"I hope that all the young people here can listen to what I have to say."

"Buy the book I recommend and read it."

"In this way, you will be able to become people who are beneficial to society and become pillars of society in the future."

"I know the mentality of some of your classmates, and they are somewhat resistant to our preaching as elders.

"But you must learn to overcome this unhealthy mentality, dare to change yourself, and learn to listen to the teachings of your predecessors."

"When you go back, you must respect your teachers and parents."

"It's for your own good that we persuade you so earnestly."

"Okay, my speech is over."

Zhao Decheng shook the speech in his hand and took another sip of tea.


"Mr. Zhao's speech was inspiring!"

"Not to mention the teenagers, even a middle-aged man like me has benefited a lot from listening to Mr. Zhao's words!"

"The classics recommended by Mr. Zhao. As soon as this lecture is over, I will go to the bookstore next to me to buy them and read them! If there is anything I don't understand, I hope Mr. Zhao will not hesitate to teach me!"

"Mr. Zhao, this is how he behaves as a member of the older generation, as an elder! Children, you must keep it in mind! Mr. Zhao's words can benefit you for life!"

The leaders and teachers in the audience were all complimentary, and they were obviously very satisfied with Zhao Decheng's speech.

Look at Cheng Feng next to Zhao Decheng. He is simply a typical example of the chaos among contemporary youth!

He looks pretty good, just like an idol, but he is strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

In front of Zhao Decheng's powerful aura and profound speech, he was immediately outclassed!

Many people nodded. It just so happened that, taking advantage of the live broadcast, the online anchor showed his true colors in front of the national audience.

Let everyone know that relying on such uneducated boys cannot correctly guide young people and promote social progress!

When Zhao Decheng heard the applause from the audience, he narrowed his eyes and felt very benefited.

Glancing at Cheng Feng next to him again, Zhao Decheng spat out a few mouthfuls of tea leaves into the tea vat, his expression of contempt becoming more intense.

In his opinion, Cheng Feng, an online anchor in his early twenties, absolutely couldn't handle his words.


A dignified literature professor from the Qing Dynasty sharing the stage with an internet anchor is a huge joke!

Now let the school leaders responsible for organizing lectures take a look. In the future, just for the sake of traffic, anyone can be invited to the sacred podium in Qingbei!

Zhao Decheng is already waiting for Cheng Feng to make a fool of himself!

As for the students in the audience, listening to the applause of the leaders in the front row, their eyes were filled with anger!

"What's so good about this?! What's better? What are you talking about!!"

"That's right! I think a lot of people are actually flattering this professor!!"

"He also told us to keep his words in mind, saying that they would benefit us for the rest of our lives!! Nonsense!! Anyway, I couldn't listen to a word he said!!"

"I won't read any of the bird books he recommends!! I want to read the ancient poetry of Taki Kingdom!! I have read ancient poetry since I was a child, why should I be degraded to this by him!.!"

There was an angry murmur from the students.

As soon as Zhao Decheng opened his mouth, the students didn't like his rigid and formal words at all!

Sounds drowsy!

It’s not contagious at all! It’s all preaching!

And Zhao Decheng's speech in the second half made the students feel huge contempt!

Zhao Decheng had a completely superior attitude, reprimanding them and ordering them as a knowledgeable "experienced person"!

Reprimand them for doing everything wrong! If they continue like this, they will have no future and will become a burden to society!

You must follow their old people's ideas, follow their footsteps, and follow their footsteps in order to grow into a healthy person!

In and out of words, he completely treats the students as animals without the ability to think!

If they are not controlled by senior citizens like them, students will go astray!!

Moreover, he also belittled the Taki literature in the textbook!!

This is something that makes students even more unbearable!!

Articles that can be selected as textbooks have great historical value, literary quality and appeal!

This powerful appeal has also made many students intoxicated!

And just now, the literature of the Long Kingdom that they loved was disparaged by Zhao Decheng!!

It is said that the literature of Taki country is incomparable with Western literature!

It is said that the literature of Taki is not as profound and great as the literature of the West!

It is said that only Western literature can be the guiding light for human progress!

The students were furious!

The accompanying teachers from primary and secondary schools were divided into two groups.

Many teachers are on Zhao Decheng's side and think what Professor Zhao said is great!

That’s right! Students should listen to their teachers!

You should listen to more speeches like this!

There are also some teachers who feel that Zhao Decheng’s speech is very problematic!

Doors are also autonomous! Does this hurt their self-esteem too much?

Also, why did Taki’s literature get into his mouth and be trampled like this by Western literature?

A female teacher whispered.

"I think what this professor said is not entirely correct. Children should not be belittled like this. We as teachers cannot blindly require children to obey orders ABE...

A male teacher next to him raised his eyebrows.

"Teacher Mei, Professor Zhao Decheng is a literary figure in northern Qing Dynasty. He has been teaching for more than 40 years. Are you saying that your educational level is higher than Professor Zhao?"

Being choked by him, Teacher Mei was immediately speechless.

She didn't have the guts to question the highly respected Professor Zhao in the auditorium of Qingbei University.

She could only sigh and patted a male classmate beside her who was shaking with anger.

Other teachers who had objections also lowered their heads and stopped talking.

But in my heart, I still feel unfair for the children and Takiguo Literature!

Then, many teachers began to organize, and after the speech was over, they contacted bookstores near the school.

Ask them to purchase all the books mentioned by Professor Zhao, and lead the students to read them when they get back!

In the live broadcast room of the Shark Platform, after listening to Zhao Decheng's speech, the faces of the audience were all pale!

"What the hell is this man talking about! Our vast country, with its five thousand years of civilization and many classics passed down by literati and poets, has been degraded by him to the level of H3E!!!"

"I grew up reading Tang poetry and Song lyrics! I love classical Chinese the most!"

"This man is a pure public intellectual! Listen to what he is instilling in the children! If the children listen to him, they will be doomed in the future! They will have no country and no ancestors!!"

"And his condescending look is really irritating! He posted a message on his scarf before, saying that the world is declining. In his eyes, we young people are the ones destroying social morality!"

"Why! Why are we being degraded to this point? If we don't follow these old rotten people, we can't do anything? Will the progress of society be hindered?!!"

"I'm so pissed off!!! Although I'm only a freshman in high school, I'm not incapable of discerning! At least this book recommended by the beast won't kill me!!"

As young people, the audience was furious at Zhao Decheng's words!

However, underneath the anger, there is a deep powerlessness!

The right to speak in society is controlled by these people!

The other party is a leader in education and literature across the country!

In front of him, the voices of these young people were like ants! They would not get aldehydes at all!

So what if you are angry?

Who has the courage to speak out for them?

Who has the ability to speak for them???

Someone said something in the live broadcast room.

Brother Cheng, please stand up and say something for us!!"

"Yes, Brother Cheng, your temper is definitely not used to this kind of person! He is so devaluing the literature of our country, and he is so contemptuous of our young people!"

However, someone immediately poured cold water on it.

"Everyone, please stop putting pressure on Brother Cheng. Brother Cheng is already under enough pressure!"

"Yes, on that occasion, I was surrounded by a group of old diehards, all of whom were academic leaders. If Brother Cheng could explain the situation clearly, he would be considered a winner!"

"Who can offend this group of people! They are all great leaders from all walks of life! What's more, Cheng Xi can't beat this Zhao Decheng! He is a great professor in northern Qing Dynasty!"

"My lungs are about to explode! Damn it, what kind of conversation is this? This is just a teacher's lecture!!"

Everyone's anger can't find an outlet to vent.

This time, no one has any hope. Cheng Feng has the ability to help them and fight back hard!

Immediately, the momentum in the live broadcast room was low.

For a time, the amount of barrages was reduced, and the popularity was gradually declining.

In the auditorium, the atmosphere also seemed very depressing.

Zhao Decheng on the stage was drinking tea and was very satisfied with the atmosphere of the scene.

That's how you talk, you should be more serious! What's the point of chirping?!

At this time, the host said.

"Okay, thank you Professor Zhao for your speech. I believe that all the young friends have benefited a lot!" (Yes) "Then next, I will ask Mr. Cheng Feng to send his message to the young people!"

When they heard that Cheng Feng was about to speak, the students in the auditorium and the audience in the live broadcast room managed to cheer up.

Zhao Decheng lowered his head and blew the hot air from the teacup.

Don't take Cheng Feng lightly at all.

Cheng Feng took the microphone and looked around the auditorium.

Looking at the downcast faces of the students, all the energy that was originally lively and energetic has completely disappeared at this moment.

There was anger rising in his heart!

He has been holding back his words for a long time!!

I’ve wanted to say it for a long time!!

Cheng Feng shook the speech in his hand and said.

"This is the speech prepared by the organizer for me."

"They were very considerate. They were afraid that I would be speechless on this occasion, so they prepared a thick stack."

"You also saw Professor Zhao's speech just now. He also prepared a stack of speech notes and read from them. This shows that Professor Zhao cares about everyone."

Next, Cheng Feng changed the subject.

"But I, as a person, never like to follow the rules.

"This manuscript is full of empty words and clichés. I'm sure you won't like to hear them."

"According to this manuscript, I am speechless."

After speaking, Cheng Feng threw the manuscript on the table and smiled at the students.

"Next, I'll just improvise."

"I know that every time I improvise, you all love to hear it."

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