In Shark's live broadcast room, the elderly viewers immediately jumped to life!

"Okay! Professor Zhao said it very well!"

"The standard of Mr. Zhao's article is so high! I have to pick it up quickly and read it carefully!"

"Eloquence is silver, silence is gold! This is simply a famous saying!"

"Haha, I have a hunch that Mr. Zhao's phrase 'eloquence is silver, silence is gold' will definitely become popular! It's so philosophical!"

"That's right. Our society is now in a mess and hot-headed due to that Cheng Feng. We should have calmed down a long time ago!"

"You young boys, do you understand? Don't let Mr. Zhao's hard work go in vain!"

In the live broadcast room, Cheng Feng’s fans were trembling with anger!

They won't listen to this Zhao Decheng's nonsense!

What the hell silence is golden!

This is clearly telling young people to be cowardly!!

Zhao Decheng's entire speech is full of this wretched mentality!!

We want young people not to be unconventional, we want young people to become like old people like them!

When young people encounter trouble, they should first think of themselves as useless, and then wait for them, the elderly, to come to the rescue! However, when these people encounter trouble, they will definitely run faster than anyone else!

Let them be young and downward, rather than high-spirited and upward!

They should remain silent in the face of the bloodshed of injustice!! Give up speaking out!!

This is completely contrary to the values ​​Cheng Feng passed on to them!!

It also cannot resonate with the souls of young people!


Why should we give up our right to speak out for justice?

Why should we imitate them and be a coward who is content with injustice?!

Why!! Why should they be silent!!!

This is the cry suppressed in the heart of every young man!

They completely disagree that a silent society will be a healthy and strong society!!

It will be as cold as a pool of stagnant water!!

However, they felt that the flames burning in their chests were like a trapped animal, being locked up!

Facing Zhao Decheng and the elderly people from all walks of life who hate Cheng Feng, they are really powerless to refute!

Although, this article by Zhao Decheng is far from Cheng Feng's "The Story of Young Long Country"!

The sentence "Silence is golden" is completely incomparable with the golden sentence in Cheng Feng's article about not requiring money!

However, with the combined efforts of many teachers in the Western literature group, there is indeed a superb literary standard!

And this sentence "Silence is golden" will definitely have a huge impact!

All the students, the young people, are very frustrated!

I also feel sorry for Cheng Feng!

It is basically impossible for Cheng Feng, who is about to give a speech, to come up with such excellent words to refute Zhao Decheng!

What's more, he gave a speech that surpassed "The Story of Young Taki Kuni"!

By that time, Cheng Feng will have to face attacks on the Internet like huge waves!!

Sure enough, just a few minutes after Zhao Decheng's speech ended, it spread immediately on the Internet!

First of all, on Weibo, among the topics "Should young people be cooler or hotter?", the popularity of the "cold" side has completely overwhelmed the "hot" side of the topic!

Not only those elderly people who support Zhao Decheng and dislike Cheng Feng, but also many teachers and parents also support Zhao Decheng’s views!

Especially those who suffer from children or students who are rebellious, they think what Zhao Decheng said makes sense!

Today’s youth are indeed a bit bloated!

It’s long past time to pour cold water on them!

Silence is golden, this is so true!

Concise, powerful, and extraordinary in literary talent, it fully reflects Zhao Decheng's literary level!

There is a heavy feeling when reading it!

And those media that have a very good relationship with Zhao Decheng, especially the pro-Western Lan Fang faction, have also begun to publicize and build momentum!

They regard Cheng Feng as a bridgehead to incite young people to disobey and try to compete with them for the right to speak in society!

They vowed to destroy Cheng Feng! Completely sweep it into the garbage heap!

The famous media Lanfang immediately issued an article on Sunday:

"On the debate about hot and cold, Zhao Decheng gives the answer!"

Subsequently, articles attacking Cheng Feng sprung up like mushrooms after a rain!

""Silence is golden"! The greatest teaching of this century!"

"Zhao Decheng: A staunch defender of morality and defender of beauty and freedom!"

"Young people, it's time to calm down!"

"When will the hot and cold debate end? The wisdom of the older generation vs. the indulgence of the young!"

"Looking at Western Literature from Zhao Decheng's Speech: Endless Treasures!"

Not to mention, all the sounds of attacks thought they had caught Cheng Feng’s sore leg!

That is, after "The Story of Young Taki Country", Cheng Feng has absolutely nothing to say!

"Cheng Feng has exhausted his talents? Is he a literary immortal, or is he just a flash in the pan?"

"Cheng Feng: The Tragedy of an Arrogant Man!"

"Lecture on "Dialogue between Two Generations", Cheng Feng is at his wits end!"

A large number of articles appear in every corner of the Internet, attracting everyone's attention!

While criticizing Cheng Feng, these media madly exaggerated that Cheng Feng would definitely be speechless when faced with Zhao Decheng's speech during his speech!

They have already agreed that "The Story of Young Takiguo" has brought Cheng Feng to a terrifying height!

And this height will kill him next!!

Faced with all-round bombardment by pro-Zhao Decheng media, the voices supporting Zhao Decheng are getting louder and louder!

The debate about hot and cold and the positioning of young people are becoming increasingly clear!

That is, young people should dispel the heat, keep the air conditioner, and be a silent heir!

What’s even more irritating is that these media are so biased!

Zhao Decheng mobilized so many teachers from the Western Literature Group to help him revise the manuscript!

These media are selectively blind!

They insist on claiming that this article was written by Zhao Decheng alone!

Those who sided with Zhao Decheng already felt that they had won!

All of them are arrogant and have an arrogant attitude towards young people again!

Cheng Feng's fans, faced with this systematic media bombardment, have lost their sense of proportion!

After all, many of them are still students at school. How have you ever seen such a formation?

This formation is like Mount Tai pressing to the top!

In front of these people, they really felt a huge sense of powerlessness!

Their voices are like mud cows entering the sea, unable to stir up a single wave!

"These people are so damn despicable! They are planning to defeat Brother Cheng directly!"

"They hate Brother Cheng so much, just because Brother Cheng supports justice and supports young people to speak out for society! Just because Brother Cheng is a righteous person!!"

"Everyone knows how to touch the cake!!"

"Damn, I'm so angry! In their eyes, if Brother Cheng can't come up with a speech that surpasses the level of the young Takiguo, he will be a sinner!!"

"Yes, if Brother Cheng can't say a word and covers up Zhao Decheng's saying 'eloquence is silver, silence is gold', he will be scolded to death by these comparisons!!"

"Oh, it's too difficult. Even for Brother Cheng, this is an unachievable task!"

"Damn it, Zhao Decheng, who is better than me, mobilized all the teachers under him to revise the manuscript for him! This is a group of people who beat Cheng's wife and ten of them. It's weird if they can outshine them!

"This group of media is so shameless. They don't report this matter at all. Finding fault with Brother Cheng is like holding a microscope. They are totally blind on this matter!!"

"Ah, ah, I'm so angry! I'm so useless, I can't help Brother Cheng!"

"Don't be angry. It's useless to be angry. Let's calm down first and don't put more burden on Brother Cheng! No matter what the result is, Brother Cheng will always be a role model for everyone!!"

"Yes, please stop talking now! Alas..."

Fans of Cheng Feng, facing the attacks on Cheng Feng on the Internet, can only choose to remain silent.0

Their hearts really cooled down little by little.

Qingbei Auditorium.

The applause caused by Zhao Decheng's speech has not dissipated yet.

Those who hated Cheng Feng finally found a channel to vent their anger, applauding and applauding as hard as they could!

They have completely lost their self-proclaimed elite status and are as graceless as gamblers who have won money!

Zhao Decheng's old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

He also saw the online debate on his mobile phone.

Especially when I see that my phrase "Silence is golden" has been trending on scarf searches!

This made him feel quite comfortable!

Looking at Cheng Feng next to him, Zhao Decheng returned to his calm appearance.

The arrogance in 0.1's heart resurfaced.

He no longer thinks that Cheng Feng can make any waves.

In this second round, he had completely beaten Cheng Feng to the ground!

Although, this manuscript was completed by the teachers under him, which made the conceited Zhao Decheng a little unhappy!

And in the third round that is waiting for me, I just need to play normally according to the original draft and win Cheng Feng once more, and Cheng Feng will be finished!

Zhao Decheng snorted coldly, closed his eyes and drank tea.

Cheng Feng lowered his eyebrows, as if there were no waves in an ancient well.

He could naturally feel the oppressive atmosphere in the auditorium.

You don’t need to look at the controversy on the Internet, it must be a big deal.

Countless people were waiting for him to be speechless and make a fool of himself!

But that's not what Cheng Feng cares about.

The arrogance, cowardice, and insensitivity in Zhao Decheng's speech were the source of his anger!

He hates such obscene values!

No matter how angry he will be attacked, he will definitely uproot it!!

Silence is gold?!

Hearing these words, Cheng Feng felt really angry!

Regarding silence, Mr. Lu Xun has another conclusion!

Next, let him Cheng Feng, as his answer!!!.

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