This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 95 Speech on the List Sanjiang Speech

Chapter 95 Speech on the launch + Speech on Sanjiang

It took fifty-three days and 230,000 words to be written. It will be published tomorrow.

Release time: next Monday (9.25), VIP will be opened at 12 noon, I hope to be a fan then.

I hope to write a book about Long Wen that leaves my name behind. I hope that in the future, readers of Long Wen will also bring this book with them when they recommend Long Wen to others.


Thank you readers for supporting the little author, and thank you for your recommendation. Thank you.

You are such good people——

If I update, I will try to update as much as possible and try not to take time off.

My own goal is to stably update 6,000 to 8,000 words every day in the early and mid-term. This is a goal, not a flag. I don’t like to raise flags because I have seen too many authors who failed to raise flags and were criticized by readers. , spraying and spraying, these authors are like eunuchs. So I only talk about goals, not absolutes. Thank you for your understanding.


And thank you to my fellow authors. (There are portals in previous chapters)

"Above the Sky", author: Yin Tian Shenyin (Brother Yin Tian is very nice and warm)

"My Troops Evolve Infinitely", author: Pen, Ink and Paper Key (I have always liked Brother Jian's books, and I have been following them since I was studying. They are all very interesting, recommended)

"Longevity: Liver Experience Begins from Obtaining the Disha Dao Fruit", author: Si Guzai (Little Guzai)

"The Red Dragon Just Wants to Do Whatever It Wants", author: Mu Laoqi (an excellent author of dragon literature, needless to say, he is also a very nice person)

"Douluo: Blind Douluo", author: Duan Feiduan (My Mount, Panda Boy)

"Divine Seal: Starting from Picking Up the Two Saints", author: Lonely Pai Cucumber (Cai Bangzi)

"Becoming a Monster Exterminator, But Monsters Are My Family", author: Hurry up and go to dinner (for those who eat soft food)

"I Can Extract a Copy of Life", author: Le Se doesn't want to code words (I plunged into Xianxia and still can't get ashore)

"The First Family of Zhenguan", author: Tea and Wine (I think authors who can write historical articles are very good)

"If you don't save in love, you will die", author: Gray Gardenia (writing character guaranteed)

"Stars: Overlord of the Star Ocean", author: Yi Chengdao (very good character, powerful author)

"The Invincible Heroes: The Hidden Master Builder", author: Fierce Male Hamster (a very nice person)

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