
Seeing how he was jumping around and beating the female anchor to death, she didn't believe that Cheng Feng had depression!

The passengers couldn't help but laugh.

This guy’s acting looks so similar!

Cheng Feng's eyes were red.

“Do you know how much torture we have to endure in life?”

"You still discriminate against us and consume our pain!"

"Every civilized person will not joke about other people's diseases!"

“I hope you’ll watch your words!”

"Don't call us sick, call us 'people with physical impairments'!"

Physiology, function, defect, person?

What a word is this!

Everyone was shocked by Cheng Feng's speech and his performance.

No one thought he was really depressed.

But his acting looks like he has been depressed since he was born.

The college student who had just spoken for the delivery boy had an idea and yelled at the female anchor.

"I have chronic rhinitis, and I feel you are discriminating against me!"

A girl also said with a smile.

"I have a cold recently, why do you discriminate against me?"

The delivery boy spoke.

"I have flat feet, please watch your words!"

Everyone in the carriage came to their senses and began to follow Cheng Feng's offensive, condemning the female anchor and joining the carnival.

"I have chronic pharyngitis!"

"My fingers are peeling!"

"My nails were chipped by scissors! You have to respect us people with physical disabilities!"

People stood up and denounced the female anchor's discriminatory remarks.

Looking at this scene, the live broadcast room was like boiling water, and every audience member was excited.

"I have never seen such a lively scene in my life!"

"It seems that everyone is a person with physical disabilities! Haha!"

"What the hell are flat feet? The delivery boy is so funny!"

"Discriminating against patients, the anchor's imagination and reaction speed are amazing!"

"And it's all her own trick! The anchor can't learn from Master Bao Guo! This hair extension training has reached the full level!"

"Discriminating as soon as you open your mouth. This woman is in trouble! Who makes you so fond of saying that others are discriminating against you!"

"The anchor really vented his anger on our behalf!"

"Anchor, you are a contemporary celebrity! Smash it with me!!!"

The gifts in the live broadcast room never stopped, and the rockets were flying around as if they were free of charge.

The income in a few minutes directly reached hundreds of thousands.

The explosive popularity quickly attracted the attention of the senior management of Shark Platform.

Mr. Chen sat at his desk, looking at the data on the computer screen with a nervous look on his face.

"In a matter of ten minutes, the number of fans increased from less than 50,000 to 500,000?"

"It shot to the top of the real-time popularity list in less than ten minutes?"

Mr. Chen's jaw dropped in shock.

Even the top anchors on the platform cannot achieve this terrifying growth rate.

The popularity of more than 100 million is beyond the reach of even the platform’s annual meeting celebration.

Mr. Chen also has a very active mind. He knows that this platform is a rare opportunity.

"Quickly, push his live broadcast room to the homepage, block him, and give him any recommendations!"


His subordinates also looked anxious.

Mr. Chen continued to give instructions.

"By the way, change the name of his live broadcast room for me!"

"Let's change it to a subway battle with a funny egg!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

After giving instructions to his men, Mr. Chen stared at the screen intently, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"Damn, it sure relieves my anger!"

Hitting the desk with his fist, Mr. Chen cheered loudly.

In the carriage.

The female anchor completely collapsed.

She has dominated the Internet for so many years, and this is the first time she has met someone who is so capable of trolling!

He didn't even utter a curse word.

He completely snatched away her punches and punched her back exactly the same!

It's like shooting yourself in the foot!

At this moment, her live broadcast room has also been bombarded by a large number of netizens.

If it had been before, she would have been happy to death seeing such a huge amount of traffic.

However, these new viewers came to scold her!

The scolding was also very neat!

Without exception, all netizens' comments in her live broadcast room only had one symbol.

A black egg.

Everyone is calling her a weird egg!

The enthusiastic interaction of netizens made the voice of support for her in the live broadcast room overwhelming!

As soon as a fan of the female anchor made a quibble, he was quickly overwhelmed by the funny eggs that filled the screen.

The female anchor simply lay down on the ground, pulling her hair and rolling around.

Everyone looked at her like a monkey.

At this time, Cheng Feng cleared his throat and stood up.

"Damn it, brothers, cease fire, the anchor is going to speak!"

"What else is the anchor going to say?"

"Quiet and listen to him!"

The live broadcast room, which was like boiling water, immediately calmed down because of Cheng Feng's actions.

The passengers in the carriage, seeing Cheng Feng's behavior, also looked at him.

Everyone is looking forward to what Cheng Feng will say next.

Cheng Feng pointed to the female anchor on the ground.

His aura changed suddenly and his eyes were as bright as a torch.

"Longing for a foreign country?"

"It's a pity that you can't catch the hot stuff even if you eat shit!"

"The male compatriots of the Dragon Kingdom, looking at the world, are all good men who are affectionate, righteous, and responsible!"

"They used their shoulders to carry their own little family, all of us!"

Cheng Feng pointed at the takeaway guy next to him.

"He used his speed to protect his wife and children, and every meal we had!"

"Without him, you, Northwest Wind, wouldn't even be able to drink!"

The takeaway boy's face was filled with excitement.

"That big brother is a migrant worker. He built our prosperous city with his own hands!"

"Without him, you would have to sleep on the street!"

The migrant worker who was pointed at by Cheng Feng had tears streaming down his weather-beaten face.

"Our fire officers and soldiers fight against countless dangers with their flesh and blood!"

"Without their protection, you will die in the merciless fire!"

"Our soldiers guarding the border, our police officers traveling in the dark!"

"They used their lives to stop the enemy's bullets!"

"Without them, you'd be nothing more than a corpse!"

"There are thousands of people who have made sacrifices for this society!"

"It's them who hold up the backbone of this land!"

"There is no such thing as quiet time!"

"It's just that someone is carrying the load for you!!"

"What qualifications do you have to insult them!!"

"Still longing for a lighthouse?"

"The Pacific Ocean is not covered, you can just roll over!"

"Look who comes to save you before you die on the road!!"


As soon as Cheng Feng finished speaking, a middle-aged man wiped away his tears, his eyes were red, and he applauded desperately!

His wife, who was nestling next to him, touched his white temples with love in her eyes.

Then, thunderous applause engulfed the carriage.

"well said!"

"Good job young man!"

Delivery boy, migrant worker brother, college student.

Regardless of age and gender.

Everyone stood up and applauded, looking at Cheng Feng with admiration.

Cheng Feng told them all what was on their mind!

I thought this young man just knew how to talk dirty.

But this speech was very convincing.

Even compared to university professors!

In the live broadcast room.

The comment area was almost silent for a few seconds after Cheng Feng finished speaking.

Then it shot up quickly like a raging fire.

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