This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 24 I solemnly swear that I will not do bad things

Gryffindor's common room is round.

It is located on the eighth floor of the tower, from which you can see the entire Hogwarts Castle and its surroundings.

At midnight, three small figures appeared as expected.

"Twenty should be enough."

"I want to play bigger."

"Brother, don't do this."

Fred said earnestly: "If you are caught, our Gryffindor will be finished."

"We haven't won the house cup for six consecutive years." George sat in a soft armchair in the dark.

"Six years, six years we have lost to Slytherin!"

Vincent realized the seriousness of the matter, "Then we go back?

If we are discovered..."

"No!" X2

The twins laughed at the same time.

"My good brother, do you think we will not be prepared?"

Vincent stared blankly at the worn parchment in front of him.

It is not good-looking, and even a little dirty.

"Is this your treasure?"

George jumped off the chair with a "thump", "Yes, it is our secret weapon."

"Ahem--" Vincent awkwardly turned over the parchment, "Oh, it must need a specific spell to show its true face, right?"

The twins looked at him in surprise at the same time.

"What? Did I guess right?"

Fred took the parchment from him, "Man, you are worthy of being our Gryffindor's rising star.

We got it from the drawer in Filch's office when we were in our first year."

George took out his wand and tapped it on the spread parchment, "Two years, we studied it sleeplessly for two years, and finally cracked the password during this summer vacation."

"I solemnly swear that I am not good." He tapped the parchment with his wand.

With the help of the dim light, Vincent could see that the paper seemed to be smeared with ink.

[Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Gentlemen who provide help to magic prank makers

Grandly presenting

Marauder's Map! ]

After the four makers' somewhat rough introduction, the floor plan of a certain building emerged little by little.

"Albus Dumbledore..."

The small footprints under this string of names seemed to be spinning in circles.

"Is this navigation?" He took the parchment in his hand in surprise.

The headmaster was circling in the headmaster's office. He must have had an attack of old cold legs.

"What navigation?" George pointed to the tower on the right. "This is a map. It records the activity tracks of all Hogwarts personnel."

The common room of Gryffindor happened to have the names of the three of them on it.

With it, there was no need to even check the location.

As long as they were careful enough, no one would know what they wanted to do with the Marauder's Map.


The three sinister laughs came out of the tower.

After avoiding the patrolling Filch and his pet cat Mrs. Norris, they went down the marble stairs to the castle dungeon. ♦ൠ  ♦♦

Vincent wiped the wall with his index finger, "How long has it been since this place was cleaned?"

George shone the lantern over it, "It should be a thousand years."

This joke is not funny at all.

Living in such a cold and damp place with spiders and puddles everywhere, no wonder the little snakes are like uncles who owe him money.

"The Potions classroom is also here?"

"You know, bats like to live in damp caves."

Vincent, who was shivering all over, stopped in front of a stone wall, "Fortunately, I only need to come to this damn place once a week."


The first-year Gryffindors have two consecutive Potions classes every week.

Third-year Fred and George, don't mention how envious they are.

"I should wear an extra coat," Vincent pointed to his blue fat man pajamas.

"It's so humid here, no wonder Professor Snape always looks like he hasn't washed his hair."

The twins who were lying on the wall studying laughed.

Living in such an environment for a long time, maybe he doesn't even need to wash his hair.

"I think my shampoo is very useful. Let's put a bottle next to his bed next time?"

"Uh - the old bat likes to deduct points from our Gryffindor the most."

"Then forget it."

Behind this stone wall is the Slytherin common room.

After studying for a few minutes, the twins shook their heads with sorrow.

"Alas, no outsiders have entered here for nearly 700 years."

"Their prefects strictly prohibit the disclosure of passwords. I'm afraid we have to stop here tonight."

Vincent narrowed his eyes and raised his head slightly, "I won't be fooled a second time."

It's obvious that this map is not 700 years old.

"Don't be angry, we just want to make a little joke." George returned to his original playful smile.

The password and the like, the two of them had already got it.

Fred dragged a strange ending, "Dark magic."

A stone door immediately appeared on the cold stone wall.

The three looked at each other and slipped in quietly.

This long and narrow dungeon had walls and ceilings made of rough stone, and outside the window was the bottom of the Black Lake next to the school.

After the moonlight and the lake water refracted, the chandeliers hanging under the ceiling were faintly glowing green.

Even though there was a fire burning under the beautifully carved mantelpiece, the three of them still felt that it was dark and cold here.

"Hurry up," George hugged his shoulders and shivered, "This damn place is really not for people to stay."

Fred's lips were trembling with cold: "How about - or, we give the things to you, and you go by yourself?"

Vincent, who was sticky all over, was not much better.

He pointed to a name under the Marauder's Map, "Of course we have to go together, it's not easy for me to arrange it alone."

The twins straightened up, pushed the door and walked into the boys' dormitory.

"Turn left, we're here." Vincent's voice was very low: "Do you know silent spells?"

Both shook their heads at the same time.

"I hope the ceiling of their dormitory is not as high as ours..."

After whispering the unlocking spell, the three of them slipped in quietly.

The young master of the Malfoy family is indeed worthy of being a young master.

Not only are the furnishings in the room all antiques, but there is also a crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

The twins took out those round little things from their bodies in tacit understanding.

They were all wrapped in a school robe taken from the hanger, and Vincent hung them under the crystal chandelier with a thin rope.

"Isn't this too thick?" George, who tied the other end to the bed, took out his wand sinisterly.

Fred also used Transfiguration to make it a little thinner.

"Let me try it too?" Under the two pairs of horrified eyes, Vincent made the rope thinner.

It was like a strand of hair, and it looked like it would break if it was touched lightly.

"Let's go, Filch just went to patrol the fourth floor."

The three people who came quietly left quietly again.

"Brother, how come you have so many magics?"

"I almost finished studying for the first grade during the holidays."

"Are you interested in seeing the second grade?"

Vincent returned to the Gryffindor common room and handed over the map.

"Of course, but let's forget about it tonight."

Fred took it and tapped it with his wand, "The prank is over.

What about tomorrow? Are you interested in going to the corridor on the fourth floor?"

"Let's talk about it later."

"Then wait until we all learn the Disillusionment Charm."

There are thousands of rules in Hogwarts, and the first one is not to be discovered.

Vincent, who just enrolled, has already deeply understood this truth.



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