In the live broadcast room, Cheng Feng’s fans were already furious!

They hate these unscrupulous media and these people who try every means to target Cheng Feng to the core!

"Damn it, these people are using such despicable means just because Cheng Feng brother Cheng went down!"

"They are all a bunch of bad guys who eat meat but don't spit out bones!! They are the apes that Brother Cheng said! Unjust karma!! Cowards!!"

"These reporters are all heartless garbage! They dare to do anything if they are paid!! They dare to say anything!! Fuck!!"

And when they saw Cheng Feng resolutely pushed open the door of the auditorium, their eyes became wet!!

"Brother Cheng, why are you so stupid!! Can't you avoid them!! Damn it!!"

"Brother Cheng, you are such a man!! You are such a man!!"

"This group of compatriots have understood Brother Cheng's character correctly and will definitely not escape through the back door. That's why they are so unscrupulous!!"

"Actually, it's useless to go through the back door. Didn't you see that these people just set up the cameras and were about to run to the back door! Brother Cheng can't get rid of these dogs!!"

While the fans were crying in anger, all the old men and women who hated Cheng Feng were stunned!

"Why are you angry? Cheng Feng just said it so well, and you are still worried that he will not be able to speak in front of the media? To be honest, we are not worried at all!"

"Zero 27" "Haha, I wish Cheng Feng would get so angry and say something he shouldn't!"

"I want to see if Cheng Feng can say such nice things!"

"It's time for the media to expose him a long time ago! You can't handle the popularity among young people! If I don't put out the fire for you, I don't know how much I weigh!"

"Young man, you still have to temper your temper!"

Seeing the gloating behavior of these elderly people, all the fans felt disgusted from the bottom of their hearts!

They all look sanctimonious on weekdays!

Brother Cheng just said things that no conscientious Taki man would hold back!

Just peel off their skin!

They are all a bunch of wretched maggots!!

What’s even more disgusting is that Mr. Ma from the Writers’ Association was so scolded by Cheng Feng fans just now that he couldn’t even open his mouth!

As soon as he saw Cheng Feng being surrounded by Lan Fang, he immediately sat up in shock and jumped out!

Teacher Ma couldn’t wait to send a message.

"I think Cheng Feng deserves this! Don't you fans always want your idol to be exposed?"

"Why did you bite back after I gave you a chance?"

Fans immediately gathered around and scolded him!

"Who the hell is biting back? You surnamed Ma, tell everyone clearly? Do you want to lose your old face?"

"Face? He has lost his face a long time ago!!"

"Who sent these reporters? You old guys don't know what to do? You framed Brother Cheng like this, and you are so weird?!"

"You fucking came to our school last year to promote that old sister-in-law's past you wrote. That's bullshit! We won't reveal any of your books!!"

Teacher Ma did not close the comment area now, and leisurely chatted with Cheng Feng’s fans.

"Who bought it with you! Even you guys can't appreciate it if I buy it!"

"I'm telling you, don't care who sent the reporter there!"

"Since Cheng Feng has the courage to bear such great popularity on himself, he must bear it!!"

"This is the consciousness a public figure should have!"

"He can't handle it?"

"He deserves it, no one else is to blame!!"

Cheng Feng’s fans are so angry that their noses are crooked!

Things quickly spread online!

Originally, the shock that Cheng Feng brought to everyone has not subsided yet!

Everyone soon discovered that the matter was not over yet!

Now, more than a dozen media outlets, led by Lan Fang on Sunday, and dozens of reporters have surrounded Cheng Feng at the entrance of the auditorium in Qingbei!

Looking at that posture, it was as if he was going to eat Cheng Feng alive!

Countless people are complaining about Cheng Feng!

Cheng Feng’s three speeches, because they showed the bloodiness and responsibility of a man from the Long Kingdom!

He speaks for teenagers and young people without any scruples!

He said that the youth of Taki country has no borders with the country!

He said that the young people of Taki country should not listen to the words of those who give up on themselves, but should get rid of the air conditioning and move up!

He said that education is everyone’s career, and everyone must strive for the advancement of education!!

Cheng Feng’s words have infected too many people!! Inspired all young people!!

His contribution to society is immeasurable!!

Such a great person is now being attacked again and again!!



Young fans of Cheng Feng saw Cheng Feng push open the door of the auditorium without hesitation and stand up to face the dark camera!

Tears wet my cheeks!!

With red eyes and gritted teeth, they tried their best to publicize Cheng Feng’s deeds online!

Edit Cheng Feng’s speech and publish it on major platforms!

The articles they wrote to rectify Cheng Feng’s name were published in various forums!!

However, their voices were quickly silenced!

Those who hate Cheng Feng are out!

Their media offensive is much more mature and sophisticated than the loose and unorganized fans!!

There were a lot of articles slandering Cheng Feng and a lot of insults to Cheng Feng’s trolls, drowning their voices like a tide!!

Many of the articles even shamelessly spread rumors! Some said that Cheng Feng’s private life was chaotic, some said that Cheng Feng had conflicts with people in private and beat them up, and some said that Cheng Feng was playing a big name!

Confuse the public, confuse right and wrong, and do whatever they can!

Many passers-by who didn’t know the truth were actually abducted!

Such is the power of this media war!

Cheng Feng's fans are seeing their voices getting weaker and weaker. Even when they posted a post in the forum's comment area, they were squeezed out by a massive amount of trolls!

They saw how powerful these people are!

They were almost crying!!

They feel worthless for Cheng Feng!!

I also feel deeply scared!

Even if Cheng Feng can give such a wonderful speech, there is nothing he can do in the face of this garbage who specializes in making people stink!!

Qingbei, auditorium.

The dying Zhao Decheng, who was frustrated by Cheng Feng, struggled to get up, left the lounge, and came to the crowd.

He looked at Cheng Feng darkly.

There were several reporters inside, whom he found!

He knows how powerful these people are!

Very thick-skinned and very hot-tongued!

Those with poor psychological quality will collapse if they are provoked!

Now, Cheng Feng must have fallen here!!

Reporter Liu's coke broke when he saw Cheng Feng come out.

Throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand, he immediately picked it up!

Hooray, all the reporters gathered around!

They shoved the microphone towards Cheng Feng’s mouth in disgust!

The camera seemed to be stripping Cheng Feng naked and shoving it in his face!

The flashlight was flashing, trying to interfere with Cheng Feng’s thoughts!!

Reporter Liu looked like he wanted to be beaten!

"Mr. Cheng, we have just received news that your private life is very confusing. Can you please explain it in detail?!"

Other reporters also spoke quickly!

"Mr. Cheng, you are so hot right now, do you think you can afford it?!"

"What do you think of the various scandals about you that have been revealed online? Do you think that as a public figure, you are too public?!"

"We received private messages from two female friends here, claiming that you played with their feelings! Can you give an explanation in front of the camera?!"

"Mr. Cheng, you are only in your early twenties. Do you think you are capable of taking on such a big responsibility? Your every move affects countless people. If you do something wrong, can you bear the responsibility?!"

"Mr. Cheng, please speak! Do you have nothing to say? Can you come in?!"

The reporters' barrage of tricky questions turned the atmosphere at the entrance of the auditorium into a high-pressure one!

The live reports from many media quickly topped the list of various websites!

Cheng Feng’s interview has become the most popular incident on the Internet!

People's mood is extremely complicated!

Some people hope that Cheng Feng will hurry up and do something stupid, and the media will have fodder for hype!

As for Cheng Feng’s fans, some girls who are not very strong are already crying so hard!

There are also many people who don’t know much about it, but they have just been attracted by the huge popularity!

After a brief understanding, some people were led by the media and wanted to see how Cheng Feng responded!

Some people feel pity for Cheng Feng, thinking that this young man has climbed too high and the tree is so big that it attracts the wind!

How could he have the ability to deal with such shameless media and high-intensity bombardment!

Even if you push the reporter away and run away quickly, the public opinion will be fermented afterwards and it will be a poisonous sting, chasing Cheng Fengzha fiercely!

In the editorial office of Lanfang on Sunday, Editor Li watched the live broadcast with a fierce look and gave orders to Reporter Liu!

"Yes, just ask that! Make him speechless!"

"If you put more pressure on him, it's better to force him to break into pieces! Even better if he can hit people!"

"Don't let him go, surround him! It seems he is speechless! Make him scold you!"

Reporter Liu received the order through the earphone and put the microphone into Cheng Feng’s mouth!

"Mr. Cheng, what are you talking about?! Are you speechless at 1.8?"

Journalists all say...0


The popularity on the Internet has surged like a tsunami!

Countless pairs of eyes are staring at Cheng Feng!

Everyone is very pessimistic about Cheng Feng’s ending!

How can anything be said in this deadlock!

Facing the bombardment of reporters.

Looking at Reporter Liu’s triumphant expression.

Looking back at all the children and teachers, he had red eyes!

Cheng Feng took a deep breath.

He is not afraid of any pressure!

What he was thinking about was, in front of all the students, in front of all those who had lost their conscience, and in front of the future of Taki Country!

He must swipe away these low-handed people and eradicate them!!

Let him say something?!

What should he say?!!!

Cheng Feng grabbed Reporter Liu’s microphone!

In front of all the stunned reporters!

Face all the cameras aimed at you like a gun!

Face all the people looking at you from behind the camera!

Cheng Feng's voice is full of tragedy and determination!!

"Want my answer?!!"


"Then you should listen to what I say next!!!!"

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