This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 78: The Eighth-Level Steward

"Dad, come play with me, hahaha!"

Accompanied by hearty laughter, Lu Fan, whose cat was salting fish on the bed, first suffered a abdominal impact, then the second, third, and fourth...

The magic stone puppet has the physical strength of a quasi-monarch. Ordinary demons may have been broken into rotten flesh the first time, and only authentic monarch-level demons like Lu Fan can bear all this.

But still uncomfortable.

Sitting up, he grabbed the opponent's foot and threw it out of the window.

Alice, who was thrown out of the window, directly smashed a deep hole in the ground, crawled out covered in dust after a while, laughed and shouted: "It's so fun! Dad, keep going!"

Hearing this voice, Lu Fan sighed.

Another day of headaches.

The soul is the domain of the gods, and there are not many studies on the soul in hell. Perhaps only the necromancers who live on the ninth floor have dabbled in this.

And things that involve the soul are often very weird, such as this Alice.

After merging with Lu Fan's magic stone puppet, she seemed to have recovered some of her original memories and habits, and became extremely cheerful and full of vitality.

What made Lu Fan even more unaccustomed was that the other party seemed to believe that he was her father, and his favorite thing to do every day was to play with him in different ways, leaving him with no free time.

I'm here to be a devil, not a dad.

It's still the same magic stone as before, unable to move or speak, just quietly waiting for his coming every day, no matter how the years change, their tranquility is always the same, neither increasing nor decreasing.

It's really not worthwhile for a wife to become a daughter.

After getting up and taking a sip of goat milk, Lu Fan put on his clothes and walked out of his bedroom.

Outside the bedroom, several succubus maids looked at Lu Fan who came out, twisted up the black and lace maid skirt, and bowed to salute.

"Master Lu, you're awake." Lin said with a smile.

"Well, I can't help but wake up. Is there any way to make Alice quiet for a while?"

"How about helping her find a mother, Sister Aili seems to be very interested in this position."

"Forget it, I'd rather be woken up every day."

The maid Lin in front of me smiled, then took out a notebook, and asked seriously: "Master Lu, I still have a few questions that I didn't understand before, can you explain to me? What is the essence of inflation? Is there any other way to solve the problem of external expansion? Does the currency have to be supported by enough magic stones before it can be issued? Is there any other way to use it as a unit of measurement for the currency..."

Hearing Lin's question, Lu Fan's head grew dizzy.

My own level of economics is a civil science, how can I solve these problems.

What's even worse is that the slimes under him actually don't have college students in economics, isn't it that there are the most students in this major?

Sure enough, it was time to recruit another group of talents.

Waving his hand to interrupt the other party's question, Lu Fan said with a smile: "Be patient, my dungeon has been built, and I will recruit a group of new subordinates soon, and they will solve your problems."

"Sorry, I was too impatient. Then I will wait for your good news."

Leaving Lu Fan with a pleasing smile, Lin saluted again and sent Lu Fan away.

Hammer City has been almost destroyed now, half of which were destroyed by the angel's white rays, and the rest were caused by the aftermath of Lu Fan's battle with the angel.

Because the lord's mansion was also destroyed, Ai Li and the seven succubi, who had nowhere to go for the time being, returned to Lu Fan's dungeon and continued to work as a magician instructor and maid, two promising professions.

At the beginning, the sheep, baa, baa, and four sheep group had great vigilance and hostility towards their senior Ai Li, but after being directly beaten to the sky by Ai Li, the four sheep surrendered instantly.

But I can be beaten down by Ellie,

It seems that these four sheep are not very good.

Flying into the air, Lu Fan looked at his dungeon in the sky.

With the unremitting efforts of the players, his dungeon is finally almost completed.

The brand new dungeon looks beautiful, shining brightly under the light of the Dawn Demon God.

The huge building complex includes thousands of rooms, and the neat buildings are mainly in Balotte style, with some Chinese styles mixed in the middle.

The combination of the two not only does not appear weird, but complements each other, making the castle look even more brilliant.

Each player can be assigned to a private room, where items can be stored, and the door of each room has a rune circle set up by Alice to ensure that it cannot be entered without the invitation of the owner.

Of course, powerful forces can still destroy these rune circles, but this is a magic circle set up by a senior quasi-monarch rune master, so it is still a bit more difficult to break it.

In addition to the basic rooms, the dungeon also includes a huge area to be planned. According to the plan of the boss, it will be built into public facilities such as hospitals, schools, and management centers.

Although it is not used for the time being, Lu Fan still feels that this awareness of planning in advance is worth encouraging.

In the distance, roads have been built, connecting the nearby resource supply points together.

Necropolis, mines, farmland, Hammer City... These strongholds are connected by roads, so that players can quickly go to the area they want to go.

Looking at his own dungeon, Lu Fan was intoxicated.

This is my dungeon.

After landing on the ground again, Lu Fan thought that Alice might be looking for him everywhere now, so he might as well hang out somewhere else.

At this time, he found that 3l was exchanging ideas with Martin on a training field outside the Demon King's city.

Flying directly over, he hid himself and watched from the sidelines.

Both 3l and Martin's sword skills have reached level 6, and they are both Juggernauts.

However, their sword skills are completely different.

The basis of 3l's swordsmanship is slime swordsmanship, and after reaching level 6, it has the peculiar swordsmanship direction of concept cut.

And Martin's swordsmanship is to abandon all the fast swords, attacking continuously with means like a torrential rain, until he finds the opponent's flaw and kills him with one blow.

Although both are at level 6, Martin's methods are undoubtedly more sophisticated.

In addition, the player has the characteristic of infinite resurrection, so Martin went all out, and the lightning-fast sword attacked 3l from all directions. With every breath, hundreds of sword lights flew out, directly chopping 3l into pieces.

"I won't fight anymore, I can't fight!" The resurrected 3l reluctantly picked up the iron sword that fell on the ground, "Mr. Martin, how long have you been a sword master?"

"Hundreds of years." Martin, an old gentleman, let go of his Thunder Sword, and gave 3l a glass of watermelon juice.

"Your swordsmanship has been perfected, why haven't you broken through to level 7? Is it so difficult to advance?" 3l asked curiously while drinking watermelon juice.

"It's a bit difficult. But that's not the reason why I can't advance. Because my job is not a sword master, but a steward."


"Yes. I am a butler with level 8 management skills. As a butler, I need to have management skills, cooking skills, and the force to protect the master when necessary. Butlers who have reached level 8 can learn related skills. The comprehension ability has been improved hundreds of times, but the highest level will not exceed the level of management skills minus 2."

Speaking of which, Martin poured another glass of watermelon juice, and said to Lu Fan who was hiding aside: "Master Lu, this is your watermelon juice, 15°, sweetness 7, with 10% rum and lemon, it is Your favorite way to drink."

3l watched Lu Fan appear from the shadows in surprise, and realized that if Martin hadn't reminded him, he would not have noticed Lu Fan's arrival at all.

Level 8 characters are indeed terrifying.

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