This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 100 The old bat is not a sentimental person!

Raiding a professor in the middle of the night seemed like something a mysterious person would do.

"Who is it?" Filch followed Quirrell's gaze and saw Snape, who looked unhappy.

"Professor Snape?" He was a little unbelievable at first, and then it became natural.

Being the youngest dean in the history of Hogwarts is enough to illustrate his own excellence.

But that night, an enthusiastic student was able to confirm that Snape was not the mysterious man.

"What if they are a team?"

Quirrell looked away from the corridor with great disappointment, "Can a new student defeat the dark wizard?

Do you believe it?

Argus? "

As soon as Filch frowned, Snape looked over coldly.

"But Professor Dumbledore..."

"He was deceived!"

"Impossible, he is..."

"Nothing is impossible."

Quirrell poured dirty water on him again, "Severus' application to be Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was not a matter of a day or two.

I suspect he just wants to fabricate an evil dark wizard and then put the blame on——"

"This is a serious charge, Quirinas."

All eyes in the corridor were focused on Dumbledore who suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs.

He stopped in front of Filch with a smile on his face and glanced at the wall next to him without any trace.

"I have never met that mysterious man. The situation you mentioned is indeed very likely to happen."

It sounds very relaxed,

But Quirrell was anything but relaxed.

Dumbledore indeed knew that he had a problem, and the reason for letting him go was probably consistent with what he said a few days ago.


Filch looked to his left at Snape, whose expression had softened, and to his right at Quirrell, who seemed to be unable to produce any evidence.

Who is the biggest in school?

"Professor Dumbledore, I believe everything must be based on evidence."

This flattering smile made Vincent, who was staying next to him, very uncomfortable with the smile.

The impression I have of this janitor is that every time he catches a student, he doesn't ask the reason and just punishes him in various ways.

"Argus, I would like today's affairs to be kept private."

Dumbledore's eyes lingered on Snape and Quirrell, and his meaning was clearly expressed.

"Okay, Professor." Filch left.

"You two, would you mind coming to my office?"

They all followed behind without saying a word.

Vincent's figure emerged in the empty corridor.

Snape's purpose in attacking Quirrell tonight was probably the same as him.

But is the reason really that you don’t believe them?

Cedric and Rove's joining had a higher success rate than Harry's joining.

"Could it be that..."

He thought of his first Potions lesson.

At that time, Snape protected Harry first.

But what happened later,

But it overturned a certain guess. (っ◔◡◔)っ

But tonight’s night attack,

The previous guess was overturned again.

Why did Snape protect his enemy's son?

If you are really so generous,

It was also impossible to target Harry when they met.

"Hiss—" Vincent took a breath and tightened his tight jacket.

The immediacy of this third-rate romantic drama gave him goosebumps for no reason.

"No, Old Bat doesn't look like an infatuated person..."

When the twins saw him talking to himself, they thought they were frightened by the curses that were about to hit him.

"Dude, it's not a big deal."

"If you get hit a few times, you'll know your fists hurt more than they do."

Vincent raised his head, "I'm not afraid of this."

"Then why?"

"Quirrell has learned his lesson."

Since no one would believe him if he said it, he simply stopped saying it.

"If Professor Dumbledore hadn't appeared, Snape would have been accused of framing his colleagues."

The newly joined Cedric and Rove were both a little shuddering.

Those who can become professors are indeed simple.

The first time was successful, and this time I wanted to completely clear away the suspicion.

"I'm curious why Snape did this." Hermione glanced at the map in her hand, "Quirrell is down."

Vincent looked closer.

Dumbledore seemed to be still talking to Snape.

"Let's go to the auditorium first."

Principal's office.

"Severus, there is actually no need for you to end."

"Ordinary dark wizards would not dare to use the killing curse!"

Snape looked a little excited, "Wayne and Granger are a little clever, but what about the two Weasleys who only know how to make mischief?"

"And-" He suddenly closed his mouth.

"Harry was not here just now." Dumbledore looked directly into the dark eyes across from him, "They are Digory and Scamander."

"It makes no difference!" Snape stood up unnaturally.

"They are just a group of children, children who are helpless in the face of the killing curse!"

This tone sounded tough, but it also contained a hint of guilt.

Dumbledore heard it, but pretended not to, "Severus, I chose Vincent not only because he is good enough, but his talent is the most important thing."

"A natural master of Occlumency?" Snape sat down.

Judging from the major and minor events during this period, this talent seems to always be able to save the day from danger.

"That broom can't actually fly."

Snape's eyes widened, "Wayne used the levitation spell?"

"He has never had any mana riots before this."

"No wonder you fell in love with him at first sight."

Dumbledore ignored the sarcasm and said, "Do you want to know what Quirrell wants to take away?"

"No." Snape shook his head simply.

"Really don't want to?"

"Uh-" The muscles on his face trembled slightly, "I don't want to!"

"it's a pity."

Dumbledore sighed quietly, "You lasted longer than Vincent."

"That's because I know who you are!"

Snape had a stinky face and didn't dare to meet his eyes again.

"Severus, you broke an old man's heart."

"Wayne doesn't do what he's told."

"I know." Dumbledore turned to look at the portraits of his predecessors.

"Vincent and you both have something that that guy doesn't, and a little privilege isn't a bad thing."

"Didn't you already make your choice?" Snape looked a little nervous.

"I have made many mistakes before." Dumbledore's eyes became somewhat nostalgic, "Now I just want to be a competent principal."

"You don't have to hint at me anymore." Snape stood up impatiently, "Although it is unpleasant, I will protect them well."

"It's not just those kids."

He stopped and looked back at the other person deeply.

"If Quirrell wants to attack him, I will be there immediately."

Dumbledore looked at his solemn face, with a trace of unbearability flashing in his eyes, "Severus, you actually -"

"No need." Snape walked towards the door again. "You and I both know that person will definitely come back. This is one of the reasons that supports my survival."

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