This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 19 Sorting Ceremony

Five minutes is neither long nor short.

Vincent and others, who were speculating about the sorting ceremony, all felt that the surroundings suddenly became a little cold.


The freshmen behind them were screaming loudly, as if something terrible had happened.

The pearly-white translucent ghosts that jumped out from the walls of the small house seemed to be debating some topic.

A chubby monk-like ghost floated behind Ron.

"We should give him another chance."

"My good monk, haven't we given Peeves enough opportunities?"

The ghost in the wheel-shaped tights chased after him, "He gave us all nasty nicknames,

You know, he's not even a ghost. "

He passed through Ron's chest and looked at Vincent in front of him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Professor McGonagall."

The fat monk slowly walked across Ron's chest and smiled, "It seems that we have all come to a place we shouldn't be~"

Hermione, who was next to Vincent, boldly stretched out her hand.

Apart from being a little cold, there was no feeling at all.

"Sorry, I'm just curious." She politely apologized to the ghost in front of her.

"Oh girl, you are definitely a Gryffindor!"

The fat monk looked back at Ron, whose face turned green, "I think we have to leave."

He turned his gaze back to Vincent, "Thank you, I hope you can be sorted into Hufflepuff, I was in that house before.

He turned around and followed the troops higher and higher, "The same goes for you, Hufflepuff is the best house!"

The ghosts all left from the roof.

Before the freshmen could relax for a few seconds, a sharp voice rang out.

"Everyone stand in single file, the sorting ceremony is about to begin——"

Professor McGonagall, who returned to the small room, seemed very dissatisfied with the noisy freshmen.

She said solemnly, "Follow me."

Vincent took the initiative to follow her.

After him were Hermione and Neville.

Ron, who was following them, kept whispering to Harry that he had just been cold and was definitely not afraid of the ghosts.

"Actually, I was quite scared just now." Harry spoke in a very low voice.

"What did you say-" Ron suddenly closed his mouth.

Professor McGonagall averted her gaze and stopped in front of a double door.

She opened the door and revealed the auditorium to the freshmen.

Thousands of small suspended candles illuminate the entire space exceptionally brightly.

The velvety black ceiling, with the help of magic twinkling with stars, looked just like the sky outside.

The senior students were all sitting around four long tables filled with tableware.

McGonagall led the new students to another long table at the top of the auditorium, the long table where all the Hogwarts staff were seated.

Vincent, who was watched by hundreds of pairs of eyes, calmly handed over Gugu in his arms.

Mag hugged it and sighed, "It's so heavy." Then he walked to the staff table.

She put Gugu in her place, returned to the new students and gently placed a four-legged stool, and placed a dirty wizard's hat on it.

The entire auditorium's attention was focused on this hat, which was almost completely patched and badly worn.

Just when Vincent was wondering whether it was the original Sorting Hat after having been repaired for nearly a thousand years, it suddenly twisted and cracked a small gap in the middle.

It looked like the cracks in his mouth moved several times, and he sang without warning:

"You may think I'm not pretty,

But never judge a book by its appearance,

If you can find a prettier hat than mine,

I could eat myself.

You can make your bowler hat black and shiny,

Make your top hat smooth and crisp,

I'm the Hogwarts test hat.

Naturally, it is superior to your hat.

Any hidden thoughts in your mind,

No one can escape the magic hat's golden eyes,

Put it on and try it,

I will tell you,

Which college should you be assigned to..."

The characteristics of the four colleges are all sung out one by one.

Vincent felt that without the help of millions of tuners, the Sorting Hat's singing skills were on the passable level except for the slightly weird accent.

Mag walked next to him and spread out the parchment in his hand, "Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat and sit down to wait for the sorting."

"Hannah Abbott!"

A rosy-cheeked girl with two golden braids stumbled out of the queue.

She put on the Sorting Hat just enough to cover her eyes and sat down.

After a moment, the Sorting Hat grinned: "Hufflepuff!"

The senior students at the long table on the far right were all applauding and cheering for Hannah.

"Susan Bones!"


"Terry Butt!"


This time it was the second long table on the left that was clapping.

Terry shook hands with several Ravenclaw students before sitting down.

When the round-faced Lavender Brown announced the house of Graffindor at the Sorting Hat, a burst of warm cheers broke out from the long table on the far left.

The twins Fred and George even booed the Slytherin table from across Ravenclaw.

When Millicent Bulstrode was sorted into Slytherin, their boos became even more blatant.

"Hermione Granger!"

Hermione, who was extremely nervous, saw Vincent quietly making a cheering gesture, and hurried to the bench to put on the hat.

One minute passed, two minutes passed.

She looked very conflicted.

But the Sorting Hat made a decision for her, "Gryffindor!"

"Oh, no..." the twins wailed.

From her performance on the train, this Miss Granger was almost a replica of Professor McGonagall.

"Neville Longbottom!"

Vincent also made a cheering gesture.

Neville closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then ran over.


He fell down.

But he quickly stood up and trotted all the way to the bench.

It took the Sorting Hat longer than Hermione to decide to sort him into Gryffindor.

Neville stood up with excitement on his face and looked at Vincent, who was the first to applaud him.

After the other party pointed to his head, he quickly took off his hat and put it back.

"Congratulations, Neville." Hermione on the long table was the second to applaud.

"Thank you." Neville sat next to her.

"Draco Malfoy!"

Hermione, who wanted to say something, immediately narrowed her eyes.

Draco walked with a swagger, exuding an aura that made her extremely disgusted.

Neville next to her always felt that she was expecting something.

"Hurry up, hurry up--"

Hurry up what? Hurry up the sorting?

He thought Hermione should be thinking that it would be more reasonable to let the other party fall like herself.

But her wish was destined to fail.

The sorting hat almost just touched Draco's shiny golden hair, and then it grinned and announced the result.




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