This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 161 Black Water Talent; Advanced Eye of the Dark Demon; Return of the Ancestral Silver Drago

In the mist of water vapor, a rising black scale ‘hill’ suddenly moved.

The huge dragon head buried in front of him slowly raised, his eyelids opened, and the slit-like pupils in the middle of the brown dragon eyes slowly expanded.

Wu Di looked at his panel expectantly.

Although you don't need to look at the panel, you can feel that your strength has become much stronger, and mentally you feel a sense of relief as you shed your heavy body.

[Wudi: high-level creature level seventeen; high-level mage level fourteen] (body length 61.4m)]

【Vitality: 210.2】

[Current number of feast levels: 280] (cooling time: thirty days)

[Alienation Talent: Eye of the Dark Demon (Level 3 {pseudo}), Super Speed ​​Recovery (Level 1), Black Water (Level 1)]

[Spell-like abilities: transformation, darkness]

[Spell runes: Sixth Ring·Water Dragon Technique (90% proficient), Sixth Ring·Alien Teleportation Technique (74% proficient), Sixth Ring·Instant Teleportation Technique (36% proficient), Sixth Ring·Eye of the Storm (entry) 30%), Five Rings·Space Storage Technique (60% for entry).】

[Psychic martial arts: 31% entry level for Rolling Stone Attack, Shunpo (not yet entry level), Hundred Fissure Fist (not yet entry level)]

Wu Di was not surprised when he saw that his biological level had been raised by a small level. After eating a giant fish-man, he was also raised from the low-level seventeenth level to the middle-level. Although the black water turtle is stronger than the giant fish-man, it has been improved by a small level. Much stronger, but physically strong is limited, after all, they all belong to the level 20 legendary category.

The difference in strength between the two lies in their soul level and their understanding of the true meaning of legend.

As for these two aspects, Udi looked at alienation talent.

The Eye of the Dark Demon (pseudo-third level): comes from a ray of divine power leaked by the [God of Eternal Darkness]. After devouring the soul of the legendary black water weed and the aggregated soul of millions of life soul fragments, the demon The eye's mental attack ability has been transformed and advanced to the pseudo-third level.

Black Water (Level 1): An innate ability derived from the bloodline of the legendary Black Water Weed, possessing heavy characteristics.

Wu Dilong's eyes flashed with surprise.

Sure enough, the level of this alienation talent can be improved, but it requires some relatively stringent prerequisites to be met.

"The magic eye's spiritual attack has undergone a transformation." Wu Di was a little ready to take action and wanted to experiment.

However, experimental subjects are obviously not that easy to find. It is difficult to test the power of the legendary ones. After all, there are not many master-level creatures that can withstand the mental attacks of the magic eyes that have not been promoted, and above the legendary ones.

"We'll try again later. Now let's experiment with the [Black Water] talent." Oudi focused on the bloodline talent obtained from the legendary Black Water Weed.

During the battle with the black water weed, he experienced the horror of the other party's black water.

It is not corrosive, nor does it have any other fancy effects. There is only one word - [heavy]! Extremely heavy!

This effect alone caused Udi to suffer a lot, and even almost overturned his car.

However, although he has great expectations for this talent ability, Wu Di also understands that the reason why the black water worm used the black water talent so strongly is because he understood the legendary true meaning of the corresponding effect [Heavy Water] .

But Wu Di did not understand the true meaning of the legend of [Heavy Water].

With anticipation and anxiety, Wu Di had an idea, and a ball of dark water condensed around the dragon's body.

The water polo looked extremely heavy, but after Wu Di felt it carefully, he was a little disappointed.

The black water ball quickly turned into a pitch-black water arrow under Udi's control, and then shot towards a huge hard black rock standing hundreds of meters away.


The black rock, which was harder than steel, was penetrated by the black water arrow. After penetrating the thick black rock, the black water arrow disintegrated and disappeared after a second or two.

This was just a black water arrow that Wu Di gathered at random, and he did not use his full strength.

"Sure enough, without the blessing of the legendary truth of [Heavy Water], the weight and power of pure black water are much worse." Oudi sighed, but he was not too disappointed.

Because this black water talent is slightly better than Oudi's acid dragon's breath in terms of pure power. Of course, if the terrifying corrosive effect of the acid dragon's breath is taken into account, the black water talent is still slightly worse.

But then again, Acid Dragon Breath can only attack by breathing, and the Black Water talent can not only condense various forms for defense or attack, but can also be used as an alternative dragon breath.

Therefore, there is really no way to rank the two talents in terms of which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

"The black water dragon's breath is quite suitable for the black dragon." Wu Di grinned.

Opening the ferocious dragon's mouth, a large amount of dark water gathered in it, and then turned into a black water column several meters thick and blasted towards the dragon pond.

The heavy black water with terrifying impact directly penetrated the hard black rock floor of Longchi, and then continued to break through hundreds of meters deep. Only then did Wu Di stop breathing and look at the deep and large hole that was blasted out of Longchi. There was a flash of satisfaction.

With this power, the legends died one after another.

Living for one second longer is disrespectful to this deep and smooth tunnel.

"And since the level of the Dark Demon's Eye can be improved, it is obvious that the Black Water talent can also be improved. After it is upgraded to the second or third level, even if you have not understood the legendary true meaning of [Heavy Water], it is estimated that the power will not be inferior. How much, even stronger!"

Expectation flashed in Wu Dilong's eyes.

As for how to improve the black water talent ability level, according to the promotion guess of the Dark Demon Eye, it is estimated that it will have to devour the legendary life with blood related to water.

The best one is probably a sibling of the black water weed.

"Looking for another legendary black water weed?" This thought came to Udi's mind.

He shook his head slightly, feeling that this hope was too small.

Although the sea area of ​​​​the Tar plane is huge, with billions of sea creatures, monsters, and creatures, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find the second legendary black water weed.

The black water weed itself is a top-level creature of bloodline. It is rare in number and difficult to reproduce. It is even less numerous than a single white dragon.

As for the white dragon tribe, which is more numerous than black water weeds, how many legendary white dragons are born in the Tar plane?

If the calculated time period is longer, such as tens of thousands of years, then it is estimated that more than a dozen legendary white dragons will be born.

But if we only look at the current period of several thousand years, a legendary white dragon will be born.

And he just died in the war.

Currently, there is no legendary white dragon in the Tar plane.

This is why Udi has no hope of finding a second legendary black water weed in Taal.

"Then let Xiaoha 'catch' a few other legendary creatures." Wu Di said to himself.

Another different innate ability can also enhance strength and means.

And after this feast, Udi's comprehensive strength has improved again. If he hunts a legendary creature that is not much different from the legendary black water weed, it will probably be easier.

This is the way of growth that snowballs and feeds war.

Thinking of this, Oudi communicated with the Abyss Demonic Dragon through his spiritual connection, and asked him to continue his 'fishing activities'. At the same time, he also asked about the handling of the crabs under the legendary Blackwater Glid.

"Master, those little crabs would rather die than surrender at first. Later, I led the group of little dragon cubs to eat them all. They were frightened and frightened, and finally I swore to surrender."

"What's the strength and how many are there?"

"Except for a dozen pure-blooded adult black water weeds, the other little crab bloodlines are very inferior. Most of them are mid-to-low-level crab monster bloodlines. Their strength is not that good, but there are quite a lot of them. That guy Fitz did the statistics. I haven’t counted the approximate number of crabs in one day, but according to the adult black water weeds, it is estimated that there are tens of millions of crab monsters.”

Tens of millions?

Wu Di was not too shocked after hearing this.

The fertility of low-level crab monsters is already strong. Coupled with the unique advantages of the sea area, such as vast area, huge depth, and piles of resources, this number of monster groups is nothing.

The Dark Forest ruled by Black Wing Lair is only over 10 million square kilometers, and now has nearly 10 million monsters, which is still the scale it has grown to in less than twenty years. This is the most practical example.

After a brief chat with Diaharut, Udi disconnected his spiritual connection.

After pondering for a while, although I felt that these crab monsters couldn't make any big waves, it was better to be safe.

He immediately confirmed Fitz's location, then positioned the arbitrary door next to him and stepped into it.

The edge of the deep sea, the seabed under 10,000 meters of water.

Biological chitin mountains hundreds to thousands of meters long are located on the seabed.

The small crab monster is about the size of a human head and looks harmless to humans and animals.

The large crab monster is more than ten meters wide and looks like a horizontal hill.

These crabs, large and small, were moving in and out of these biomass ‘mountains’ formed over an unknown period of time.

The densely packed large and small caves on the surface of the mountain are the residences of these crab monsters.

The stronger the crab monster, the higher and more majestic the mountain it lives in will be.

In the center, inside the huge gray-black mountain of biomass nearly three thousand meters high, there is a huge space covering dozens of miles.

A dozen gray giant crabs with a body width of 20 to 40 meters looked tremblingly at the black dragon lord who was sitting on the throne.

Oudi glanced at the group of adult black water weeds indifferently, and couldn't help but recall the delicious crab meat taste of the legendary black water weed.

Being stared at by Wu Di intentionally or unintentionally, this group of black water turtles, whose strength was at least level 15, suddenly trembled and felt the danger.

After coming back to his senses, Wu Di made up his mind and began to sign a family contract with these black water turtles.

To be on the safe side and avoid betrayal, it would be better to sign a contract and hold his life in the dragon's claws.

Besides, even if we don't mention this, the black water weed itself is enough for Udi to use the dependent contract.

Even the legendary black dragon is quite happy to have more than a dozen adult descendants of the top-blooded black water worm under his control.

Because in the waters, as a top aquatic monster, the black water worm's combat ability is no worse than that of the white dragon.


After signing the family contract, the thirteen adult black water weeds immediately and respectfully swore their submission in spiritual language.

As a monster born with top bloodline, its intelligence and ability are even higher than that of ordinary humans. If you want to learn the common language of the mainland, it is actually very simple.

The reason why it doesn't is because crabs are unable to speak due to their body structure and can only communicate mentally.

Udi left here after a few words of encouragement.

Return to the Black Castle Dragon Pond and continue practicing spell runes.

With a little effort, you can break through the caster level in a year.

It is worth mentioning that the transformation and improvement of the Dark Demon Eye's mental attack talent ability is actually a transformation of mental power.

Therefore, now Wu Di has actually surpassed the master-level spell caster by a large margin in terms of the amount and purity of pure spiritual power.

Similarly, in terms of magic power, because he is a giant dragon and has the super large size of a feast dragon, the amount of magic power far exceeds that of ordinary master-level spellcasters. Only in terms of purity, it is still somewhat lacking.

What does this mean?

This shows that whether it is now or after the caster level breaks through level 15, there is basically only one condition that can trouble Udy's spell caster level improvement - spell runes.

It is precisely because of understanding this that Wu Di works so hard to practice magic runes.

Even though the few spells he is currently practicing cannot increase his strength much, they are heavy cornerstones of the spellcaster's profession.

Without the construction of these cornerstones, it would be impossible to build a majestic tower that reaches the sky.

In the northern sea, above the boundless sea, a huge lonely island floats on the water.

The island covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. From a high altitude, you can see all kinds of strange, magnificent and tall buildings.

In the sky, spaceship-like aircraft flew one after another, giving off an alternative style of prosperity.

In the center of the territory, there is the lowest level of a thousand-meter-high pointed magic tower.

In the bright environment, there is a 100-meter-wide pool with some kind of strange silver liquid in it.

A silver dragon with silvery white body, shining scales and slender body lay in the pool.

Inside, which ordinary people cannot perceive, this thirty-three-meter-long silver dragon is undergoing drastic changes.

The changes are so drastic that they can be called evolution!

As time passed, the silver liquid in the pool gradually decreased and was absorbed by the silver dragon. At the same time, the size of the silver dragon's body was also slowly increasing.

Thirty-four and thirty-five had grown to forty-five meters, comparable in size to the legendary silver dragon, and then gradually stopped growing.

While growing in size, the silver dragon's shape and appearance also became more and more majestic. The dragon's horns grew and gradually intertwined into the prototype of the crown. The dragon's wings changed from their original auxiliary role to become extremely broad, truly possessing even if not With the spell-like ability, he can fly freely with the dragon wings alone. The dragon scales have also changed from a bright silver color to a dull and ancient dark silver color.

During the time when the silver dragon was transforming, a woman with the first dragon horn often came in and out, looking at the silver dragon in the pool with some worry and some expectancy.

"We are now on the right track to return to our ancestors. Judging from the changes in the dragon's body shape, dragon horns, dragon scales, and dragon wings, the progress of this return to our ancestors should not be less than 30%."

The dragon-horned beauty murmured to herself, excitement flashing in her eyes.

After thousands of years of research and countless resources spent, we finally have excellent research results. ——The bloodline returns to the ancestors!

The ancestral dragons, the ultimate creatures at the same level as the Titan Gods, are the pinnacle bloodline that can grow to the level of gods without any hindrance!

Five-color dragons and metal dragons also have different dragon strength and bloodline arrangements, such as red, blue, green, black, and white, and gold, silver, yellow, green, and red.

However, this is a joke among the ancestral dragon clan.

All ancestral dragons of the same age are at the same level in terms of strength and bloodline, and there is no distinction between them.

Let’s compare the two most extreme dragon species, the white dragon and the golden dragon. Their ancestral bloodline, the ancestral white dragon and the ancestral golden dragon, are all at the same level. Who wins and who loses can only depend on the talent of the dragon. No longer look at the merits of bloodline. Because they are all ultimate creatures and the most pinnacle bloodline in the star world.

If you are really confused, then think about the form of Tiamat, the five-color dragon mother. The five-color dragon mother is called the five evil dragons because she has the heads of a red dragon, a blue dragon, a green dragon, a black dragon, and a white dragon. .

And the abilities of these five dragon heads are equal.

The ancestral five-color dragon was created from the differentiation of the divine form from the five-color dragon mother.

The reason why the later five-color dragons had a gap in strength and bloodline qualifications was simply because they needed to adapt to survival and reproduction, so they degenerated to varying degrees.

Red dragons are less degenerated, but their ability to reproduce will be worse.

White dragons are more degenerated, but their ability to reproduce is stronger.

Everyone has their own choices.

In terms of the overall strength of the clan, the red dragon clan will not produce many more great beings at the god-like and dragon-god level than the white dragon clan. The overall strength of each type of five-color dragon is actually not much different and relatively balanced.

"But when the bloodline reaches 50%, it's probably the limit." The beautiful brows of the dragon-horned beauty 'Morgan' frowned slightly.

Invisibly, there is a restriction.

And this kind of restriction, Morgan can vaguely feel, is not something that ordinary creatures can break through.


Morgan thought of the various monster bloodlines that Sandy brought back more than a year ago. Her expression moved slightly and there was solemnity in her eyes.

After more than a year of research, she discovered that the bloodlines of more than a dozen monsters all had the same strange power.

Morgan grafted this power onto the experimental subjects, and then these experimental subjects, whether they were ordinary creatures, low-level, intermediate, high-level, or even top-level, all underwent the same changes.

As long as you eat, eat nutritiously and eat well, your body will begin to grow and your strength will continue to improve.

And that's just the surface.

On a deeper level, what shocked even Morgan was that this increase in size actually increased the upper limit of the bloodline talent of an individual creature. Even if a creature with top bloodline is injected with this special power, its upper limit will be broken!

"If the upper limit of top-level bloodline creatures can be broken, the high probability means that even the upper limit of bloodline of giant dragons can be broken." Morgan thought to himself.

Although the essential principles are different, they are similar to the Silver Dragon Ancestral Potion developed by Morgan.

Her Silver Dragon Ancestral Potion actually uses a certain principle to find the source of the extremely thin ancestral Silver Dragon bloodline in Sandy's bloodline, and then strengthens the extremely thin ancestral Silver Dragon bloodline, and finally achieves the goal of returning to the ancestors. Ancestor, thereby increasing the upper limit of bloodline talent.

But if that was all, Morgan wouldn't be too shocked.

What really shocked her was that this special power did not require the consumption of a large amount of resources. Compared with the Silver Dragon Ancestral Potion developed by Morgan, the resources consumed by this special power that could break the bloodline limit were already very few. What a pity, the two are not on the same level at all.

If making that silver dragon reversion potion could bankrupt ten legendary powerhouses, then the price of that special power can be borne by even high-level professionals.

However, it cannot be compared specifically.

Because the silver dragon's ancestral potion increases the upper limit quite high.

As for that special power, after Morgan's research, he found that it takes a lot of special power and time to buffer its growth to achieve the effect of a silver dragon atavistic potion.

But the good news is that this special power can be cultivated and multiplied by consuming resources.

"According to experiments, this special power can be superimposed with the effect of the Silver Dragon's Ancestral Potion." Morgan looked at the Silver Dragon in the pool, which had entered the late stage of transformation and was about to end, with something about to move flashing in his eyes.

If this special power is applied to Sandy, can Sandy, who only has less than 50% of the bloodline of the ancestral silver dragon, be pushed to the same level as the pure-blood ancestral silver dragon?

Half ancestral silver dragon bloodline, half special power bloodline.

Although she was a little ready to make a move, Sandy still had to make her own decision on this matter.

All Morgan can do now is to keep experimenting with whether this power has any other side effects.

Time passed slowly, and a few months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the Crimson Nest's expansion rate was quite exaggerated, directly occupying the entire eastern region of the continent, and even the central, northern, and southern regions.

This also caused a mass exodus of creatures in the eastern region, which indirectly affected the stability of the regions connected to it, causing creatures of all races to be in panic all day long, fearing that one day the evil dragon's breath would spit out from the sky.

The atmosphere on the mainland was suddenly extremely depressing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can understand that in such a depressing situation, there will definitely be a rebound and explosion.

No matter how strong the Crimson Mother is, this involves the survival, freedom, and feelings of the hometown of the race. Not being "strong" can make all races give up resistance and let the evil dragon enslave them.

The metal dragons of Dragon Island were probably also approached by strong men from the Pan-Continent Race Alliance during this period, wanting to involve Dragon Island in this war.

Once the Metal Dragon clan ends, it may not be impossible to fight.

Although Dragon Island most likely does not have any strong metal dragons that have reached high-level legends, there are still metal dragons that have reached level 24.

The legendary golden dragon ‘Ignis’ who once fought fiercely with the Crimson Mother has disappeared for thousands of years without reappearing.

This powerful legendary golden dragon is the only hope for the Pan-Continent Race Alliance.

As long as this Crown Prince takes action, if the Crimson Mother does not seal her own strength, the Crimson Nest may not be able to rule the Taal plane.

After all, there are huge limitations every time you break through the constraints of the plane.

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