One Cheng Feng fell, thousands of Cheng Feng stood up?!!

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, the entire air of Qingbei University seemed to freeze.

Then, all the teachers and students felt endless shock, from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads!!

Too domineering!!

So tragic!!

They never imagined that it would be a deadlock!

Cheng Feng once again used his speech and his mouth to roar to everyone!!

If not for those despicable maggots, who have a deep-seated hatred!

If it weren’t for the indelible pursuit of justice in our hearts!

How could Cheng Feng say such a famous sentence!!

Students and teachers looked at Cheng Feng and thought he looked like a knight with a sword!

Like a lonely hero!!

And all the senior officials in Qingbei were shocked!

Too cruel!!

Cheng Feng’s speech was really cruel!!

Those unscrupulous journalists who think their pens can kill like knives are as vulnerable as pieces of paper to Cheng Feng’s speech!

Cheng Feng’s mouth and his mind are the most terrifying weapons!!

Qian Kun burst into tears and applauded Cheng Feng!

Countless teachers and students applauded Cheng Feng!

Their hearts are full of admiration!!

And huge anger!!

The sense of justice in their hearts was all aroused by Cheng Feng!!

The students raised their fists and shouted angrily!

"Brother Cheng, we are all on your side, you will not fall!! But we all stood up!!"

"Brother Cheng, we will stay with you forever!! We will not let you be alone!!"

The applause and shouts were so loud that the whole sky of Peking University was shivering!

In the live broadcast room.

Fans who heard Cheng Feng's words all felt numb!

Then, there was an overwhelming outpouring of support!

"Fuck!! I'm really crying!! Brother Cheng is a modern version of a hero!! A righteous man!!"

"Brother Cheng, let's stand up!"

"Go to hell, I'll fight with those competition!!"

"Count me in, I will definitely scold those junk media websites and scarfs!! Targeting Brother Cheng over and over again, do you really think justice can be killed?!"

Countless people flocked to the homepages and hoods of these media outlets to angrily question them!

"You are so damn shameless!!"

"Look at what Brother Cheng is like, and look at you guys, they are two fucking species!!"

"No matter what you do, Brother Cheng's words are a good response to you! Justice can never be killed, because the truth always exists!!"

Soon, several self-media celebrities also stood up and spoke out!

A big v with more than three million fans on the entire Internet posted an update.

“Teacher Cheng’s speech really touched me deeply! We can’t let Teacher Cheng Feng’s words go in vain!”

As soon as the post was posted, the number of likes reached several times!

Many netizens left messages below to express their support!

At this time, a netizen exclaimed!

"Look, it's sports commentator Sun Dahai! Teacher Sun also posted!"

"Holy shit, Mr. Chen from Sharks also posted a message expressing his support for Brother Cheng! He is really going to fight with those people!"

More and more people are joining in to support Cheng Feng!

They were all deeply affected by Cheng Feng’s speech!

Since Cheng Feng has said "One Cheng Feng falls, thousands of Cheng Feng stand up", then they can no longer stand idly by!!

All those who attacked Cheng Feng, as well as the media, were in panic!

Especially Editor-in-Chief Li of Lanfang Sunday was so anxious that he was sweating profusely!

Originally, they all thought that Cheng Feng would be vulnerable to their media offensive!

What did they say about Cheng Feng’s previous speech, but they weren’t actually afraid!

Because they previously felt that no matter how talented Cheng Feng was, he was still too young after all!

Compared with these professional gangsters, they are still too young!

However, this time, they lost completely on the news they were most confident about!

Their slanders, insults, and flashlight interference can’t interfere with Cheng Feng’s success!

Since the microphone was snatched away by Cheng Feng, the right to speak has been completely occupied by Cheng Feng!!

Their most professional mad dog reporter, in front of Cheng Feng, was completely overwhelmed and couldn't even open his mouth!

And Cheng Feng’s few words aroused the anger of the entire Internet!

They are scared from the bottom of their hearts now!!

Now many people regret provoking Cheng (cafc) Feng in the first place!

But they have no retreat now!

Public opinion on the Internet is changing so rapidly. They thought before that they could defeat Cheng Feng quickly!

So if they sit still and wait to die, how quickly they will die!

They can only fight to the death!

On the Qingbei campus.

The door of the auditorium.

Zhao Decheng and others looked at Cheng Feng's back, feeling as if they had been hit by a big stone!

Especially Zhao Decheng, who was so high-spirited just a few hours ago, now, even his own students don't want to see him!

Now they know they regret it, but it's too late!

A few people sneaked away secretly, with expressions on their faces as they left!

They plan to go back and have a last-ditch fight with Cheng Feng!

Otherwise they would really all be doomed!

The most embarrassing thing now is undoubtedly Reporter Liu and others!

They were so arrogant before, thinking that carrying a camera was as awesome as carrying a gun!

I thought Cheng Feng would be treated like a weakling in front of them!

But they didn't expect that Cheng Feng was too hard!!

Reporter Liu thought that his performance just now was seen by the entire audience on the Internet, and he really wanted to slap himself in the mouth!

He was still thinking about getting a promotion and a salary to pick up girls, but now it’s all over!

His hatred for Cheng Feng deepened!

After saying that, he gritted his teeth and turned around to leave!

The other reporters were also ready to leave in despair!

The angry students surrounded the reporters!

"Didn't you have a great time doing the interview just now?!"

"Yeah, you want to run away now? It's not that easy!"

Reporter Liu panicked and asked the cameraman to turn on the camera again and point it at the students.

"What do you want to do? I'm warning you, don't act recklessly, or I will expose you!"

Reporter Liu's wretched appearance made the students very angry.

"How dare you fucking film us?!"

"Fuck, you guys are so damn bad!!"

The angry students cursed crazily and vented their anger!

At this time, Cheng Feng suddenly said loudly.

"Students, stay calm!"

"do not curse!!"

Cheng Feng's words made everyone stunned.

The students were even more shocked.

"Why is Brother Cheng so civilized and polite all of a sudden?!"

Then someone understood what Cheng Feng meant.

"What Brother Cheng means is that, after all, facing the media, if we curse, we may indeed cause trouble! Brother Cheng wants to protect us!"

"Yeah, Brother Cheng didn't even curse! Let's not get excited!"

"Brother Cheng has spoken, so everyone should listen to Brother Cheng and stop swearing!!"

Although the students were confused, they gradually became quiet.

When reporter Liu saw Cheng Feng like this, he thought that Cheng Feng was indeed worried about their camera and would not let everyone curse!

Afraid of their subsequent retaliation!

So he quickly found a step down and said to Cheng Feng.

"Just wait, even if you are pretending to be polite to us now, we will definitely continue to dig into you, us!"


Cheng Feng shouted loudly, scaring Reporter Liu so much that he almost peed!

Cheng Feng pointed at Reporter Liu’s nose and cursed!

"I've endured this for a damn long time!"

"Get out of here!!!".

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