This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 222 Violent Bear Swordsmanship (46k)

Chapter 222: Violent Bear Swordsmanship (4.6k)

Udi stroked this huge piece of starry sky iron, and the next moment, tyrannical consciousness poured into it.

Inside the dragon's reverse scale, which is almost integrated with the starry sky iron, there is a drop of bright red dragon blood inside.

This is the dragon's essence and blood of Wu Di's body, which contains a huge amount of energy. If a kobold obtains this drop of dragon's essence and blood, it is entirely possible for a kobold to transform into a true dragon after becoming a warlock and practicing hard.

However, the blood essence that once exuded terrifying coercion has now become dim and inconspicuous, just like ordinary blood.

Even the virtual gold was forcibly suppressed by the rules of this world and turned into a mortal object, restraining all its power. It was naturally impossible to avoid Wu Di's blood essence and blood, and almost all extraordinary characteristics disappeared.

However, if you return to the star realm, this drop of essence and blood can still be 'vital', and so is the virtual gold. They have not really become mortal objects, but have been forcibly suppressed by the rules and 'fallen' to mortal objects.

However, although the dragon's extraordinary nature has been suppressed, the void origin contained in it is still intact.

Oudi's powerful consciousness worked hard to pull the void source in the reverse scale, and a faint power of the void source slowly poured into the young body controlled by Oudi, quietly transforming the essence of the body.

In Wu Di's guess, the origin of the void is at least a god-like power, and gods and god-like powers are, to a certain extent, themselves the essence of the rules, and naturally cannot be suppressed by the rules. At least from now on. Looking at it now, the origin of void is not suppressed by the rules of this world.

"Sid, what are you doing?"

A clear and stern voice came from behind.

It’s Claire, the sister of this body ‘Sid’.

Claire was wearing a white swordsman uniform with a ponytail. She was 1.75 meters tall and looked dashing.

"...I'm looking at the stone." Wu Di stopped absorbing the original power of the void in the reverse scale, moved his hand away from the starry sky meteorite, turned his head, smiled and nodded at his 'cheap sister'.

Claire frowned and looked at Sid. After sighing, her tone became stern and she scolded, "You are the only man in the Kageno family now. The family needs you to support it. Now come with me and practice sword practice!" "

"I" Udi frowned slightly and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, when Claire saw Udi's hesitation, she thought she wanted to resist. She immediately stepped forward angrily, grabbed Udi's waist with her left hand and took him away. .

Oudi's powerful consciousness allowed him to see Claire's movements, but his weak body prevented him from reacting. He could only watch as Claire clamped him around her waist and led him to the training ground. go.

Feeling the strong arms on his waist, Wu Di finally gave up his resistance and remained speechless.

Unexpectedly, he, the majestic Black Dragon King, the big BOSS who can decide the life and death of hundreds of millions of creatures with one word, would one day be held in the arms of a weak woman. It was simply...

never mind

Wu Di decided to hold back for the time being and wait for some time to control his strength.

On the training ground.

Claire threw a white iron sword to Udi, and then said in an indifferent tone, "Although you haven't awakened to the spirit cage space yet, you have the blood of the Kageno family, and your awakening will happen sooner or later. Before that, you have to Exercise well, you cannot become a qualified conjurer without a strong body!"

"The family has two swordsmanships, one is the agile and fast Spirit Snake Swordsmanship, and the other is the violent bear swordsmanship that is powerful and heavy and can overwhelm people with force. Which one do you choose to practice?"

Wu Di has not yet told Claire that he has awakened the spirit cage space. He has been exploring it on his own in the past few days. Now when he heard what Claire said, his heart moved.

"Sister, I seem to have awakened the spirit cage space."

As soon as he said these words, a violent air flow suddenly hit Udi, blowing his hair upside down and unable to open his eyelids. Before he could even open his eyes, he felt a pair of hands pressing down on his shoulders. Living.

This body is only 1.6 meters tall. Not to mention thin, it is also slender, and its physical fitness is the same as that of ordinary people. Faced with Clay, whose physical strength is comparable to that of a three-meter-tall adult jackal. Ya, Udi thought his shoulder blade was broken at this moment.

"What did you say? Have you awakened the spirit cage space?!" There was an undisguised look of surprise on Claire's face.

However, when he noticed the pained frown on his brother's face, he noticed that he had inadvertently used a little more force. He immediately calmed down and put down the hand on Udi's shoulder.

"Release the spell and let me see."

Wu Di rubbed his shoulders to relieve the pain, then nodded. With a thought, he communicated with the spirit cage space, and traces of gray gas slowly emerged from his palms.

Curse power will be naturally possessed after awakening the spirit cage space. It is an accessory power of the spirit cage space. It is by relying on this power that the spell master can enslave the curse spirit and perform spells.

The awakened curse power of Wu Di is very weak, which is related to the weak bloodline of this body. However, the curse power can be enhanced through acquired cultivation, not through independent cultivation, but through the body of the enslaved curse spirit, which absorbs certain energy in the air with the help of the curse spirit. , and then the magician can master it through transformation.

The magician cannot directly control extraordinary power by himself. All actions need to be controlled indirectly through the power of the magic spirit.

"It is indeed a curse." Claire nodded slightly when she saw the gray gas coming out of Udi's palm, and then said after thinking for a moment,

"I will give you a collection of basic spells and spells later. You can study them by yourself at night. If you don't understand, tell me.

Now, let's practice swordsmanship first. Do you choose the snake swordsmanship or the violent bear swordsmanship? "

"Bear Bear Swordsmanship." Oudi decided without much thought.

After all, under the transformation of the Void Origin, his body will become extremely strong. The fancy swordsmanship such as the Spirit Snake Swordsmanship will definitely not be as easy to use and display his own strength as the violent bear swordsmanship.

Claire glanced at her brother's slender body and frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she took a 1.8-meter-long wooden sword from the weapon rack on the side and threw it to Oudi, saying,

"The violent bear swordsmanship requires a strong body. Your current body is too weak. But since you have chosen, I will supervise you.

I will make the next training plan, if you can’t complete it.”

Claire's eyes narrowed, as if her brother couldn't finish it, and there would be no good things to gain.

Udi just smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best."

"That's good." Claire didn't say any more, but began to introduce the violent bear sword technique.

"Although the violent bear swordsmanship is just a basic swordsmanship, it is also the most suitable for you today. This swordsmanship focuses on strength and physical strength. If you practice it at the first level, ordinary people will not be your opponent. If you practice it at the fifth level, then ordinary people will not be your opponent." Then you have the strength to escape from the hands of the fifth-level curse spirit. My requirement for you is that you must practice the first level within a month, and the third level within half a year!

Now, I will start to practice the first level of violent bear swordsmanship for you, watch carefully. "

Claire said, and began to practice the violent bear swordsmanship. Although she learned the spirit snake swordsmanship, because of her extraordinary talent, it is still possible to teach the first and second levels of the violent bear swordsmanship. After all, the basic swordsmanship is nothing. If you study hard and spend a lot of time, even ordinary people can practice to a high level.

Oudi's eyes were fixed on Claire. With his strong consciousness, he imprinted almost all the moves performed by Claire in his mind.

After Cleya finished the drill and made an impression on her younger brother, she began to personally teach Udi how to disassemble the movements one by one.

However, what shocked and strangely surprised Claire was that her brother seemed to have changed into a different person. He could copy an action she taught him.

Ten minutes passed, and Claire looked at Oudi in front of her with a surprised look on her face. In this short period of time, she had learned all the moves of the first level of the violent bear swordsmanship.

"How come you couldn't learn it before?" Claire asked strangely.

"My father and mother were still there before, and my sister was standing in the way, so I didn't want to learn." Oudi absorbed Sid's memory fragments and had most of the impressions of Sid's previous life, and casually fabricated a reason. .

When Claire heard the words "father and mother", her eyes darkened, but she quickly recovered and looked at Udi with a serious face,

"Since you have talent in learning swordsmanship, you should work hard. After all, you have no innate talent in spell power. If you are lazy in swordsmanship, it will be a waste of your talent. I won't say more, you can practice it yourself first."

With that said, Claire walked to the other side of the training ground and started her training.

Wu Di temporarily stopped practicing the violent bear swordsmanship and looked at his 'sister'.

In the impression of his predecessor, Sid, he only vaguely knew that his sister was a fifth-level conjurer and a genius, but the specific performance of her strength was quite vague, and in his other memories, there was almost no memory of the conjurer fighting. .

Wu Di wanted to take this opportunity to observe the strength of the spellcasters in this world, so as to deduce the peak of the world's martial arts.

Logically speaking, this world is a super large material plane, which is enough to accommodate demigod-level experts to walk in the world and fight. Therefore, this kind of plane will often give birth to demigod-level existences as time passes.

Just like a bottle filled with water, as time goes by, the water will definitely fill the bottle.

However, the rules of this world are very strange, and the life span of a conjurer is not long, so Oudi cannot confirm whether the peak of strength in this world can reach the level of a demigod.

The upper limit of the strength of the strongest person in the world determines Udi's future action plan.

In the super-large material plane, the number of creatures alone is a massive series, and there must also be massive rare resources. With the size of this world, even if Udi needs resources that are ten times or even more than those of the same level, More is definitely enough to supply Oudi's body to advance into a demigod!

Moreover, as an indigenous world that does not have access to the power of the system where hundreds of flowers bloom in the star realm, this kind of world is the easiest to harvest resources.

In Oudi's gaze, Klea, who was hundreds of meters away, made a gesture, and suddenly a black python with billowing smoke emerged from the empty space behind her.

The smoke black python is more than 20 meters long, with six green snake eyes. It looks quite strange. Even if it is hundreds of meters away, the aura it reveals makes Wu Di, an ordinary person now, feel suffocated. .

The six-eyed black python curse spirit is not a flesh-and-blood creature, so Wu Di cannot determine the extent of its strength by sensing its life magnetic field. However, judging from its aura, Wu Di estimates that it should be comparable to a seventh- or eighth-level human professional.

After Claire summoned the curse spirit she controlled, she sat cross-legged on the six-eyed black python. The six-eyed black python swallowed up streams of strange energy from the void, and then transported it to Claire's body through some kind of link. Thick streams of black smoke covered Claire's body, looking extremely evil.

Seeing that he could not observe the specific strength of the six-eyed black python, Wu Di withdrew his gaze and was about to start practicing the violent bear sword technique, but in his heart he was secretly shocked,

"Only a fifth-level conjurer can control a magical spirit with a creature level of seven or eight?"

This is still judged by the breath. If the strange characteristics of the curse spirit are taken into account, perhaps even a human professional with a biological level of nine will not be its opponent.

Level nine is already the pinnacle of the intermediate level, and the tenth level above is the advanced level.

"The fifth-level conjurer has a physical strength comparable to that of a second-level one, and the ability to control spell spirits is between level seven and nine. In addition, he has the ability to release spells similar to a spell caster." Wu Di narrowed his eyes.

From this point of view, the pinnacle of military force in this world cannot be underestimated.

But having said that, Wu Di is now considered a low-level conjurer, and the next level up is a fifth-level conjurer. There is only one level difference between them. Is the gap of one level so huge?

You must know that Udi's current strength may only be as strong as two zero-level goblins. His physical body is that of an ordinary person, his spell power is extremely meager, he has not yet learned the spells, and he has not yet enslaved the spell spirit (the fire spell spirit was devoured).

Putting the disturbing thoughts out of his mind, Wu Di began to immerse himself in the practice of violent bear swordsmanship.

I just learned the first level of routines and moves, but to truly succeed in practicing this first level, you still need to use these routines and moves to strengthen your body to a standard.


"Panel." Udi thought and called out the panel.

Although it is not the main body and cannot be strengthened by the feast, the ability of the proficiency panel can still be used.

【Udi (Sid)】

【Power】: 0.88

[Agility]: 0.91

[Physique]: 0.96

[Consciousness]: 3602

[Skill]: Violent Bear Swordsmanship (0% on the first level)

[Characteristics]: None

The proficiency panel has also changed slightly depending on the world environment.

"Strength, agility, physique, consciousness, most ordinary people in this world who have not exercised should not have more than a little." Wu Di thought to himself.

Immediately, he gathered his thoughts and began to practice every move of the violent bear swordsmanship with all his heart.

An hour later, Udi was covered in sweat, his arms were sore and weak, and he could no longer continue practicing.

Although the big sword he wields is made of light wood, it weighs five or six kilograms. Swinging it for a long time is a big burden on his current body.

Glancing at the progress panel.

[Skill]: Violent Bear Swordsmanship (3% on the first level)

"It's not slow, but"

Oudi glanced at Claire who was still practicing on the six-eyed black python curse spirit in the distance, and quietly left here.

In the manor kitchen.

Under the stunned gazes of the two chefs, Udi ate the fifth roast chicken.

Fusing the source of the void, the transformed body also quietly accelerated the digestion of the food in the belly, turning it into a trace of power, strengthening Wu Di's body.

After eating and drinking, Wu Di returned to the training ground again, silently picked up the wooden sword and began to practice the violent bear swordsmanship.

One move after another exercises all parts of the body, and also speeds up the body's digestion.

Several hundred meters away, Claire, who was sitting cross-legged on the six-eyed black python with her eyes closed, could not help but reveal a smile of relief.

This continued for seven days.

In the morning, on the training ground.

The shirtless black-haired boy stopped after practicing a full set of swordsmanship.


【Udi (Sid)】

【Power】: 1.52

[Agility]: 1.39

[Physique]: 1.76

[Consciousness]: 3602

[Skill]: Violent Bear Swordsmanship (1% on the second level)

[Characteristics]: None

"It's the second level." A satisfied smile appeared on Udi's lips.

Claire asked him to complete the first level within a month, but he completed the first level in seven days. From this point of view, the speed should not be too slow.

And his physical fitness has also undergone earth-shaking changes in these seven days, with almost all aspects improved by about 70 to 80%.

However, most of the improvement in physical fitness comes from eating, and then the void source is converted into energy to strengthen his strength. Although the improvement brought by the training of violent bear swordsmanship is not small, it is much worse than the void source.

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