This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 137: The Birth of a Golden Undercover Agent

Not to mention the high price of mushroom bombs, it costs a lot of money to maintain them every year.

The Russians will split up next month. Although many of them have flowed into the black market, the Wayne family, even if they have connections, does not have the capital to get one.

Vincent always thought that the best he could get was Katyusha, and even if he exaggerated it, it was just Su-27.

This was only barely possible after the old man sold several buildings on Oxford Street.

After thinking about it seriously,

he always felt that something was wrong.

According to that era, young people who could go to the Great Ying Colony to make money would not be simple at all.

"I hope my premonition is wrong..."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I'm just worried about your plot."

Vincent, who cleverly changed the subject, has decided to go to Surrey during the summer vacation.

In addition to showing Gugu to the world, he has to find out more about the old man.



Snape walked out of the bat cave and came to the principal's office after dinner.


Do you know what happened this afternoon?"

"I don't know."

Dumbledore waved his elder wand with regret on his face.

As if spreading out a translucent scroll, the air showed the scene of the stairs from the third to fourth floors in the afternoon.

"When did you start monitoring the entire castle?"

"After Halloween.

I just discovered it by chance, Severus."

Snape did not comment on this and looked at the hazy picture without sound.

"How is it?"

"Full of violence, not like a wizard at all."

"Do you really think so?" Dumbledore removed the magic, "Using the narrow stairwell, flexibly using fighting skills and transfiguration.

But I am more worried about the Black Swan Club."

Snape frowned, "They are just a group of children who are fighting and can't rise to the level of that person."

"Of course I know." Dumbledore set his eyes on the portrait of the former headmaster, Armando Dippet.

"These children are too influenced by their families. If--" He shook his head and didn't continue.

Snape, who knew what it meant, had a gloomy face.

Voldemort will come back one day, and recruiting people is certain.

The Black Swan Club can save a lot of troublesome steps.

"Then why did you agree?"

"I didn't." Dumbledore said helplessly, "Hogwarts is not my decision, Severus."

Snape certainly understood that it was the school directors.

Generation after generation,

some pure-blood families have reached a pathological level.

"Heh - you are only planning to take action now,

it is because Wayne has far exceeded expectations and has the ability to become a chess piece to break this cycle.

Dumbledore didn't pay much attention to his sarcasm, "The dark forces are about to make a comeback, and we have to solve some risky people and things as early as possible."

"You want to eliminate the power of the dark devil from the source?" Snape suddenly had a bad premonition.

He was once a thorough Death Eater until something happened that was enough to affect his life.

"I will never forget that night, that cold and desperate night. "

"Severus, if you have the chance, you might even be able to resurrect him yourself."

"Have you found a way to kill him?"

"I have a clue." Dumbledore came to the shelf and picked up the Gryffindor sword, which was completely free of rust.

Thanks to Vincent for blocking the killing curse with the sword, and then using its absorption ability to cut the host Quirinus."

Snape frowned again, "He forcibly cut off the connection with Quirinus, but he has not died until now-"

He stood up in surprise, "The sword with the breath of death can't kill him, and Lily's magic rebounding killing curse can't kill him either.

Is his soul incomplete? Through some evil black magic ritual?"

Dumbledore put the Gryffindor sword back, turned around and nodded solemnly, "I can't think of any other possibility except this explanation."

If this is true, Voldemort needs an undercover agent around him.


"When he appears again."

Snape, knowing that it was a plot, could not refuse this mission as a double agent.

Harry was one of the reasons for his survival, and the other was to kill Voldemort completely.

"Severus, please pay more attention to your students,

their essence is not bad."

"Environment can change a lot of things,


Due to their own characteristics,

Slytherin can easily embark on the path of dark wizards.

But this is not because of innate, but closely related to the people and things they come into contact with later.

Dumbledore smiled meaningfully, "A Muggle philosopher once said: Competition is the source and master of all things.

Severus, do you think there is any difference between an owl and a black swan?"

"It's all children's play." Snape got up and walked out the door, "Do you really think Wayne can break through the obstacles?"

"Vincent is a natural master of brain occlusion, and he also has a very rare trait."

He stopped and looked back.

"Being able to gather a large group of little bad guys in a short period of time, I really look forward to what earth-shattering bad things he can do in the future."

Destroy the Ministry of Magic?

Blow up Hogwarts Castle?

Anyway, he just doesn't like Vincent.

"I don't know." Dumbledore spread his hands, "You know Legilimency has no effect on him at all."

Snape left with a dark face.

This little wizard who does things flawlessly can be sure that he doesn't need to be called to do anything.

Not long after he returned to the office, several students from the Snake Academy came in carrying a person.

This student, who was green from head to toe and had pustules on his face, looked extremely miserable.

"Who is this?"

"Professor, he is Blaise." Crabbe, who carried the person over, had a little green on the left half of his face.

Goyle, whose right half of his face was green, explained the situation, "We found him in front of the dormitory entrance, and there was not even a hair around him."

Who committed a crime and left evidence?

Sure enough, there was no handle!

While preparing the healing potion, Snape also analyzed how it was done.

Maintaining the Disillusionment Charm to track someone to the point of being alone is not something a first-year wizard can do.

If it weren't for luck, it would be hard to explain how Blaise was found.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he accidentally added a little more.

"..." Snape put down the bottle and squinted at his hands.

Could a potion master make such a low-level mistake?

"Open your mouth." He didn't mix another potion.

Drinking it wouldn't kill you, at most there would be a little adverse reaction.

Blaise was roughly fed the potion.

The taste was so bitter that he burst into tears on the spot.

"Professor, I know who did it!"

"Do you have evidence?"

Snape's eyes, as if he was looking at an idiot, made him feel a little chill on his back for no reason.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?



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