be a mountain, a tree, a stream, a cloud, or a picture scroll. In short, the visual object of spiritual practice is not limited to animals, and everything can be visualized thing.

This battle scene can be called hot, making people dazzled.

Ares, transformed into a werewolf, wields a pair of knives, and each knife can cause ripples in the air, showing super fighting power. He slashes Zhao Yan's two flying swords that are attacking him, and shoots at Zhao Yan again and again. Charged, and suppressed Zhao Yan for a moment.

If it weren't for Zhao Yan, who was surrounded by white mist, showing a body that was not inferior to Wu Xiu, once Zhao Yan was approached by Ares, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But Ares's 'explosive seed' state didn't seem to last long. After about 2 minutes, the blood mist lingering around him began to fade and become thinner, and Ares' speed and explosive power also followed. The obvious decline, had to change from offensive to defensive.

In this way, he managed to hold on for another minute. Ares, who had turned into a werewolf, could no longer resist the attack of Zhao Yan's two flying swords. Breaking through the defense of the double knives, piercing his eyebrows!

In the end, Zhao Yan's flying sword stopped only half an inch away from Ares' eyebrows.

In this battle, Zhao Yan showed his amazing ability to control the flying sword!

Ordinary monks who are good at using flying swords can only use one flying sword to exert 100% of their combat power. Zhao Yan, who has a split spirit body, can control two flying swords at the same time, so that these two flying swords can be used together. Show 100% fighting power!

In other words, when the enemy faced Zhao Yan, it was equivalent to facing the attack and killing of two Jindan peak monks who were good at flying swordsmanship at the same time!

The flying sword hangs between his brows, under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if Ares is unwilling, he can only choose to admit defeat.

Ares, who lost twice in two battles, became a little anxious. He shouted loudly to challenge Xiao Zhi, saying that if Xiao Zhi came over, he would be able to defeat Xiao Zhi, but no one paid any attention to him.

It didn't take long for the results of these two battles to be brought back to the real world.

For a time, this newly promoted Jindan pinnacle martial artist in Canada became a joke in the hearts of the players, and became the object of ridicule of countless players.

Some Canadian players posted on the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings, saying that Xiao Zhi should come out to fight Ares, saying that Ares lost to Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan, but it does not mean that Ares will lose to Xiao Zhi, also said that Xiao Zhi hadn't shown up until now, obviously because of his lack of strength and guilty conscience, he didn't dare to face Ares.

Only this time, the postings of these Canadian players in the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings did not cause any waves.

In the eyes of the players, Ares has become a joke, so what's the point of defending him like this?

Xiao Zhi only found out about the birth of the Canadian player Ares in the early morning of July 10, when he returned to the real world for breakfast.

Xiao Zhi's exclusive correspondent Liu Ji, through WeChat, edited the events that happened last night vividly into several paragraphs and sent them to Xiao Zhi.

While drinking delicious millet porridge and eating steaming steamed buns, Xiao Zhi took his mobile phone and looked at these few paragraphs of text sent by Liu Ji via WeChat.

After reading it, he opened the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings on his mobile phone, and browsed through the posts in this transnational forum for a while.

On his face, there was no disdain and mockery for Ares, but a dignified and complicated expression.

This Ares is actually not weak, but very strong, very strong!

Zhao Yan is the owner of the innate spirit body, and his fighting power is far superior to other monks in the same realm. This Ares just passed through the two-day calamity today and broke through to the Jindan realm. In the battle with Zhao Yan, he was once suppressed Zhao Yan, this point alone is enough to explain the problem.

Thank you Mu Youcai for your support, Monkey who eats dirt, and Youlu Wuhuan for your rewards.

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