This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 133 Black Swan Club

Pansy Parkinson, who was extremely devoted to blood supremacy, could not understand, "It's childish, as long as it works. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿"

Draco pouted at the Gryffindor table, "Look, the big buck teeth are gone."

Hermione, who was talking to Lavender about the exercise plan, inexplicably had a trait that she didn't have before.

"You helped her find confidence." His pupils focused on Vincent again.

This heavyweight player,

is not someone who can be dealt with now.

As for the people around him...

"Heh, they are still ugly." Pansy's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Be more generous." Draco looked at her face, "That damn club can't compare to ours."

The club that belongs to him has already determined the activity room.

The location is on the fifth floor.



A few days later.

Harry and Ron were about to play Gwent during lunch break when they found that another classroom opposite the activity room was being renovated.

"It's Malfoy!" The sharp-eyed Ron recognized the little golden hair at a glance.

After comparison, Harry found that the opposite classroom not only had a larger area,

but also had a more luxurious layout with simple decoration.

The crystal chandelier that almost occupied the entire ceiling;

the satin-like wall with silver and bronze interweaving;

the whole piece of luxurious marble floor;

the various luxurious and gorgeous small ornaments used for decoration.

The first impression it gave people was

a kind of inexplicably high-end feeling.

"I suddenly began to envy a little.

"Uh-this is nothing great."

Harry turned around, "We have fighting and Gwent,

what else can Malfoy come up with?"

"That's right. "Ron stopped being sour.

No matter how beautiful the wine bottle looks, it is still just a wine bottle.

If it falls, it will also shatter into pieces.

The two people who walked into the activity room of the Court of Owls Club did not see the lively scene they imagined.

Although they came early, if it was at this time of the day, it would definitely not be as empty as it is now.

"I hope Vincent has a way."

"Oh." Harry focused on the windowsill.

There was a girl there stroking the newly arrived piano.

"They probably were bribed by Malfoy with gold galleons, so they didn't come to us."

"Yeah, yes."

"These traitors!"


Ron suddenly looked at him, "Harry, are you listening?"

"Ah, yes." Harry quickly retracted his gaze, "In fact, gold galleons are not omnipotent."

"Of course. "Ron randomly picked a table and sat down, "But without it, it would be difficult for us to do anything."

"That makes sense." Harry sat facing the window.

His eyes gradually began to wander.


We can only rely on talent to attract members."

"Ah, well said."

"What Malfoy did will not affect the sale of Gwent, right?"

"Definitely not.


Are you actually--"

Ron followed his gaze, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face, "You are looking at this big guy? No wonder you are absent-minded."

Just the day before yesterday, another historic event happened in Hogwarts.

It was breakfast time, and there was a large group of owls outside pulling several large wooden boxes.

The owl standing on the top of the box was clearly the most distinguished one in the entire castle.

Needless to say, it must be Vincent's thing.

He was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the small door became the big door.

"What's inside?"

As soon as Neville asked, all the big boxes became smaller.

"The club's new entertainment project."

Seeing that many people didn't believe it, Vincent opened the smallest box.

Inside was a very new violin that looked like it was handmade.

Qiu's eyes were wide open at that time.

These two days, whenever she was free, she would bring Marietta to the activity room.

It's a pity that Harry and Ron have been busy with three large parchment-length potion papers recently.

Otherwise, one of them would be stunned and the other would not have noticed anything unusual.

"Harry, I bet there are definitely more things in those boxes."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Ron stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him, "Go if you want to, there are no restrictions in the activity room."

"Go-go?" Harry shyly withdrew his gaze, "No,

Let's play cards."

At the same time, Vincent, who had written a reply to his family, came to the fifth floor.

This world is wonderful.

Whenever you try your best to stop something,

you often make it happen smoothly.

When the big box was received, the Wayne family's letter was also inside.

A long paragraph asking about the situation was omitted. The key point is that the Wayne couple wanted to spend the Christmas holiday alone.

They waited for this opportunity after thirteen years of marriage.

When Vincent saw the specific location, he was struck by lightning on the spot.

Eastern Europe is a tourist destination with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs.

But this place happened to be in the territory of a certain big country.

What could he do? Of course, he used the excuse that the international situation was not peaceful and handed the reply to an owl who was in urgent need of losing weight.

The letter from Mr. and Mrs. Wayne was picked up last night by Gugu, who had obviously lost half a circle in weight.

The content is not complicated. It can be summed up in two words: rejection.

Eric has a lot of acquaintances there, and there is sufficient security protection.

Evelin looks dignified and generous, but she is actually quite adventurous.

So Vincent's reply aroused their interest.

After thinking deeply for a night, he had no choice but to accept this reality.

The letter they had just written and sent was to ask them to bring more pounds when they go, so as to avoid seeing something they want but cannot afford.

Vincent, who had given up on himself, had just arrived at the activity room and turned to look at the large room opposite that was being renovated.

The handful of little golden hairs that were strutting around instantly swept away his depression.

"Oh, it's quite high-end~"

Draco heard the sound and almost kicked over a crystal sconce placed on the marble floor.


Vincent walked in and looked around, "As expected of the young master, I'm afraid this efficiency can be done tonight, right?"


Draco raised his chin slightly, "When this place is finished, your Fat Chicken Club will be finished too."

"Fat chicken?" Vincent turned his head and stared at the club logo designed with the silhouette of Gugu.

"How dare you scold the most noble owl in Hogwarts?"

"What's wrong with scolding!"

He turned his head back, "I advise you to pray that it doesn't hear you, otherwise it will be difficult for you to use the owl in the future."

Draco said with disdain in his eyes: "No need at all!"

"Awesome!" Vincent extended his thumb, "By the way, have you decided on a name for your club?"

"Are you blind?"

He looked toward the ceiling hung with crystal chandeliers and spotted a black swan with its wings spread gracefully.

"Black Swan?"

Draco walked forward proudly, "Your taste is not good, and the only members you can attract are at your level."

Vincent's expression gradually turned cold.

In the Muggle world, a black swan refers to something that has a very low probability but will happen suddenly.

"Stop talking, I want to hit someone now."

Draco subconsciously took a step back, "Don't come over, there are a lot of people here."

"Go out and talk?"

What a nonsense!

"Forget it." Vincent took a deep look at him before leaving.

Whether it has anything to do with the name or not, this Black Swan Club must end.

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