Unlike other large territories, it is difficult for Lapathes Territory to have a demon family that can last for many generations.

Because of the existence of the magic mist, the demons here mutate faster and grow faster.

Often when a family has just stabilized, its enemies will mutate and gain stronger power due to the influence of the magic mist, and then fly over and wipe out all of his families.

Almost every demon living in the Lapathes Territory is extremely greedy, extremely violent, and will do anything to gain power.

And the magic mist itself also contributed to this chaotic situation.

These magic fogs come from the corpses of the Greedy Demon God.

This demon god used to be a demon god with extremely strong divine power, but his personality was too violent. As a result, he was miserably calculated by the joint calculations of the gods and demon gods. He was hanged from a lighthouse by an unknown existence, and his body was directly buried in the ninth floor of hell.

From this we can see how important it is to have a good relationship with colleagues.

Since the magic mist was born from the corpse of the greedy demon god, it also contained part of the will of the greedy demon god, which made the demons who had absorbed the magic mist for a long time become more greedy.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Even in this extremely chaotic and disorderly area, there is still a family that can exist for a long time.

That is the family of the goats, the demon family named Pan.

And they can survive for a long time, not because they are too strong, but because their strength is just in a very delicate position.

It's not too weak, so that even a mutant monster can't be killed.

It won't be too strong, causing other strong people to come and use them to level up.

The Pan family understands their own strength and position, so they regard survival as the family's goal, and barely survive in Lapathes little by little.

In order to survive, they can restrain their desire for magic mist and not absorb it to gain power.

Patience is the way of life for half-goat people.

But today, Pan De, the half-goat sword master, felt that he couldn't take it anymore!

I deliberately withdrew from the area with the best land and came to the most marginal area of ​​Lapathos, just because I was afraid that my flesh would be missed.

After struggling for hundreds of years, he finally became a Juggernaut but dared not publicize it, for fear that other Juggernauts would come and use him as a stepping stone.

But just like that, he was still attacked by strange plants every day, and the attack was stronger every time.

Last time, he was attacked by hundreds of cacti, and the overwhelming needle pricks made him feel hopeless in retrospect. He almost became the first sword master in history to die at the hands of plants.

The point is, the other party just attacks him every day, but doesn't send demons to tell him what they want at all.

What do you guys fancy about my broken dungeon, just tell me!

I give it to you!

It is not impossible to ask for a city for a city, land for a land, and the innocence of a sword master.

Isn't it just from the coolness of the chrysanthemum to the heat of the chrysanthemum, I can bear it!


Please tell me, what exactly do you want!

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, the half-faun Pender returned to his dungeon sobbing, and a young half-goat immediately greeted him.

The other party has the antihoof of a sheep, but the upper body resembles a human being, and has sheep-like facial features.

She looked at Pan De who was walking and crying, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, are you here again?"


"Are you hurt?"

"No, but I just want to cry."

"Don't cry, brother, bear with it for a while, maybe the other party will come to tell us what they want soon."

"Well... sorry, Panjila, I let you come here with me to suffer."

"It's okay, brother, I did it voluntarily. Be patient, be patient, as long as you continue to be patient, good things will definitely happen."


Just when Pan De accepted his sister's comfort,

An evil laugh suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Jie Jie Jie, Sword Master Pan De, I finally found you."

Looking back in surprise, Pan De found a demon with the shape of a wild wolf appearing not far away.

The other party was tall and tall, with a wild smile on his mouth, and saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

He was naked from the upper body, and there was a shocking scar on his solid body. Just by looking at it, one could imagine the power that almost tore him apart.

This wild wolf demon is holding two blood-red heavy swords, the length of the heavy sword alone exceeds that of Pendor. Moans came from the two epees, as if the souls of the dead who died tragically on the epees were crying bitterly.

Seeing the other party, Pan De was shocked: "Wolf, you are still alive!"

"Yeah, I'm still alive. I didn't expect that the sword that almost cut me apart didn't kill me, but made me stronger. But thanks to your sword, I was kicked out My family, because I'm so weak that I can't even kill a satyr."

"That's because I'm a Juggernaut."

"I know, but the other hungry wolves don't believe it. They just think I'm stupid, that I'm making excuses for my failure. But only I know, you're a juggernaut, a hidden awesome juggernaut. Haha, who can Thinking of it, among the half-goats who are known for being weak and incompetent, there is actually a sword master!"

Pan De pulled Pan Jila behind him: "Then what do you want to do, seek revenge? You wanted to eat my sister back then, so I resisted."

"That's your fault. I wanted to eat you, but you didn't know how to obediently cook yourself and send them over, and you dared to resist! But today you still have a chance to make up for it, hand over your sister and your people, I can consider letting you go."

Facing the menacing hungry wolf, Pan De let out a sigh of relief.

His instinct told him that he couldn't win the opponent.

The pair of double knives released a cruel sword cry, which indicated that the opponent had also become a sword master.

The sound of the sword can show the character of a sword master. Some sword sounds are as clear as running water, and some sword sounds are as harsh as killing.

And the sound of the other party's sword showed that the current Wolfe is an unscrupulous bloodthirsty maniac, if he goes against the other party's wishes, then there is only one dead end.

According to the habits of the goats, he should simply hand over his sister and the leader now, and then run away decisively.

However, Pan De bit his tongue fiercely, restrained his urge to run away, and pulled out his sword.

Barely clenched his sword tightly, he said tremblingly, "Sword Master Pande, I challenge you."

"Interesting. Sword Master Wolf, accept your challenge."

Wolfe opened his posture, separated his swords, his body seemed to double in size in an instant, and immediately released a feeling of near invincibility.

In Pender's field of vision, Wolf felt more and more huge to him, until finally he was like a mountain.

He knew it wasn't an illusion.

It was his own instinct, giving him a final warning.

"Run away, Panjila, run away! Even if you are the only half-goat who escapes, you can continue our half-goat."

"What a touching brother-sister relationship!" Wolfe laughed wildly, "It's okay, 3 seconds, I only need 3 seconds to finish you, and then let you brothers and sisters reunite in my stomach."

Wolfe rushed forward with a wanton laugh, while Pender also clenched his sword and rushed towards the opponent.

At the moment when they were about to release each other, the space in front of Wolfe was cut open by a sword, and the leaked sword glow continued undiminished, directly splitting the astonished Wolfe into two sections from the waist.

"What, what?"

More sword glows flew out, splitting the space into pieces.

And the aftermath of the sword light slanted down like a torrential rain, and fell fiercely on Wolff.

In the silence, an unbelievably handsome demon stepped out of the shattered space, followed by three green slimes.

"Emma, ​​I figured it out. I didn't expect my luck to be better today. I just found a way out after chopping eight swords. Eight is indeed my lucky number."

Lu Fan, who walked out of the space node, let out a long breath, and then found Wolf lying in a pool of blood with only half a breath left.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, he said to the stunned Pan De, "Sorry, did I disturb you?"

Pan De was already speechless in shock.

Finding that Pan De seemed to have lost his ability to speak, Lu Fan turned his head and looked at Wolfe in a pool of blood.

"Is it dead?"

Darwin jumped forward, stuck to the opponent's neck and began to measure the pulse: "3..."


"2, 1. Alright, I'm dead. Let's eat the big wild wolf for supper."

Lu Fan felt even more embarrassed.

Before he could apologize to Pan De, Pan De knelt down on the ground, crying and shouting: "Benefactor!"

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