This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 53 Return to Hammer City

Standing by the window of the mental hospital, Weak Chicken Man tried to push the fence in front of the window, and found that these fences were made of rubber, soft and elastic.

"It's to prevent patients from harming themselves. It's a good idea. But to be honest, I still don't want to come." He yawned and said to himself.

But in order to have a meal, he still came overnight.

A few minutes later, the door of the office was pushed open, and a friendly-looking young man in a white coat walked in.

Seeing the people in the room, the young man shouted in surprise: "Weak chicken man?"

"...Brother Undress."

"Just ask me to take off my clothes. We are all the same age. There is no need for this."

He took off his clothes and hung the white coat on the hanger, and then asked: "It's still a procedure to start now, such as asking if you are married, how old you are, what are your measurements?"

"This is free."

"Does the girl ask?"

"Although I want to say that it can be, but this really can't be."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Although it was the first time they met in reality, they both confirmed that the other party was also an old man.

After taking off his clothes, he skillfully took out the virtual helmet from under the desk, and put it on his head.

After learning that he could go to Hammer City after taking off his clothes, the weak chicken man immediately got in touch with the other party, and took the high-speed train overnight to the hospital where he took off his clothes.

It's not for curing diseases, but just to be able to catch this hot spot.

Now, the game "The Devil and the Dungeon" has become one of the hot spots on Station B. Many players record some videos casually in it, and editing them can get a good amount of hits.

Due to the fact that there are very few places for the internal test of this game, but the game content is extremely good, a group of players who can't play but want to play can only watch the video to satisfy their hunger.

When they learned that they could go to Hammer City after taking off their clothes, every up master who focused on making this game received death threats from the audience.

Either broadcast Hammer City, or take off and pull black.

In order to have a good meal, Weak Chicken Man could only rely on the convenience of being a fellow player, contacted Undressed, and successfully obtained the qualification to watch from the sidelines.

Seeing him taking off his clothes and skillfully adjusting the parameters, the weak chicken man asked curiously while assuming the live broadcast of the mobile phone: "Take off your clothes, I just asked the nurse, you are on the night shift, right? Don't you want to sleep for a while?"

"No, I have severe insomnia. I haven't slept since I was three years old."

"Then what if you can't sleep?"

"Read books, study psychology, and see how long it takes to die from this disease."

Hearing the understatement answer of taking off his clothes, the weak chicken man didn't know whether to envy or sympathize.

After taking off his clothes, he quickly adjusted the virtual helmet, and the images in the virtual helmet were directly synchronized to the weak chicken man's mobile phone and computer, so that the weak chicken man can start live broadcasting through the weak chicken man's vision.

When Weak Chicken Man logged into the game, the time was exactly 8:59 in the morning.

"The time is just right." Lu Fan said as he looked at the undressed and crazy policewoman who logged in.

To catch these two slimes, Lu Fan used the space crystal that Aili sent with the letter.

Stepping into the blood-red space gate, he appeared at the gate of Hammer City in the next second.

The last debt collection was at night, and he was in such a hurry that he didn't have much time to observe the city.

But after looking at it carefully now, his feeling is: that's it?

The low houses, dilapidated streets, and the smell of sulfur and excrement everywhere, it feels like someone is cooking shit.

The demons passing by were not very friendly. Lu Fan saw a huge fearsome demon pick up and eat the little demon passing by more than once, and his unfinished look looked particularly disgusting.

Not only was Lu Fan uncomfortable, but the 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room also said in unison: disgusting.

"This is the capital of the Alsace Territory. It doesn't look as good as my fifth-tier county."

"Very well, it's very medieval."

"Hell is actually living in such a desolate way, I don't know what will happen to the human world?"

"It's probably the same. What is the art of this game thinking? You can build a castle of the undead better than this."

"Agreed, master art master, realism has no future, let's draw big waves of elves honestly."

"Is Dabo a quantifier or an adjective?"

Walking out of a dark path, Lu Fan couldn't help sighing: "This place is really dangerous, there are murderers everywhere."

"Master Lu, you are the most dangerous one." He took off his clothes and said seriously.

"Really?" Lu Fan wiped off the blood on his hands, then looked back at the alley.

There, the corpses of several demons lay there.

They thought they had found a level 3 fat sheep, but they didn't expect that the other party didn't play cards according to common sense.

The demons who fell there were stripped of their equipment within a few seconds, and several hellhounds with three heads rushed out and began to devour the corpses.

Chaotic, dirty, sinister...

Even in a capital-level place like Hammer City, it fully demonstrated the chaotic side of the devil itself.

"For these ignorant capitalists, order is the best helper for exploitation."

Shaking his head, he walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

After the name was announced, in less than half a minute, someone rushed out from inside and bumped into Lu Fan's arms.

"Lord Lu!" Ai Li cried out in a tearful voice, "I thought you wouldn't come!"

"Be respectful! Don't think I don't know that you want to take advantage of me!"

Pushing Ai Li away, Lu Fan wiped off the tears, snot and saliva on his body, and then carried Ai Li to her bedroom.

In the bedroom, Aili's other seven sisters have been waiting here for a long time.

They were wearing long dresses that were dark red like blood, with decent smiles on their faces.

They are all succubus, and they are masters who are well versed in the way of succubus.

Wearing long skirts, they look like exquisite works of art, but with a charming ambiguity in their smiles and frowns, they make the opposite sex linger in their dreams through a series of small actions.

High-end players know how to seduce others with emotions instead of mountains, and Ari is definitely a clear stream among succubus.

Because she doesn't even have a mountain.

"You guys are doing well." Lu Fan sat down and asked with a smile.

"Thanks to you. Since my sister became the great lord, we don't have to hide anymore. Would you like a cup of tea?" a succubus asked with a smile.

"Where did it come from?"

"When we left your dungeon, some slimes gave it to us."

"Forget it, just give me a glass of water."

After taking the water handed over by the other party, Lu Fan chatted with Ai Li about this period of time.

After Allen's death, Ai Li relied on Alsace's blood to win over many old ministers and basically stabilized the situation.

However, there are quite a few demons coveting this position, so Ari needs a ceremony to officially declare her orthodoxy.

"That's why I formally invited the royal family living on the seventh floor to watch the ceremony. Getting their approval is very important to the stability of my status. It would be even better if I could get some demon god seeds from them."

"Devil God Seed?"

Lu Fan searched the Demon King's memory and found that this thing is actually a new term.

Antiques from sixty years ago are really unreliable.

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