This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 10 Captain Gugu

Since the night Eric quietly installed a few gadgets, the Wayne family has been peaceful for a whole week.

The headline of the Daily Prophet these days is actually about the Boy Who Lived who is about to enter school.

"Harry Potter..."

Eric whispered the name several times a day, hoarsely.

"Dad, isn't this great--"

Vincent has been worried about his old father's hairline recently, "Maybe the reporter is scared."

"It better be this way."

Eric, who had a slightly dissatisfied look on his face, was definitely envious and jealous of his future classmate.

So what if I drank a bottle of gamp?

With this level of popularity, could it be enough to outshine the savior who ran away from the bald socket man?

Vincent, who has an easy-going attitude, has been as calm as if he has seen through the world since he basically blew up the third floor.

The limited edition collector’s edition of the red and white console will be gone if it’s gone.

It is said that even time travelers flock to the IBM 5100, which is nothing to regret.

There is always a chance that the signed albums of the world's top stars will be reproduced.

He won't feel sad about this!

But according to Gugu, the only insider, this seemingly indifferent young boy was kneeling in front of a pile of debris just last night, speechless and choked with sobs.

Ah, Merlin! The price of learning magic is really too high~

If it weren't for the existence of the repair spell, Vincent would have gone crazy from despair.

After learning the spell a few days later, he quickly reached the point where he would actively break things to practice.

Under the classic replica of Vincent's theorem, the Wayne family's appliances and furniture are basically in a state of intact or damaged at all times.

Five days before school starts.

The Boy Who Lived, which had been bombing for more than half a month, was finally removed from the headlines of the Daily Prophet.

""Potter and Wayne, the advantages and disadvantages of mixed-race and Muggle families"——"

With a title like this, it's obviously just to stir up trouble.

After breakfast, the Wayne family all looked at each other in understanding.

As expected, something will definitely happen today.

Eric, who was smiling, took out a big cutie from the window and popped the golden peanuts into it.

"Private property is sacrosanct..."

When he said these words, Vincent felt so handsome.

"Dad, don't beat anyone to death."

"I know, I have a sense of propriety."

Under the four naughty smiling faces, night fell quietly.

The temporary headquarters of the Wayne family was set up on the third floor that had been blown up countless times.

The current state-of-the-art night imaging monitoring equipment shows that there is nothing abnormal inside or outside the entire building.

"Be patient." Eric, wearing night vision goggles, held the new AW sniper rifle and glanced back and forth at the nine small screens in front of him.

Vincent, holding the wand in his hand, looked out the window, "Mom, you didn't call the police, did you?"

“Not now.” Evelin flipped up her long light blond hair, “It won’t be easy to tell when someone is caught.

"Gugu——" Gugu, who had wide eyes, seemed to notice something unusual.

A family of three followed their gaze and spotted a small beetle flying low at night.

"Captain, powerful magic is ready."

"Okay." Eric put the gun on the window sill, and in an instant he had aimed at the target flying to the first floor.

"Vice Captain, keep an eye on the surveillance equipment at all times."

"Copy that." Evelin responded in a low voice and stopped smiling.

"Get ready-" Eric's index finger, concentrating on it, pressed slightly on the trigger.


The 62-caliber peanuts pierced the night sky and flew towards the left wing with a loud sound. The little wings were flapping.


Eric did not miss, but the little beetle's movements were too flexible.

Vincent, who raised his wand, reacted immediately.

"Stand stiff and stop dead!"

The tip of the staff seemed to leap out of a large invisible sound wave, covering the half-meter area near the door on the first floor.

The head of the little beetle that was hit by the spell had three pairs of legs that seemed to be stuck together with strong glue.

It struggled precariously to maintain its balance.

Eric let go of his index finger, "Captain, it's your turn to appear!"


The round Gugu jumped up high and slammed down on the little beetle.


Less than three meters away from the gate, it successfully suppressed the mission target with its big butt that had grown new feathers.

That proud little expression of victory is deeply imprinted in the minds of the Wayne family.

Such an awesome owl should be named Wayne!

The poor environment of Hogwarts could not tolerate such a beast.

Under the gaze of three pairs of glowing green eyes at the gate, the little beetle under Gugu's crotch could not help but tremble violently.

It failed because of its contempt for Muggles.

When it was put into a small glass cover, it suddenly bumped around like crazy.

"Give up, this is tempered glass produced by the only big country in the East——"

Eric coolly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, "This thing is more than enough to withstand rocket launchers."

The cigarette he was holding was in Evelin's hand in the blink of an eye.

"My dear, haven't you quit smoking?"

"Ahem, I just plan to smell it."

Vincent's eyelids couldn't stop twitching when he saw this kind of aggressive behavior externally and submissiveness internally.

Look at Bruce,

Look at James again,

Should I change my name to Vince?


He held the glass cover and followed his parents back to the first floor.

"This little beetle is quite stubborn,"

He shook the cover vigorously, "It's like this, but it still refuses to be quiet."

Eric, who was on guard at the door, looked at his watch, "Kyle should be here soon."

With such a loud gunshot, the London Police Department will definitely send someone over.

And the one who comes is likely to be Kyle, his old acquaintance in the army.

Thinking of this fat uncle who is not serious, Vincent put down the glass cover with little interest.

Although this man has a legitimate job on the surface, he is actually a senior driver behind the scenes.

There is no entertainment venue in London that he has not been to.

Vincent, who was bored, fiddled with the handheld thermal imaging device that he had just disassembled.

It has been this kind of situation, and the reporter probably won't come again.

According to the Ministry of Magic, wizards who dare to openly violate the "Statute of Secrecy" have not appeared for eleven years.

"Be gentle, I can't afford to pay for this." Eric looked back fearfully.

"Don't worry." Vincent flipped out the screen and pointed the instrument at Gugu who was eating dried fish.

The orange to red color proved that the temperature of the owls in the magic world was not much different from that of ordinary people.

"5 degrees, normal."

He pointed the thermal imager at the little beetle in the cover.

Except for the lighter color, its overall temperature was actually higher than that of the outside world.

"Dad, something is wrong!"

Even if the little beetle kept hitting the glass, it should not be so active when its back shell was higher than the outside temperature.

"It's almost 29 degrees."

The four pairs of big eyes looked at each other from a distance, and they all reacted quickly in the next second.

This little beetle who refused to give up was actually not officially registered, the first illegal Animagus of this century.



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