This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 213 The mysterious man that only Harry can see

After dinner, he sang a song and did some exercise. Vincent was very satisfied. ♦♦  ♦♦

Draco and Blaise fell down from exhaustion, and Crabbe and Goyle were almost there too.

One to four, a complete victory.

"Stop!" McGonagall shouted, and Vincent stood there obediently.

"Mr. Wayne, your performance was great!"

The last syllable lasted for a long time, causing all the students to shiver subconsciously.

"Professor, I haven't finished singing yet."

Vincent walked back as if nothing had happened.

Mag suddenly smiled, "The next person I'd like to invite is a piano solo by Qiu Zhang from Ravenclaw."

His left foot astride the stage was in the air. He was about to fall but he regained his balance naturally.

He turned around and bowed in all directions, as if he had just stepped off the stage to thank everyone after a performance.

As expected of the leader of the Hogwarts atmosphere team, there was no awkwardness or stiffness at all.

"President Wayne is awesome!" the twins cheered like little fans.

Vincent waved to them and sat down in front of his tent very gracefully.

Neville's jaw dropped in shock, "How on earth did you do that?"

"Confidence, you have to have confidence in yourself."

"Oh." He scratched his little head, "Is this the aura of a strong person that James mentioned?"

Vincent twitched the corner of his mouth, "Absolutely, you can think so."

Neville wanted to ask further, but Qiu's piano sounded.

A very soothing, relaxing intro.

Very familiar too.

Hermione knew it was the D major key of the Canon.

Compared with the excitement just now, the only sound left in the audience was the sound of Qiu playing the piano.

Harry was the most entranced.

She is beautiful, has a gentle personality, and can also play the piano.

After the last piano note fell, there was silence for half a minute before thunderous applause broke out.

Qiu stood up and politely thanked the students.

"Next up is the Charming Show by Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff."

When passing Qiu, Cedric expressed his appreciation for the piano music to her.

"Great piece, your practice was not in vain."

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to your performance too."

Harry underneath gradually lost his smile, "Is Digory excellent?"

Ron nodded, "Their home is near our home, and my mother often uses him to inspire Fred and George to work."

He suddenly shuddered, "Now, she will definitely compare Vincent with me."

"So that's it." Harry's expression returned to normal.

Cedric on the stage bowed first and then quickly drew out his wand.

12 and a quarter inches, ash, unicorn hair core.

He muttered a spell under his breath and raised his wand high above the automatic playing instrument.

"Xiu——Peng——" The magic spell shot from the tip of the stick exploded high in the sky, forming a colorful firework.

Cedric danced, holding his wand to draw shining lines in front of him.

A shield with four cute animals inside.

As soon as the Hogwarts school badge appeared, the students spontaneously applauded.

Harry clapped his little hands, but looked away slightly.

Excellent, really excellent, no wonder I dare to go and talk to him.

After the school badge was completed, Cedric raised his hand and shot it into the night sky.

Under the dazzling light, he whispered a spell again.

The lines began to rearrange themselves to form a huge castle.

Ron looked down at Charlie's wand.

The same ash wood, the same unicorn hair wand core.

"Harry, why do you think the gap between people is so big?"

"Uh-" Harry froze.

He knew he was jealous too.

This feeling is quite uncomfortable, like being swallowed by something.

"One day, we will be as good as him."

Ron pouted, "That's true, after all, he entered school two years earlier than us."

Harry smiled and said no more.

If you have really tried hard, it is not a complete failure.

After he looked at the past with admiration, he accidentally glanced at a black figure.

Those extremely cold eyes instantly made his hair stand on end.

"Ron, look over there!"

Ron looked in the direction of the finger and was confused.

Except for the tall trees, there is nothing.

Harry was confused too.

He took off his glasses, wiped them and put them back on.

No, nothing.

Just when he thought he was dazzled, the figure appeared again in the blink of an eye.

"Ron, did you see that!"


"Impossible!" As soon as he turned his head, the figure disappeared.

"I obviously-" Harry was very sure that he wasn't dazzled just now.

three times,

Four times.

As if on purpose, that person only appeared every time he looked over.

"Nothing, Harry."

Ron looked a little impatient, "Maybe it's just the reflection of your glasses."

"No, I saw him four or five times!"

The sound alerted Seamus and Dean who were nearby.

They also looked in the direction and got exactly the same result as Ron.

Really nothing?

Harry tried to describe the eyes to them, "He was cold, even colder than Snape."

"Okay." Seamus turned his head back, "This at least proves that the mysterious figure that entered your eyes was not Snape lying in the school hospital."

Dean looked up at the gorgeous fireworks in the night sky, "It might be a centaur, or an acromantula."

Although he didn't say it directly, the meaning was already very clear.

No one was willing to believe Harry, even Ron, his best friend.

His mind was a mess now, and he couldn't figure out why such a strange thing happened to him.

"It appeared again, seven times!"

Vincent, who was a little far away, looked over.

It was pitch black, and he really couldn't see anything.

But thinking about it carefully, it was very reasonable.

He pretended to know nothing and applauded Cedric who had finished the performance.

"Next, please welcome the puppet show by Adrian Puse from Slytherin."

Puse just went up and made a gesture of wiping his neck to Vincent.

"Whoa--" The twins led the booing.

"Quiet!" McGonagall glanced at her own students who were making noises one by one.

Puse on the stage raised his little face proudly.

He pulled out his wand and turned the piano into a bunch of slender little people the size of arms.

Some of them were wearing red clothes, and some were wearing green clothes.

There was a capital letter on each little person's clothes.

The one with red clothes and golden hair was "v\

,"and the one with green clothes and golden hair was "d".

"A long time ago, there was a bully who always bullied his classmates..."

Vincent rolled his eyes on the spot.

This was no longer a hint.

Puse controlled the little man with the letter v to kick away a bunch of little men in green clothes, "He is unreasonable, he is rude and disrespectful!"

The little man with the letter d was not knocked down, but bravely stood up again.

"Evil will eventually be defeated!"

Under his fanatical voice, the little man with the letter v was surrounded by a group of little men in green clothes.

Putting aside the private goods, the fighting scene was still quite exciting.

But Harry was not in the mood for it at all.

Even if Qiu returns to perform, he may not pay attention to the stage.

Because that strange black shadow, those extremely cold eyes, appeared in his sight again.

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