"why me?"

The sub-engineer lion who was kicked into the trial gate couldn't figure out why it was him.

He is a support worker, happily hiding in the corner every day to make war machines, and waiting for Artoria to go online to fight in all directions.

It's a pity that there has been no national war recently, and Artoria has something to do and hasn't been online much, which makes him very lonely.

"Although I'm very free, why did this single person find me?"

The sub-engineering lion who fused with watermelon sighed helplessly.

Feeling helpless, he still decided to finish this book well, at least not to disappoint Lu Fan's trust.

"The first level is the groom, but it's still easy after the watermelon is fused. The second level is the shelling, and that is the object that needs to be focused on."

"Forget it, if you don't understand it, don't understand it, just play according to your own habits."

The huge body crouched down.

The vines on his right hand spread out, and then condensed into a huge drill according to his thoughts, and then he drilled hard toward the ground.

Supported by its own terror, the sub-engineering lion quickly dug a two-meter-deep pit and found a source of water below.

Spreading out the legs made of roots, he released the roots into the water source, and began to absorb the nutrients in the soil, and then activated the watermelon's innate skill, [Fixed Growth].

His left arm began to grow rapidly, and it didn't take long before it grew into a huge net, blocking the only way the carriage must pass.

At first, his speed was a little slow because he hadn't gotten used to his body yet.

But as his speed increased, the net grew faster and faster, and immediately there were ten nets blocking the road.

Then, the sound of a carriage sounded.

Discovering the plant net in front of him, the carriage driver showed surprise for the first time.

He tried to break through this layer of net, but the interception net made by the secondary engineering lion had both strength and toughness, and the driver couldn't break through at all.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the coachman gave up.

He turned the carriage around, walked towards the direction he came from, and disappeared at the corner of the road in a short while.

With the disappearance of the carriage, black heavy artillery appeared again on the wall of the castle in the distance.

"Will the heavy artillery incident be triggered if the groom doesn't die? But if he doesn't die, he can buy five minutes."

Recording this time, the secondary engineering lion let the shells hit him and was reborn.

The reborn secondary engineering lion accepted the integration at Lu Fan, and then was kicked into the trial gate.

This time, the sub-engineering lion started to move immediately after landing.

Dozens of vine nets appeared, protecting him airtight inside.

However, when the heavy artillery appeared, the vine net only resisted the first wave of impact, and was instantly shattered in the subsequent impact.

Back at the respawn point, the sub-engineer lion thought for a moment, and then said decisively: "I understand. The ability of watermelons has limits. The more you stick to defense, the more you will find that watermelons have limits... unless you become Beyond the existence of watermelon."

"Where did you come from as a stand-in messenger?" Lu Fan couldn't help asking, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I won't be making watermelons anymore, Mr. Lu! I want to go to heaven!"

"Okay, I'll give you a dandelion."

Fusing the sub-engineering lion with the dandelion, Lu Fan squeezed the furry slime into a ball, and then threw the opponent into the graveyard in a standard baseball pitcher's pose.

A few minutes later, the revived sub-engineering lion frowned and said, "It's strange, why the coachman didn't even pass by, but the other party can still fly? Master Lu, can you fuse me with watermelon and dandelion?"

"No, fusion can only be done once." Lu Fan shook his head.

"Okay then, I'll talk to the farmer brothers and see if they can do it.


Watching the other party leave, Lu Fan felt that the other party was a little dazed.

Is it possible to mutate watermelon and dandelion?

However, when he saw the sub-engineering lion holding a watermelon-shaped lion back, but the body surface was covered with dandelions, Lu Fan felt that this group of players was really supernatural.

Reproductive isolation is not even a P here!

"Isn't it troublesome to make this thing?" Lu Fan asked curiously.

"That's right, that dandelion screamed terribly when it was pushed down."

Lu Fan: "?"

What did you do with the dandelions?

Lu Fan wisely chose to remain silent.

He didn't want to be polluted by that abyss-like lower limit.

Combining the sub-engineering lion with the dandelion watermelon, Lu Fan kicked it out, and then decided that it would not work this time.

The fourth natural disaster is really terrible.

Compared with the fourth natural disaster, what is the thing in the door.

This time, the operation of the sub-engineering lion went smoothly.

Taking advantage of the attributes of the watermelon, he successfully swallowed the groom.

Before the cannonballs appeared, he began to build vine nets rapidly, and each net had a large number of dandelions as a foreshadowing.

Each ball of these dandelions has a diameter of one meter, and the fluffy fluff fully absorbs the impact of the shells, making it impossible for those shells to hit themselves.

Amidst the rumbling shelling, he even fell asleep leisurely, and when he woke up, he found that the shelling had stopped.

In front of the dandelion vine net, a large number of shells piled up like a mountain, and the heavy shells made the sub-engineering lion nod in satisfaction.

The second step is completed, and then it is the third step.

He already knew Lu Fan's purpose for letting him in, because among all the players, he was the only one who could transform the surrounding items into combat power without resorting to special abilities.

Grow, build.

Plant-type trebuchets were built quickly.

The performance of these catapults is average, estimated to be between catapult 1.0 and catapult 2.0, and it is completely incomparable with the catapult 3.0 he is currently preparing.

It stands to reason that these trebuchets cannot hit distant castles.

But he did something with every shell.

The dandelion seeds plucked from him are embedded in the cracks of the cannonball, and each dandelion seed has a time-lapse growth set.

Standing where he was, he silently calculated the wind direction and force based on his body surface sensation, and waited quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt the change of the wind direction around him, and he knew that this moment had come.

Immediately loaded the processed shells on the trebuchet, he adjusted the launch angle of the trebuchet to nearly 90°, and then decided to launch.

Cannonballs flew into the sky one by one, and quickly spread out the dandelions in the air.

Under the action of the strong wind in the air, the cannonball quickly drifted towards the castle, and after a certain degree, it was separated from the dandelion, and then fell into the castle.

The bulky mass of the shell, combined with the kinetic energy when it landed from a height, directly caused a certain amount of damage to the castle.

Although the hit rate of this method is not high, and the damage is not too great, but the secondary engineering lion has a lot of patience.

After trying to hit a dozen shells, the castle seemed to be triggered by some kind of mechanism.

The secondary engineering lion felt a golden light flash in front of him, and then he was sent out of the trial gate intact.

Standing at the door of the trial gate, the secondary engineering lion was still a little dazed.

This copy... has passed?

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