This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 232 Servant of the Abyss The Messenger of Doom

Chapter 232 Servant of the Abyss: Messenger of the End

General Hairen looked at the faintly defeated army, but he was in no mood to stop it.

Because this wasn't just the first escape.

This was at least the tenth time this year that he had escaped.

It's just that the previous escapes were only on a small scale, and would soon be brutally suppressed by the legendary sea clan strongmen guarding the army.

Every time the army wanted to resist, did not want to be used as cannon fodder, and wanted to escape from the battlefield, they would be severely suppressed.

Once, twice, ten times, fifteen times


All the sea people who surrendered to the sea people began to collapse and flee. Even the sea people's army had a large number of veterans who had experienced bloody battles and began to flee.

The veterans who were lucky enough to survive knew clearly that this place was a huge mixing ground of flesh and blood.

If you don't leave, the outcome will definitely be death.

Because of the power of the Black Wing Lair, they could not see any future of victory and the end of the war.

As for the new sea warriors who joined the battlefield, as the war went on, they naturally became vaguely aware of the horror here.

It was originally a battlefield filled with fear and fear, but now when they saw a large number of experienced sea warriors who were stronger than themselves, they began to flee en masse. Could they not run away?

The behavior of veterans is the best guide for these fearful recruits.

"Sir, let me kill these deserters!"

Behind General Hairen, a legendary second-level Hairen looked at this scene with an extremely ugly face, took two steps forward and said.

"No need." General Hairen looked a little tired, looking at the somewhat astonished legendary Hairen beside him, he said calmly,

"The emperor has made a decision, and the next step will be a decisive battle between us and the legendary powerhouse of Black Wing Lair."

If some cannon fodder and the lives of some elite Sea Clan warriors can be used to resist the invasion of the Black Wing Lair, then it will naturally be worthwhile for the Sea Clan Empire.

However, after billions of Sea Tribe warriors were killed and injured, a large number of races that originally submitted to the Sea People Empire began to rebel. Many Sea Tribes who were on the borders of the Sea People Empire began to migrate away from here. Go and join the Naga Empire and the Mermaid Empire.

This trend cannot be stopped. After all, if only one or two surrendered races defect, then the Sea People Empire can still scare other races with different intentions. But when dozens or hundreds of surrendered races begin to defect, the Sea People Empire If the empire kills them all, the remaining races that have not yet defected will definitely be in crisis when they see this scene.

Eventually, the entire vast Sea Empire will become chaotic.

This will shake the foundation of the Seaman Empire!

"Yes!" Legend Hairen silently retreated.

Now that their emperor has made a decision, they just need to obey the order.

Although, the legendary seaman felt a little scared in his heart.

It knows very well that once the legendary war begins, then a legend like it in the second level will definitely be cannon fodder in this war.

The legendary seaman silently looked at the seaman general in front of him.

"The general is a strong man of the third level, and he is also the emperor's brother. After the war begins, he will definitely not rush to the front. But I am different. I climbed up purely on my own, and my strength is also Not strong enough, and has little say in the empire."

"If I surrender to Blackwing Lair."

Distracting thoughts emerged in the legendary sea man's heart, making him struggle extremely.

"Don't worry, everyone, the emperor will summon the servants of Haiyuan."

As if he had guessed the thoughts of his subordinates, General Hairen turned around and comforted the dozen or so legendary Hai Clan powerhouses following him.

"Servant of Haiyuan?" Legend Hairen, who was originally on the verge of defecting, was shocked when he heard the general's words, but he soon felt relieved.

After all, the pressure put by Black Wing Lair on the Sea Empire was too great.

If the Legendary War begins and the Black King ends, no one in their Sea People Empire can stop this terrifying black dragon.

Instead of summoning the followers of the Abyss when all the top legendary combat power is exhausted, it is better to take advantage of the fact that only some grassroots warriors have been lost and summon them directly to reduce losses.

In a bottomless abyss hundreds of kilometers away from the Sea People Empire's royal court.

A huge altar covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers is located in the bottomless ocean.

The surrounding environment is close to extreme darkness.

A little light suddenly lit up from a distance, and then the altar suddenly became brighter within a hundred miles radius.

The extremely dark environment is driven away.

The Seaman Emperor was suspended above the altar, with an extremely thick chain behind him.

On the chain, there are huge and amazing sea beasts strung together.

These are sacrifices.

"The great Lord of the Abyss, the leader of the endless sea, the day you come to this world with madness and bloodshed, indifference and existence is when the world will be overturned by the deep sea!"

As the sacrificial prayers ended, hundreds of huge and powerful sea beasts were coldly killed by one of the legendary sea people.

The huge altar lit up with a glimmer of light, and the mountains of corpses and souls of sea beasts disappeared in the glimmer of light.

A vortex of blue water appeared in the center of the altar.

The water vortex slowly expands from a few meters in diameter to tens of meters, then to hundreds of meters or kilometers.

An extremely suppressed aura came from the water vortex, with a hint of madness and chaos.

After sensing this aura, the faces of the Seaman Emperor and other legendary powerful men changed slightly.

Sacrifice to the Heart of the Abyss does not mean summoning the Heart of the Abyss.

The Heart of the Abyss is the concept of an old god. Its true form has not appeared in the star realm for countless years, and it is naturally impossible to respond to the call of believers.

The existences summoned by worshiping the Heart of the Abyss are those who have followed the Heart of the Abyss, or have obtained the power of the Heart of the Abyss.

"This aura seems to be the messenger of the end." The seaman emperor's eyelids were beating, and he felt a hint of retreat in his heart.

Those who follow the Heart of the Abyss are divided into those who control reason and those who control chaos.

The Endbringer is an extremely powerful and terrifying creature among the faction that controls chaos.

As the breath spread out, thick, dark blue and black, greasy tentacles that were four to five meters long poked out from the vortex.

An extremely chaotic thought emerged in the minds of all the legendary powerhouses on the field. Some weak legendary powerhouses could not withstand the instigation of this force. Their eyeballs turned blood red, roared, and suddenly went crazy destroying and attacking their companions everywhere.

"Stay back!" The Seaman Emperor looked at this scene with an ugly expression, but still did not choose to leave. Instead, he asked those strong men who were not affected, or who could still control themselves, to retreat.

Soon, there were only seven legendary strong men left on the altar who were trapped in chaos and could not extricate themselves. Among these strong men, none of them were from the sea people clan. They were either legendary sea beasts or other legendary sea clans, such as the legendary whale people. , the legendary Kati Crocodile.

Most of the same level are legendary first-level ones, and there are only two legendary second-level ones.

The strong men who retreated behind and were not affected by the chaos were all legendary strong men of the Hairen clan.

A roar came from the whirlpool, and then a huge fish head emerged from it.

The fish head is dark blue mixed with light purple round spots. It has no eyes and only thick tentacles densely covered with the fish head.

When the Endbringer's entire body came out of the vortex, even the Seaman Emperor, who was well-informed and whose strength reached the legendary fourth level peak and knew his appearance from the empire's records, couldn't help but take a breath at this moment. gas.

The appearance of the Doombringer, the tentacled fish head alone is as huge as a hundred feet, and behind it is a huge and skinny humanoid body with a thick lion-like tail.

On both sides of the chest of the skinny humanoid body, there are two rows of scarlet eyes.

The Sea People Emperor forced himself not to look at those red magic eyes, but two of the Sea People strongmen beside it couldn't help but take a second look.

Just this glance caused their consciousness to be completely confused, and then their bodies were controlled to rush towards the messenger.

At the same time, the seven other legendary powerhouses of the Sea Tribe who had already fallen into chaos seemed to be inspired and flew towards the End Messenger.

"Leave them alone!" The Seaman Emperor looked at the legendary strong men around him who wanted to save two of his own race, and quickly shouted to stop them.

"But." The strong seaman was a little stunned. He couldn't bear to watch his fellow tribesmen flocking towards the Doom Messenger like puppets being manipulated. Finally, he sighed and looked away.

A total of nine legendary powerhouses poured into the seven red magic eyes.

Originally, seven legendary powerhouses were enough, but the two legendary seamen powerhouses refused to listen and couldn't bear their curiosity.

"The sacrifice is good, I like it very much."

The End Messenger's terrifying mental power swept around the surroundings, and he let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Finally, it looked at the ring on the finger of the Seaman Emperor.

In this ring, it sensed the breath of the great Heart of the Abyss.

"Say your request." The messenger's mental power resonated and made a buzzing sound.

This sound makes people feel extremely irritated when they hear it.

"The great and noble Messenger of the End." The Sea People Emperor wiped a cold sweat from his heart. The 'look' of the Messenger of the End just now made his heart numb, as if his whole person had been swallowed into the abyss of the sea.

The seaman emperor expressed his request.

The End Messenger listened quietly, with a hint of interest in his seven red magic eyes.

"I'm really lucky to meet such a powerful alien dragon in such a weak plane."

The wild mental power of the Doom Messenger spread out, and the invisible mental power seemed to be real, causing the sea water to become turbulent, and there were numerous undercurrents. Tens of thousands of undercurrent vortices that could easily tear apart the existence below the legend appeared and disappeared.

The Doom Messenger, who had released the joy in his heart, had no extra patience to stay here even for a moment.

The terrifying skinny limbs, which were seven hundred meters long, were supported by a fish head with several hundred meters of huge tentacles. They just bounced and walked with weird movements before disappearing here.

In an instant, the distance is hundreds of miles.

The target is pointed at the Twilight Island.

The End Messenger has received detailed information from the Sea People Emperor.

Not long after, the End Messenger appeared under the twilight island.

The seven red magic eyes were spinning around, sensing the breath of creatures on the twilight island.

"Thirty-five legendary auras. Among them is the black dragon." The End Messenger's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

"Trash, even the information is wrong." The seven red evil eyes of the Doom Messenger flashed with violent murderous intent.

The next moment, a thousand-meter-long terrifying Doom Messenger emerged from the deep sea and appeared on the Twilight Island.

The terrifying breath of life eroded the huge twilight island, and countless creatures were frightened and fled in panic.

The End Messenger took one step and arrived thousands of miles away.

In the clearing of the forest below, a legendary first-level combat tyrannosaurus with a body size of more than 60 meters raised its head and saw the sudden appearance of the Doombringer.

The terrifying chaotic aura eroded Greymon's brain, almost causing it to lose control of its body.

However, its powerful body and the power of void within its body allowed it to barely retain three points of reason. With the remaining three points of reason, it made its final attack.

On the dragon's head and shoulders, the weapon like a machine gun rotated wildly, firing out a hundred thousand sharp compressed energy bullets in an instant.

The air was torn apart by these energy bullets, and a vacuum road appeared in the direction of the torrent of energy bullets.

"An ant dares to resist." The Endbringer looked at the Fighting Greymon trying to resist and let out a silent roar of terror.

A massive amount of chaotic will poured into BattleGreymon's mind, completely wiping out its consciousness and shattering its soul.

This legendary first-level tyrannosaurus died in just this thought.

However, the energy torrent bullets that were enough to cause severe damage or even kill the first-level creatures hit the messenger of the end, but did not leave even a mark.

The gap between the two sides has become so great that they are no longer on the same level.

Thick tentacles rolled towards the body of the BattleGreymon below. When the Endbringer was about to devour it, the body of the BattleGreymon suddenly turned into ashes. Dots of black ashes shone faintly, and then even the ashes disappeared. Completely disappeared.

"This is..." The End Messenger narrowed his mind slightly when he saw this scene.


The body of the ferocious giant monster began to tremble, and it let out a silent, maniacal laugh.

After this period of time, the strong men in the base camp of Black Wing Lair also noticed the sudden appearance of the Doom Messenger.

Without any hesitation, these Legendary Void Familiar gathered together, and then rushed directly towards the place that exuded a terrifying aura.

The End Messenger, who originally wanted to take the initiative to look for those little bugs, stopped moving forward when he sensed that they were approaching.

"Because you won't really die, so aren't you afraid of death?" The seven red magic eyes of the Doom Messenger flashed with eagerness.

at the same time.

Abyssal lava waste plane.

Wu Di, who had just planted a void seed into a legendary first-level abyss demon, suddenly became calm.

Its consciousness penetrates into the gray space.

Then he saw the broken gray soul body of the dead Legendary BattleGreymon.

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