This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 122 No wizard can refuse Gwent

Percy, who had lost nine games in a row, was in a very bad mood.

"It's curfew time now, everyone go back to your dormitory!"

The prefect spoke and the students walked out of the activity room one after another.

"It's boring~" George ran away before his good brother got angry.

Percy shook his head and put away the cards on the table.

The emergence of Gwent has undoubtedly opened the eyes of the little wizards.

It can not only attract members, but also secure the club’s activity funds.

Thinking about it on a deeper level, if the Court of Owls continues to be held,

The energy of connections in the future will undoubtedly be very scary.

"I didn't expect Wayne's ambition to be so big..."

Percy flicked his wand and extinguished the candles in the activity room.

First year Potions class.

Harry and Ron were whispering.

"As for the five major forces, I think the magic government should be next."

"I just hope Fudge doesn't turn into a leader card."

"Why? Isn't he the Minister of Magic?"

“Have you ever seen a minister who gave himself an award?”

Harry was immediately speechless.

"It would be interesting to join the Blood Alliance and the Death Eaters." Ron glanced at Draco, who was like a good baby.

As long as Vincent dares to do anything, he will have to get an old Malfoy to earn money.

"Blood pact? What is that?"

"The first Dark Lord, the power of Gellert Grindelwald."

The two of them, who were getting more and more excited as they chatted, didn't realize the big black shadow behind them.

Snape suddenly raised his hands and rolled up his sleeves.

He looked at his two pairs of big slaps,

Then focus on the two little heads in front of you.

"Ahem—" Hermione reminded them next to them.

"How did you-" Ron didn't finish his words.

His head hit Harry's head.

"Potter! Weasley!

After class, I copied the class notes ten times in my office! "

Only then did the two of them realize what was going on in this class.

Daring to desert during Potions class is undoubtedly true Gryffindor behavior.

Draco smiled,

He laughed so hard that he couldn't even straighten his waist.

Snape glared over, "Malfoy, you too!"

This is the end of joy that leads to sorrow.

Vincent was very calm.

Harry and Ron dare to do this, proving that Gwent is indeed very popular.

There are things that boys like to play with, but for girls...

He looked away from Hermione.

He has always regarded this top student as his buddy.

Neither can the three members of the team. If asked, they would probably answer Quidditch.


This is a normal girl!

Just after class, Wood came again.

There was a game tomorrow and he gave the task to Hermione.

"Remember to ask for details."

She seemed a little unhappy and went to look for Qiu in her solid-soled leather shoes.

Wood is here for two things.

One, drag them to training.

Second, get a set of Gwent cards that have not yet been released.

Vincent, who had not yet decided on the price, was very generous and gave a set to each of them. •

"The remaining three forces..."

"You all guessed it right just now."

Harry was no longer curious and sat with Gwendo to find the Golden Snitch.

"Wood, what is my training program?"


You don't have to today. "

Wood showed the brand new card in his hand, "How about a Gwent card?"

Vincent looked at the twins who were giving him a wink.

Hold him back?


It's training time. "

Wood was stunned for less than half a second.


It's training time. "

The seven broomsticks did not go down until dinner time.

The twins, who were almost starving, had just arrived in the Great Hall and found that many seats at the Gryffindor table were empty.

"They went to the activity room to play cards." Hermione came down from upstairs and handed a roll of parchment to Vincent.

Qiu likes cute little animals and Muggle musical instruments.

He selectively ignored the rest of studying and reading.

"Can gold galleons be exchanged for pounds?"

Fred nodded, "Okay, I'll write to Dad tonight."

After finishing the meal, those who should rest will go to rest, and those who should play cards will continue to play cards.

The six little ones are all staying in the dormitory tonight.

Early the next morning, seven members of the Gryffindor team were waiting in the lounge.

The club activity room is not open today, and all the little lions have to come to the field to cheer.

This kind of appeal is all due to Percy's mobilization last night.

As the vice-president, he directly announced that those grades that were not present would not be able to touch Gwent.

Harry looked out the window and was frightened.

Not only Gryffindor and Slytherin students, but also Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students.

"Don't be nervous." Wood comforted him, "It's the same for everyone the first time, you will get used to it soon."

"Really?" Harry looked at Vincent who was playing cards with George with some suspicion.

"I activate Aragog's lord skill and skip your round of playing cards."

"I have ten cards,

Can you beat me? "

George saw him playing Acromantula one after another,

His expression suddenly became unstable.

The place was full of cute little ones, and their strength values ​​were increased by Hagrid.


Vincent finished playing all his cards and signaled that he could begin his performance.

George, who had neither Bubble Beans nor Snape's poison bottle, gave up directly.

This disgusting infinite proliferation deck was not something he could beat with the Fire Dragon deck.

Wood shook his head with some regret.

He also played the Acromantula, so of course he knew how bad this deck was.

Just when he wanted to play a game, McGonagall's voice suddenly rang out.

"This year's Hogwarts Quidditch Tournament has officially begun!"

McGonagall in the stands looked to the side.

Lig, who had just passed the commentator's application, picked up the magic microphone, "Please welcome the strongest Gryffindor team in history!"

He ignored the boos from Slytherin, "This year we have two mysterious new players, you will never guess who they are!"

Wood opened the door of the lounge, rode on his broom, and took six players to the stadium.

"Oh my God!

It's Harry Potter!"

Li swept past the last person, and his face suddenly became excited.

"And Vincent Wayne, the founder of Gwent!"

This wave of GG caught him off guard, and McGonagall's face next to him suddenly turned black.

Dumbledore on the other side of the stands stopped stuffing candy into his mouth with his right hand.

Of course he had played Gwent before, and he fell in love with this card game as soon as he started.

Now he has a complete set of cards of the former headmasters of Hogwarts in his sky blue robe.

"Mr. Jordan, please explain carefully."

"Okay, professor."

Lee turned to introduce their brooms, "Wayne is riding the Rogue Rabbit, which is designed by our Professor McGonagall, and is currently the fastest flying broom in the wizarding world!

And Potter's Gwindor, which was specially customized for him by the Sweeping Broom Company, and it also has advanced technologies such as anti-curse coating."

After the Gryffindor team circled the field, he called the Slytherin team to play with a little contempt.

Captain Marcus Flint's face turned green.

Similar to him, there is Snape who exudes a cold aura.

Forget about Wayne, why can Potter also join the team.

Many students have this idea, but after thinking about it for a while, they all accepted the fact.

Only Draco was unwilling to accept it.

His face was as green as Marcus's.

As the son of a school director, his privileges were not as good as Vincent, who was born a Muggle.

He was not as good at studying, fighting, or even sports?

"Wayne - Potter -"

Draco's gnashing expression seemed to indicate that something was going to happen.



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