This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 131: This moment, just like that moment


Snape got up early as usual.

Except for the day when he was brutally beaten in Quidditch, he was in a good mood every day.

Especially after convincing Dumbledore yesterday to successfully serve as the substitute professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

He has two classes today, teaching grade one in the morning and grade six in the afternoon.

Tomorrow there will be potions for the first grade students, and there will be Defense Against the Dark Arts classes for the second and third grade students in the afternoon.

With such a fulfilling work arrangement, Snape was not dissatisfied at all.

He put on his broad black robe,

After thinking about it, I changed to a tighter one.

Jump high and very comfortable.

Turn around and swing sideways, no discomfort.

The corners of his mouth in the mirror were slightly raised, and the coldness before was completely gone.

He arranged his hair carefully, and when he went out, he felt depressed again.

"Creak-" The door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the fourth floor was opened from the outside.

"It's Snape!" Seamus screamed strangely, his head spinning.


Don't you welcome me? "

"No, Professor!"

Snape walked into the classroom with a sneer.

"very good,

None were late. "

He glanced at Harry, "Potter, what would you do if you were bitten by a werewolf?"

"Uh-" Harry was confused by the question.

"Should I use white fresh food?"

"Ah - yes."

Snape walked forward quickly, "Wrong!

Bai Xian can only treat wounds, but there is no way to prevent you from being assimilated into a werewolf! "

"Oh." Harry nodded his head aggrievedly, "Then what should I do?"

"Cut off the bitten part in time." Snape's sneer dropped to freezing point.

"What if you meet a dark wizard?"

Harry knew there was a second problem.

"Iron Armor Curse!"

"Little clever——"

"Then what spell should I use?"

"Disarming Charm."

Snape shook his head disdainfully, "A dark wizard cannot use any powerful dark magic without a wand."

He walked up to Vincent and said, "Huh, to a certain extent, Wayne did a pretty good job."

"Professor, are you praising me?"

"I didn't ask you to answer." Snape turned and walked back.

"Last question, Potter!"

He put his hands on Harry's desk and leaned down to look into those big eyes.

"What should you do if you were faced with the Killing Curse?"

Hermione couldn't help but said, "Professor,

This pair-"

"Shut up,

Granger! "Snape roared, and then continued to stare at the trembling Harry.

Everyone in the wizarding world knows that the Potters died from Voldemort's Killing Curse.

And he bounces it back and becomes the Boy-Who-Lived.

The savior sounds great,

But few people know the bitterness inside.

"I-I-" Harry clenched his fists hard.

"What should you do, Potter!"

Snape looked directly into his eyes, as if he was looking straight into his soul.

"I -" Harry puffed up his chest and stopped shaking, "I will face it like Vincent did and chop it in half!"

"Wrong!" Snape leaned back and stood up, "You should run far away and don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Vincent raised his hand and had something to say.

All it takes to defeat the Killing Curse is Gryffindor's sword. Harry who has learned fighting for a few more years may not be able to be like him.

"Hands down, Wayne!" Snape glared at him fiercely.

Vincent stared back without any sign of weakness.

He knew this class wouldn't be easy.

In the first Potions class, this person asked three questions on purpose.

The flower language of narcissus is love, and the flower language of mugwort is pain. Together they express painful love.

Bezoar is an antidote, expressing how to relieve this pain.

The flower language of Wolfsbane flower is to live for love, and the flower language of Aconite flower is malice. If we connect it with the above...

The romance of a top student?

Snape blinked with his eyes dry.

Vincent immediately raised his proud little chin.

"Okay, very good." Snape walked up to the podium.

"In my class you don't need to bring textbooks, you just need to bring your brains."

He glanced at Neville and Seamus, "The person whose name I called comes up.

Use disarming spells on each other - Malfoy! "

Draco walked up swaggeringly.


Vincent blinked, then looked over with a smirk.

"Professor, I——"

"Shut up." Snape flicked his wand and threw the entire podium to the corner of the classroom.

He stood below and stared steadily at the two little wizards on the stage.

"Come on!" Draco gritted his teeth and pulled out his wand.

"Why don't you shake hands first?" Vincent stretched out his right hand.


Draco was about to slap the hand away, but he naturally took it back.

"Professor, can we start?"

Snape glanced over with a cold look, "I'll count to three."

They both turned their backs at the same time.


Vincent took a step forward.


He reached for the wand in his school robes with his left hand.



Draco turned around quickly and was hit in the chest by a curse.

He flew out and slid out.

Vincent turned his head to dodge the wand, "Professor, Malfoy has a serious mysophobia."

"Get up!" Snape let the wand fall to the ground.

Draco stood up and picked it up with resentment.

Once upon a time, he offended his own dean because he couldn't control his mouth.

But no matter how anxious he was, he would never say a certain forbidden word.

"Do it again."

Snape's words stopped the two people who were about to go down.

"This time, Wayne is not allowed to use the wand."

Vincent looked at him suspiciously.

Physical disarming spell?

Draco's face was instantly filled with a smile.

"I said we were playing against each other." Ron whispered to Harry, "If Vincent doesn't use the wand, Malfoy will only lose more miserably."

Hermione next to him also looked at Snape suspiciously.

This man knew the level of both sides, and the result would not change if he did it again.


Vincent stood still this time.


Draco had already taken several steps.


The two turned around at the same time.

"Swoosh--" Vincent dodged the Disarming Spell with his head tilted, and rushed forward with both feet.

The little lions knew the result.

Some of the little snakes knew it too.

And Draco, who recited the spell again, seemed to vaguely know the result.

Before the second spell was released, Vincent had already held down his right wrist holding the wand.

The Disarming Spell brushed against his gray-gold hair and hit the ceiling.

"Wayne, you--"

"You lose."

Draco lost his balance, and the scene in his eyes was chaotic.

He fell to the ground, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Now he had only one thought, that is, why there was no trace of the Disarming Spell he had just cast.

"Give it back to you."

Vincent put down the wand in his hand without even looking at him.

"Next group, Potter--"

Snape glanced at his students, "Goyle!"

Hermione suddenly understood.

The substitute Defense Against the Dark Arts professor knew the benefits of Muggle fighting, so he deliberately asked Vincent and Draco to compete twice.

With a wand, the body reacts faster, and without a wand, it can be physically disarmed.

The gloomy-looking old bat actually cares about the students?

However, Vincent, who knows all the facts, doesn't think so.

Compared to Laslytherin's students joining the Court of Owls, he is more willing to believe that Snape wants to embarrass Draco.

"Next group, Weasley and Crabbe!"

It can also train Harry.



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