This Game is Unusual

Chapter 737 Fragments of fairy art, indestructible golden body

Xiao Zhi's ferocious expression slowly eased, his heart was still beating non-stop, and the hand holding the knife was also trembling slightly.

It worked, he made it!

He successfully killed this extremely powerful King Kong!

Excited heart! Trembling hands!

This kind of battle of defeating the strong with the weak was very exciting, and it made him feel his heart was ups and downs, his blood was boiling, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The thick black mist drifted away, and a fragment exuding a pale golden light came into Xiao Zhi's eyes, successfully attracting Xiao Zhi's gaze.

Is this the legendary fragment?

As soon as Xiao Zhi waved his hand, the true energy pulled the light golden fragment and floated towards him.

Xiao Zhi opened a pair of big golden eyes and scanned the surroundings. After finding that there was no danger, he retracted his gaze and stared at the pale golden fragment floating in front of his eyes.

After staring at it for a long time, no words appeared.

'It seems that only after returning to the birth point can we know what kind of fragment this fragment is. ’ Xiao Zhi said secretly in his heart.

At this time, the two walking Shuras finally rushed over with heavy steps.

"Death! The intruder is dead!" They uttered a terrifying howl and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.

Xingdi Shura is very strong, and his strength is in the Jindan class. It is definitely the existence of the first echelon. If it were the previous Xiao Zhi, facing two Xingdi Shura at the same time, he needs to be prepared and put up a twelve-point spirit to deal with.

But now, in front of him, these Shuras seemed a little unsatisfactory.

Xiao Zhi held the pale golden fragment in one hand, and the Beichun Knife in the other, and rushed towards the two Shuras. On the mirror-like blade of the Beichun Knife, a thick shadow like ink quickly spread. It was the vision displayed by him when he performed the ultimate move [Mie Shen Dao].

One sword at a time to Shura.

After dealing with the two Xingdi Shura who came to send warmth, Xiao Zhi tried to store the fragments in his storage ring.

After trying it, but without success, Xiao Zhi's complexion couldn't help but change.

Being unable to store it in the storage ring meant that the fragment did not completely belong to him, and he could not directly bring the fragment back to the birth point by relying on the teleportation function of the sentient beings system.

It also means that as long as someone, or a monster, shoots and kills him, the fragment can be 'exploded' from his body.

The world outside the air wall is not the world inside the air wall.

In the world inside the air wall, he is temporarily invincible, no one is his opponent, but in the world outside the air wall, there are too many existences that can kill him.

Xiao Zhi, who is cautious by nature, suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He felt that, to be on the safe side, it would be better to take this fragment back to the birth point.

If he continued to wander in the world outside the air wall and was accidentally killed, the fragment he had obtained with great difficulty was exploded again. He would probably be able to grab the ground with his head and vomit three liters of blood.

So... let's go back now...

Xiao Zhi took a look at himself.

True energy reserve: 14%.

There is only 14% of the true energy in his body left, and this reserve of true energy is already very dangerous.

And another Nascent Soul-level combat power beside him, 'Li Kuo the Demon', had just been sacrificed by him as a bait.

To be honest, Xiao Zhi's current situation is not optimistic, and it is really not suitable for him to continue wandering in this world outside the air wall.

However, if the remaining true energy is only used for the return journey, it should be enough.

Xiao Zhi started the return journey.

With his present photographic memory, as long as he has traveled and seen places, he can memorize them and condense a map in his mind. In this way, the possibility of getting lost is extremely small .

On the return trip, Xiao Zhi didn't suppress his speed anymore, and flew almost the whole way.

Along the way, he no longer deliberately looked for monsters to kill, but if he happened to meet them, he didn't mind harvesting them to get some sentient beings points.

His return trip went smoothly.

After touching the air wall in the empty air, Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, his tense spirit finally relaxed a little.

This time, instead of relying on his strength to force his way through, he slowly squeezed through like the first time he touched the air wall.

After passing through the air wall, Xiao Zhi finally relaxed completely.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to the birth point.

At this time, he still maintains the [Spiritual Stealth Art], and is in a state of divine concealment.

Xiao Zhi returned quietly, and none of the players stationed at the birth point could detect his existence.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, took out the fragment emitting a faint golden light, and stared at the fragment again.

Soon, a line of text appeared in front of him - Fragments of Immortal Art [Indestructible Golden Body], if you collect all 9 fragments, you can exchange for four-star Immortal Art [Indestructible Golden Body].

Note: Immortal art is also called divine magic. Legend has it that it was created by gods and demons. It is rare in the world!

It turns out that this fragment is a fragment of the Immortal Art [Indestructible Golden Body]...


This fairy art should be a higher-level skill than supernatural powers.

The most basic skills are called skills, then supernatural powers, and then, this new fairy art...

Staring at the fragment in his hand, there was no shocked expression on Xiao Zhi's face, but rather calm.

It can be said that the existence of this fairy art did not surprise him, but it was within his expectation.

Because high-level magical powers are already standard equipment among the top players in Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom, and Xiao Zhi is the representative of them. He has mastered 5 high-level magical powers by himself, and each high-level magical power, They were all cultivated to the Consummation level by him.

And he, Xiao Zhi, is just a rookie player who is protected by the air wall and hasn't left Novice Village yet.

If high-level supernatural powers are considered the top skills in the world, then what should the players outside the air wall do? How to let them play?

In the world outside the air wall, Jindan is not as good as a dog, and Nascent Soul walks all over the place. Even if there are god-level players, there are probably some. Those Nascent Soul players use high-level supernatural powers to fight, which is barely justified. If the god-level players, even super god players, still use high-level magical powers to fight, it is a bit unreasonable.

In this way, there is nothing surprising about the appearance of Xianshu.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi once again stared at the fragment in his hand.

Four-star fairy arts, does that mean that in this world, there are still one-star, two-star, and three-star fairy arts, as well as five-star, six-star, seven-star fairy arts, and even nine-star fairy arts?

Is the fewer stars the better, or the more stars the better?

Also, what exactly is the way to obtain this fairy art?

In the Sumi Realm of all beings, is it only the kind of powerful King Kong that can explode the fragments of the fairy art, or is there a probability that other monsters can also explode the fragments of the immortal art?

Apart from killing monsters, is there any other way to obtain shards of immortality? Such as digging treasures, opening treasure chests, etc...

Xiao Zhi knew nothing about this.

The world where the Xuanming players are located has experienced a national war. In the last national war, they must have players who have entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, and they may know more about it.

This is the bad thing about the Sumeru Realm. Everything here needs to be dug and explored by the players themselves...

After sizing up the fairy art fragment for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi found that the light from this fairy art fragment was a bit dimmer than before.

With a twitch in his heart, he tried again to store the fairy art fragment in his hand into his storage ring.

This time, he succeeded. The celestial fragment disappeared into his hands out of thin air, and he successfully stored it into his storage ring.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's good if it can be taken in, and it means that this piece of fairy art belongs to him completely, and he doesn't have to worry about that after he is killed in the Sumi Realm, this piece of fairy art will come from his body. The body was exploded.

Xiao Zhi looked inside again.

True energy reserve: 3%.

There was still 3% of his true energy left in his body.

It has to be said that when the realm reaches the level of Nascent Soul, this true energy is still very durable.

With another thought, Xiao Zhi called out his attribute interface.

Name: Xiao Zhi

Realm: Yuanying early stage

Affiliation: World 3091

Sentient points: 95380.

Today, after struggling all day, plus the rest after exchanging the Reality Formation before, he now has a total of 95380 sentient beings points in his personal account.

Why does it feel a little lacking? Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning, and he clicked on the details with his mind:

‘Kill the Immortal King Kong and get 10,000 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 Xingdi Shura and get 1000 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 Xingdi Shura and get 1000 sentient beings points. '

‘Kill 1 black mist monster and get 10 sentient beings points. '


It turned out that the King Kong who was killed by him in a sneak attack was named the Immortal King Kong.

After reading the details, Xiao Zhi frowned even more. This Immortal King Kong was so powerful that Nascent Soul players were beaten by him for several seconds. After being killed, such a powerful monster could only give He provided mere 10,000 sentient beings points, which is too little, right?

Complaints belong to complaints, and Xiao Zhi has no choice. After all, after killing monsters, how many sentient beings points can be obtained is not up to the player, and the final interpretation right belongs to the sentient beings world system.

After dispersing the translucent light curtain in front of him, Xiao Zhi was not in a hurry to leave the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, but with a sway of his figure, his figure shot outwards, and he left the birth point in an instant, heading towards the world beyond the birth point. The black mist passed by.

There is still 3% of the true energy left in his body, and he is going to leave the Sumeru Realm after almost exhausting the true energy in his body.

Soon, Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, quietly returned to the birth point, and then his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, in that extremely small space, it was pitch black, as quiet as ever.

Xiao Zhi didn't open his eyes, but just opened his water domain a little bit, sensed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was still no danger around, he had a thought, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

After a slight trance, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and what he saw was already a scene in the real world.

The world outside the window is dark, and you can see the neon lights that are on.

Xiao Zhi picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, turned on the screen and took a look.

September 27, 2021 at 8:23 pm.

Time flies so fast, before you know it, it's already night.

Xiao Zhi got up and went to the bathroom, washed his face again, opened the door and walked out of the guest room of the villa where he lived.

As soon as he walked out of the guest room, a staff member greeted him and asked with concern, "Sir, what do you need?"

"Prepare me some dinner and bring it to the room, I'm a little hungry."

In the real world, he didn't eat lunch, so he was really hungry now.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment." The staff member agreed and left in a hurry.

"Hello Zhishen!" Xiao Zhi was about to return to the guest room when a voice sounded beside him.

Xiao Zhi turned his head and saw that it was a soldier from the Ministry of State Security standing in front of his room, looking at him with admiration.

"Hello, Zhishen!" Several other soldiers from the Ministry of State Security who were guarding other parts of the villa also shouted together.

"Hello everyone...Hello everyone..." Xiao Zhi squeezed out a smile on his face, and after responding a few words, he entered the room as if fleeing, and closed the door of the room.

Now he can calmly deal with those high-ranking officials and big shots.

However, when facing those fans who adore him, he is still a little at a loss in his heart, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

After returning to the room, Xiao Zhi lay on the sofa in the guest room. After a short rest, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the memo on the mobile phone, and began to edit the text.

He was going to share his experience and what he saw and heard when he was fighting for ginseng fruit outside the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory, what he saw and heard in the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory, and what he saw and heard outside the air wall after entering the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings. All these details, big and small, were edited into text and reported to the All Living Army in the form of text.

Before entering the world of sentient beings, he used to be an online writer, and he was able to make a living from writing, which proved that he still had a certain level of writing skills.

The advantage of reporting in text is that he can think more thoughtfully, so as not to miss some important details and information.

Soon, there was a knock on the door of Xiao Zhi's room, and at the same time, a voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, your dinner has been brought to you."

"Bring it in." Xiao Zhi replied, still holding his mobile phone, concentrating on editing the text.

The door of the room was gently opened, and a staff member of the villa area brought in Xiao Zhi's dinner.

Suddenly, the room was filled with fragrance.

Xiao Zhi took a look, there were six dishes in total, three meat, two vegetables and one soup, all of which were his favorite dishes, as well as drinks.

He has lived in this villa for quite a while, and the chef here probably has already figured out his eating preferences.

Xiao Zhi put down his phone and started to eat.

After finishing dinner like a storm, Xiao Zhi picked up his mobile phone and continued to edit text on the mobile phone.

Thank you for the reward from me and the wind.

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