Cut out the game, took off his clothes and contacted Wang Lang in the Q group.

The other party thought for a while, and then asked: "Isn't the crazy policewoman a magician profession, can't you teach yourself a language proficiency?"

"Do you think that kind of force lunatic will learn this kind of magic?"

"That's true. But my skills can only be activated in the game, and the crack rate is only 50%. How do we translate them simultaneously?"

"How about entrusting the programmers to see if we can load a program on the ghost system 0.1, so that we can send audio and other content through this program."

"That's a bit too much. The ghost needs to support recording, cloud uploading, file transfer, etc. Wait a while, I'll ask the programmer to ask. Fortunately, Ouhuang Online, the speed should not be slow, but It will take at least a day."

"Then thank you."

"It should. But be warned, be careful of that crazy woman, she chopped off my head!"

"I will."

After finishing the call, she took off her clothes, turned her head and shouted to the crazy policewoman wielding an axe: "Don't cut off that head, it might be an important NPC, don't let the mission end here."

"I'll cut it in half."

"Not at all!"


The crazy little policewoman put away her ax sullenly: "How is your communication going? Is there any result?"

"You need the support of programmers, otherwise it won't work. Now we can only rely on guesswork."

While the two were talking, the female NPC was waiting quietly, with a peaceful smile on her face, showing no sign of impatience.

After the two exchanged, she covered her chest with her right hand and introduced herself: "I am the 178th prince of the royal family, you can call me Elisa. When I was besieged by these rebellious servants, I thought I was dead I didn't expect you to save me."

Hearing this pile of incomprehensible words, the crazy little policewoman began to nod vigorously, causing waves to appear on her chubby body.

"Do you know what she's talking about?" She took off her clothes and bumped into the crazy little policewoman.

"I don't know." The crazy little policewoman said righteously.

"Then you still nod!"

"I always play games like this. If the plot is interesting, of course I should skip it and chop off my head."

After the introduction, Eliza on the opposite side stared at the crazy policewoman seriously and asked: "Lord Lu, those traitorous demons belong to an anti-royal organization. They are determined to overthrow the rule of the royal family and replace them. There are hunting They will definitely not let go of my chance. Now, I have an unfeeling request, can you protect me to go to the City Lord's Mansion?"

The Cop Girls started nodding again.

"Don't nod your head!"

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is to go to the time machine."

"Where did you get the time machine from an online game! And all the plots of this game are one-time, after this village, there will be no such shop!"

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is to go find Dragon Ball."

"You play tricks brother!"

Rubbing his aching head, he took off his clothes and found that this might also be a solution.

If there is no other way, just take a gamble, anyway, the probability is 1/2, if the bet is right, the mission will continue, if the bet is wrong, nothing will happen.

Recalling the expression and movements of the female npc, he remembered that the other party was not too surprised when he saw the bodyguard's body, but rather happy.

"In this way, the guards should not be with her, so it is very likely that these guards kidnapped her. Judging by her appearance, her status is obviously not low, so the possibility of kidnapping is very high."

"Hiding in the secret door should be to avoid the other party. If you think about it this way, then it makes sense to open the door and cast magic."

"According to this deduction, she should ask us to escort her to the designated place now.

In other words, this is probably an escort mission. "

"Let's send it to Mr. Lu first, and then ask Mr. Lu to help translate it. This will save some time, and you don't have to wait for the programmers to help."

After making a decision, she took off her clothes and said to the crazy policewoman, "Let's go, let's go back to Master Lu first."

"I'm going back now, I haven't played enough!"

"You three-year-old child, come with me! Be careful on the road, don't make any mistakes."

"Don't worry, I'm super brave, and this group of soldiers is super humble, nothing will happen."

Dragging the crazy little policewoman, she took off her clothes and walked towards the door.

Behind them, Eliza kept up with the bounce speed of the two players in small steps, confirming the judgment of taking off her clothes.

Following behind the two players, she still said excitedly: "Master Lu, I have been guessing what kind of demon you are, after all, there is really little information about you. But after seeing you, I will Make sure, you are Lord Lu, after all, it is really unheard of for a slime to reach the general level."

The Cop Girls began to nod.

"The mission of our royal family is to preserve the blood of the demon king, but we will also select and integrate other powerful demon blood into the descendants of the royal family. Your notoriety has spread throughout the eighth hell, and I am the wife assigned to you. To be able to meet in such a place, I think it must be the arrangement of the Demon God of Destiny."

The Crazy Policewoman began to nod wildly.

"Tonight, if you don't mind?"

Seeing that the Crazy Policewoman was still nodding, a touching smile appeared on her face.

At this time, the crazy little policewoman who was walking in front suddenly stopped.

She looked ahead, showing a dignified expression for the first time.

In front of them, regular footsteps sounded.

A pale man appears at the bottom of the stairs.

He has short silver-white hair, a delicate gold-rimmed unicorn on his left eye, and a neat mustache under his nose.

The man was wearing a white shirt and a black vest. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up above the wrists, exposing the strong forearms underneath.

After walking up, he raised his glasses, looked at Elisa across from him, then took out his pendant, and said softly, "There are six more."

If Lu Fan was there, he would definitely recognize that this is the prop shop owner, Martin.

Although the old man looked like a gentleman, the Crazy Policewoman still licked the corner of her mouth.

She is up!

The opponent's hidden strength was unprecedentedly strong, which made her instinctively feel the breath of death.

This feeling can only be felt when provoking Mr. Lu.

This feeling of approaching death really made her very excited.

But Martin didn't look at the Crazy Police Girl at all.

His gaze was always on Elisa who was opposite, and his slightly cloudy eyes were full of calm.

And the lurking deep killing intent.

"Your next sentence will be 'Who are you'. When you say this sentence, I will directly shoot you through your throat and send you to the sea of ​​flesh and blood. Go there and repent, Elisa."

"Who are you?" Eliza asked suspiciously.

The next moment, thunder rang!

It was as if a hundred thousand stars exploded at this moment, dazzling white light bloomed at the end of the corridor, like the will of Death himself, carrying an invincible edge towards Elisa.

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