This Game is Unusual

Chapter 971 Peace talks between the two countries

"My round of cultivation lasted for almost six days. It has been so long. The All Living Army should have made a decision..." Xiao Zhixin said.

"During the past few days, what happened outside?" His voice was very soft, but it sounded clearly in the ears of all the liaison players.

As soon as they heard his voice, the players knew that Xiao Zhi had already left the level.

A player stood up, took a step forward and said, "Zhishen, after discussing the intelligence information brought back by Mr. Li Pingfeng, the heads of state finally decided to make it public and leave it to the public. Come to discuss, after all, this decision is related to the fate of the entire world, no one dares to make a decision."

Xiao Zhi frowned and said, "What's the result?"

Another player said: "There are those who believe it, and those who don't believe it. The discussions in all walks of life are extremely intense, and even now it has not stopped. There are various opinions in the society, and even caused some social turmoil."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He actually wanted to say that this kind of worldwide discussion is actually meaningless. The people are arguing endlessly over this matter, let alone a few days, even if it is a few months or even a few years. Time may not necessarily be able to discuss clearly.

The question is, do they have so much time to discuss this?

Xiao Zhi didn't quite understand why the heads of state would do this.

I guess I don't want to take responsibility. After all, in this matter, a wrong decision may become the sinner of the whole world.

'Forget it, since they want to make such a fuss, let them do it, I'd better continue to sharpen my willpower honestly, this is the most important thing for me. '

With this in mind, Xiao Zhi stopped asking about this matter in detail, but asked something related to his vital interests: "I would like to ask, when will my third batch of things arrive?"

What he was talking about was the kind of treasures and rare treasures that could be used to strengthen the soul.

This kind of heaven and earth treasures and rare treasures that can be used to strengthen the soul are often accompanied by extremely strong side effects when used, either containing highly toxic or cursed, but it is undeniable that when using or taking them, Still works.

Xiao Zhi, who has reached the third step of becoming a god, needs this very much at present.

Facing Xiao Zhi's question, another player stood up and said, "Zhishen, what you need, the Army of All Life is helping you make preparations. It may take some time."

As a liaison player, he naturally knew what Xiao Zhi was referring to.

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "It's okay, just let me know when the things arrive."

Even though he felt that the intelligence information brought back by Li Pingfeng should be true, the time left for him and his world might be a bit tight.

But this urgency is only relative.

It's unlikely that Emperor Xuanming will fully recover tomorrow, and then rush over to destroy them all, right? This is impossible.

Although time is tight, Xiao Zhi reckons that there should still be a year or a half.

Therefore, he can still afford to wait for the third batch of things.

"Okay, Zhishen, we will notify you as soon as the item arrives," the player said.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "How is Li Pingfeng now? Has he returned to the world of sentient beings?"

The liaison player who had just talked to Xiao Zhi obviously didn't know about this, so he took a step back silently and sat down again.

Another liaison player stood up and said, "Mr. Li Pingfeng is still in the real world, and has no intention of re-entering the world of sentient beings yet."

"Oh, he's still in the real world, so what is he doing in the real world?" Xiao Zhi asked casually again.

In his heart, he said: 'Could it be because this guy died once and lost his fighting spirit, so he went to find his confidante again? '

The more he thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

Think about it in another place, if it were him, if the soul slaying failed... Bah bah bah! If he dies in battle for his country, after returning to the real world, he may also lose his fighting spirit and the courage to start all over again.

In the world of sentient beings, from an ordinary person who started to practice, to an acquired warrior, to an innate warrior, to a foundation-building cultivator, all the way to the Nascent Soul Realm, until he reached the Nascent Soul Peak Realm, what is the process? How difficult it is, he has experienced it himself.

too difficult.

To be honest, he definitely didn't want to go through this process a second time.

To put it another way, even if he had the courage and perseverance to start from scratch and go through this long road of cultivation again, would he still be able to reach the height he is now?

Xiao Zhi asked himself, it should be impossible.

Because, he was able to get to where he is today, not only because of hard work, but also because of a lot of luck.

But luck cannot always favor him.

Even if luck still favors him like in the 'last life', the bone value rewards he got in the previous life have been lost and do not belong to him anymore.

Losing these root values, among all living beings, in terms of cultivation aptitude, he is at best a mediocre figure, not to mention being compared with Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and other natural spiritual body owners, even Zhu Changwu Compared with monks and players like Tang Lan, it is far beyond comparison.

No, if the player dies in the world of sentient beings, the root bone value will drop a little when he is resurrected. This has been confirmed by researchers from various countries.

Therefore, if he died in battle in the world of sentient beings, if he wants to start a new life, his cultivation aptitude may not reach the upper-middle posture, and he may only have the posture of a middle-aged man...

When thinking of this, Xiao Zhi was already unwilling to continue thinking about it.

'I can't die, and I can't afford to die...' This is Xiao Zhi's conclusion after thinking for a second.

As soon as Xiao Zhigang retracted his thoughts, he heard the liaison player say: "According to the information provided by the headquarters, Mr. Li Pingfeng was asked by the staff of the All Living Army to ask him about the previous paragraph after the meeting was over. The detailed experience of the time, this kind of inquiry lasted for more than three hours, after that, Mr. Li Pingfeng did not leave the headquarters of the All Living Army, but found a small lounge in the headquarters of the All Living Army, and fell asleep directly."

Just fell asleep?

Xiao Zhi was taken aback, and then he figured it out.

That's right, in the world outside the air wall, Li Pingfeng was controlled by the god master and reduced to a god slave, and in the Xingyao Empire, he lived cautiously and fearfully for so long, and lived so depressedly. His nerves were always in a tense state. Now that he committed suicide and finally returned to the real world, his mind could finally relax. If it was him, he would definitely have to sleep well until he was full.

At this time, Li Pingfeng definitely didn't have the energy to meet his confidante.

But when he wakes up, it's not necessarily...

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Xiao Zhi's thoughts were running extremely fast, and he thought of all these in the blink of an eye.

When he was thinking like this, he heard the liaison player continue: "After Mr. Li Pingfeng woke up, he saw that the whole world was having a heated discussion about the intelligence information he brought back. I also played in person, and the fans who brought him also participated in the discussion, just yesterday..."

"What happened yesterday?" Xiao Zhi asked.

The liaison player twitched his mouth and continued: "Just yesterday, Mr. Li Pingfeng stopped live broadcasting, and deleted all his related remarks on social networking sites, and then drove to I went fishing in a reservoir on the outskirts of Kyoto."

Xiao Zhi twitched his mouth when he heard this, thinking that Li Pingfeng is not stupid, he thought of getting off in person, arguing with others on the Internet, he probably didn't feel the power of those Internet keyboard warriors before.

When Xiao Zhi was an Internet author, he had experienced the power of these Internet keyboard warriors.

When he serialized novels on the Internet before, he was scolded for having a mental breakdown and doubting life because of some plot problems in the works.

He also went off in person, and explained in a long post, patiently saying that this is the experience of people around him, some of which are even his own experience, and sometimes what happens in reality is even more outrageous than fiction, even novels dare not After making it up like this, it turned out that he and he were not on the same channel at all, so he just said: Look, this author came here to tease him personally! Come and see! He was so angry that he wanted to drop his computer and phone.

Explanations are useless at all, the more you explain, the more black you get.

Although he has not been an author for many years now, he still keeps a respectful distance from these Internet keyboard warriors, maintains a heart of awe, and dare not provoke them.

Xiao Zhi shook his head, no longer thinking about these past events, but wentssiping: "Are those friends that Li Pingfeng brought to fish are male or female?"

Hearing this, the liaison player apologized a little: "This... I don't know either. I only know a general idea about these things about Mr. Li Pingfeng. Since you want to know, Zhishen, I'll let you know." line to ask."

With that said, the player sat down again and closed his eyes, wanting to return his consciousness to the real world.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi quickly stopped him and said, "Wait, there's no need to ask, that's all."

Although he has some gossip about this, he hasn't gossiped to this extent.

"Okay." Hearing this, the stopped player opened his eyes again, and nodded to Xiao Zhi, expressing his understanding.

Xiao Zhi said: "Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, then I will continue to practice."

"Yes, there are more." A new-faced player that Xiao Zhi felt a little strange stood up and said.

It may be the first time I have come into contact with Xiao Zhi, a legendary player among players. This unfamiliar liaison player seemed a little nervous. After he got up, he said, "Just two days ago, on a small island in the sea The envoys sent by the Dachang Kingdom and the Xuanming Kingdom held peace talks here."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

The peace talks were held so soon? He thought that such a big event as the peace talks would have to be delayed for a while.

He really wanted to say, why didn't he notify himself of such an important matter?

It's just that when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

Let the All Living Army not come to disturb his cultivation as long as he does not encounter any great danger, he said this himself, and he also said the same thing to his newly recruited younger brother Venerable Wu Lie once .

In this way, it is understandable that neither Zhongshengjun nor Venerable Wu Lie informed him of the peace talks at the time.

With these in mind, Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice, "Who went to this peace talk, and what was the result?"

The liaison player said nervously: "On our side of Dachang Kingdom, a total of four people went, namely Venerable Qiulong from the Shenmen Taixu lineage, Venerable Takagi from the Qingxu lineage, and Li Li from the Yuxu lineage. Venerable Yuan and Master Li Mu of the sect alliance, and Xuanming Kingdom, came three Yuanying Realm princes from the Jun family, namely Jun Yangyuan, Jun Longqing and Jun Zhengqi."

The liaison player obviously did his homework beforehand, and reported the names of the representatives of the two countries one by one.

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly and listened.

The four peace envoys of Dachang Kingdom represent the four largest forces in Dachang Kingdom, that is, the three branches of Shenmen and the sect alliance. His princes all represent the Jun family of Xuanming Kingdom...

Then I heard the liaison player continue: "Our army of sentient beings didn't know the specific process of this meeting, but it turned out that Venerable Qiu Long from the Shenmen Taixu lineage and Gao Muzun from the Qingxu lineage All agree to the peace talks, but Venerable Li Yuan of Yuxu's lineage and Master Li Mu of the sect alliance oppose the peace talks."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he was slightly surprised.

Venerable Li Yuan from the lineage of Shenmen Yuxu where he belonged was opposed to the peace talks, which he was not surprised at all, but he was a little surprised that Master Li Mu of the sectarian alliance also opposed the peace talks.

You know, strictly speaking, there is animosity between him and the sect alliance. For this reason, when he returned to Cangzhou Daocheng from Jiuyou Absolute Territory this time, he even had an affair with the sect alliance, which has a heroic appearance. Master Sen Luo, the leader of the alliance, had a fight.

Master Sen Luo was stronger than he expected. If he was not strong enough and cautious enough, he would have died in the hands of Master Sen Luo.

Although in the end it was Master Sen Luo who sold his teammate and offered to reconcile, saying that since then, the grievances between them had been written off, but Xiao Zhi always felt that Master Sen Luo, the old silver coin, might have pretended to reconcile with him. Maybe something bad is still simmering in the dark.

The result was that during the peace talks between the two countries, Master Li Mu, the representative sent by the sectarian alliance, actually stood by his side and refused the peace talks!

This made him a little confused.

Thanks to Super Cosmic Man, How Fallen Was Registered, Sword Burying Tianya I Respect, and Gone_fly for the rewards.

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