Although I tried my best to remind this group of players by taking off their clothes, but people will die if they die. Those players who were confused by the so-called rewards didn't listen at all, kept going in, and then kept respawning at the birth point.

"Mom, where are you? It's so dark, so dark, so scary, why is it me who gets swallowed every time?"

"Planners, I don't want to say anything anymore. I'll give you three seconds to throw away your ashes obediently."

"Hasn't this game been blocked yet? Just based on that scene, this game should be sealed a hundred times!"

"It's so cool, I want to be swallowed again~"

Except for a few players who were not quite right, almost all players suffered an indelible psychological shadow.

Many players even began to consult the expert number who took off their clothes, planning to have time to go there to receive a psychological counseling.

There are also some strong-willed players who have begun to share their strategies in YouQ.

After all, the Raiders can return some honor in return, so they can't let themselves die in vain.

"At the beginning, I couldn't run to the castle at all. The journey is too far, and I will be overtaken by the coachman halfway."

"I was going to jump into the wheat field to hide, but it was useless. The coachman seemed to come right after you and swallow you up."

"All four dimensions have been reduced to 0.1, and all skills cannot take effect. Can this copy be played?"

"Did Wang Lang play? Can you translate what the driver said?"

"I played, but there is no translation skills in it. I can only hear one of the words based on my previous understanding of the devil's language. It should be 'devil king'."

"Devil King? I don't know the meaning of a single word. How can I explain this dungeon?"

Lu Fan also used the YouQ system, quietly reviewing the reports sent back by the players.

So far, players have made thousands of attempts, but without exception, they all failed to reach the castle and were swallowed by the coachman halfway.

After sharing this information with Martin, Lu Fan asked curiously, "Martin, what do you think?"

The old gentleman Martin put on his monocle: "I think I can go there and have a look. If that dungeon can clear all acquired attributes, then as an ogre, I have very strong innate attributes and may be able to defeat The coachman."

What Martin said makes sense.

But Lu Fan still shook his head: "Forget it, those slimes can be resurrected infinitely, but you can't. I don't want to lose you."

Martin nodded with a smile and said nothing, but he was ready to sacrifice in his heart.

Lu Fan pondered for a while, and then asked, "Has anything similar happened to the former Demon King?"

"I don't know. The former Lord Demon King sometimes disappears mysteriously. I don't know what he has been doing during this time, so I can't judge whether similar things have happened. However, this method that can open up a different space is a demigod. The basic ability may be the handwriting of a previous demon king."

Thinking back on the prophecy poem, Lu Fan remembered that the phrase "faithful partner" was indeed mentioned in it.

Could it be that a loyal partner refers to a certain demon king?

Shaking his head, Lu Fan felt that this possibility was unlikely.

If it is really the Demon Lord, then he should immediately find himself and pledge allegiance. After all, all the power of the Demon Lord comes from the Demon King.

Instead of directly giving yourself a puzzle for yourself to break through like now.

And it's kind of deadly.

Now the other party gave him the feeling that he was deliberately avoiding meeting him.

"I don't understand. The Pengmen has already been opened for you, but you deliberately refuse to communicate in depth. What does this mean?"

At this time, he saw a new message from You Q.

"The measured plants are useful!"

"I threw the watermelon in, although the body of the watermelon was thrown out a second later,

However, there were no traces of being devoured on his body, but traces of being shelled. "

"This shows that the watermelon survived the driver's pursuit and reached the next area."

"It's a pity that the watermelon has not been tamed by us. I don't know what the watermelon has experienced in it, otherwise it will definitely pass through this area."

After reading the player's news, Lu Fan became thoughtful.

A plant like watermelon is inherently powerful, and it should be able to completely defeat that coachman.

It's a pity that every watermelon is rebellious and cannot be tamed at all.

If watermelons could have the wisdom of players...

Thinking of this, Lu Fan remembered his new level 4 skill, Fusion.

If slime and watermelon are fused together...

After thinking about it, Lu Fan felt that this idea was a bit plausible.

As for whether the player will die if the fusion fails...

Anyway, they are all consumables, plus they will do tricks to die when they have nothing to do, so it shouldn't matter... right?

Although there was nothing wrong with it, as a qualified Demon King, Lu Fan decided to solicit the opinions of the players.

"System broadcast: Mr. Lu seems to be dissatisfied with the progress of the new dungeon strategy. He proposed a somewhat crazy idea, which is to fuse you with plants and improve your initial strength. If you are interested, you can do it yourself. Find suitable plants and sign up in front of Mr. Lu's bedroom."

In less than two minutes, a group of players gathered at Lu Fan's door.

They looked at Lu Fan expectantly, and shouted loudly from time to time: "Lord Lu, choose me, choose me!"

"Choose me. I will be a senior vegetable person for the next 20 years. It's right to choose me."

"My brain is watery. Watermelon seeds come in and they are fresh and cooked. Sun Olei can't find any problems when he comes!"

Seeing this group of enthusiastic players, Lu Fan knew that he was completely overwhelmed.

If given the chance, this group of players would probably even want to experience the feeling of a fly. What's the point of merging a watermelon?

Randomly picking a lucky player, Lu Fan pinched the player's head with one hand, and put the other hand on a ferocious watermelon.

"Fusion start."

A large amount of mana was burning, and the scattered mana began to interfere with the surrounding laws, distorting the player and the watermelon in front of him into a ball of lines.

By intertwining these two groups of lines, Lu Fan released the interference with the law, and successfully fused the player and the watermelon together.

"Okay, there is one thing to pay attention to, the fusion will be canceled after death, so try not to die."

Letting go of his hand, Lu Fan checked his mana, and found that one-tenth of his mana had been directly consumed just now.

Although it doesn't look like much, his magic power attribute has already exceeded 4000, and this alone consumes six magic points of Ellie.

One-tenth of the magic value needs an hour to recover naturally. If you use strengthening grant and advanced meditation, it only takes five minutes, but you can't do anything in the middle, which is very boring.

"It seems that we have to consider building a mana pool. The mana points that are not used in normal times are stored, so that we can save them when we need them."

Silently remembering this matter in his heart, Lu Fan stared at the fused players in front of him: "How do you feel?"

The player opened his mouth, and spit out a row of watermelon seeds.

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