This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 245: A story from a hundred years ago

Dumbledore told Harry a lot.

Including that magical name, "Love".

"I don't know what effect this magic will have, but it is because of its existence that the killing curse will bounce back."

He looked towards Vincent, as if to confirm whether something he couldn't say had been said.

Vincent nodded, glanced at the twins, and then shook his head.

Of course, only the person involved has the right to know about Snape's affairs.

Dumbledore nodded slightly,

"Harry, I shouldn't interfere with your decision, but I hope you won't do something you'll regret for the rest of your life."

"I will, Professor." Harry's frown relaxed a little.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Dursleys will at best receive a lesson rather than face jail time.

"Vincent, do you have time?"


Dumbledore walked toward the door, "I will satisfy your thirst for knowledge."

Vincent couldn't hold it in the end.

They walked out of the Burrow to the banks of the Otter River.

"Do you think it's weird?"


I can sympathize with your need to prioritize Tom. "

Dumbledore lowered his eyes, "Arrogance, an emotion that even I can't avoid."

Vincent faced the river, "Professor, did you really not expect what would happen to Harry?"

“I expected it, but I couldn’t influence them.

"Can't you modify their memories?"

"No." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes instantly, "This is a very dangerous idea, child."

"Really?" Vincent looked at the blue sky in the distance, "Professor, you know what I have always wanted to know."

"For the greater good?" Dumbledore laughed to himself, "Yes, Gellert and I used to be very close friends."

"How close?"

"More than you think."

Vincent twisted his neck stiffly, "Professor, did you turn against each other later?"

"That's right." Dumbledore stretched out his hand, "Only few people know this story."

"They all know?"


This they,

Referring to Nico and Newt.

"I won't tell anyone."

The moment Vincent put his hand on them, they both disappeared in a burst of flames.

Godric's Hollow is the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts.

In the Middle Ages, Bowman Wright created the first Golden Snitch here.

Even so, this place is not famous.

Of the many wizards who once lived here, the most famous one is of course Harry Potter.

It was here, at the Potter's house, that he fought off Voldemort.

To commemorate the family, a monument was erected in the square in the center of the village.

From a distance, it looks like an obelisk with names engraved on it.

But as you get closer, it turns into a statue of three people.

A man with shaggy hair and glasses;

A woman with long hair and beautiful face;

and a baby boy in her arms.

Dumbledore did not take Vincent to the cottage where the Potter family lived, but took him to the churchyard.

The most conspicuous position is the tombstone of James and Lily.

"Ignotus Peverell!?" Vincent stopped.

"Professor, is he just——"

"The Potter family is his descendant." Dumbledore walked deeper.

He stopped almost at the edge.

What caught Vincent's eyes were the tombstones of Percival and Kandra Dumbledore.

Next to it is Ariana Dumbledore's,

Then there is Aurelius Dumbledore, two empty seats away.

"They are all my family." Dumbledore's eyes were full of sadness, "I did an unforgivable thing here..."

More than a hundred years ago, the Dumbledore family lived in a village called Fertile Plains in England.

It not only has wizards living in seclusion, but also many Muggles living here.

The year before Albus went to Hogwarts,

A tragedy occurred in this mixed village like Ottery-St. Catchpole.

Ariana, who was only six years old, used magic unconsciously.

And was witnessed by three Muggle boys.

They forced her,

Just so that I can float the leaves.

"She didn't tell her." Dumbledore's eyes were already wet. "They - they - they did some bad things to her."

Vincent lowered his head, not daring to imagine this scene.

Although the words were quite gentle, he could still feel the weakness and annoyance of the old man in front of him.

"She has changed. She is no longer willing to use magic. All the magic that cannot be released is turned into her heart and bursts out when she cannot control it."

In this case, the Obscurus appears.

Ariana became the Obscurial.

"My father attacked them later." Dumbledore looked at Percival's tombstone.

"If the Ministry of Magic knew of her condition, she would spend the rest of her life in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."

Percival was sent to Azkaban and became known as a Muggle-hater.

A year later, their mother Kandra moved her three children into Godric's Hollow in order to hide what happened to Ariana.

Vincent looked at the two empty seats.

"Our neighbor is Bathilda Bagshot." Dumbledore wiped away his tears.

"She is the author of "A History of Magic" and the great-aunt of Gellert Grindelwald."

From the moment he stepped into Hogwarts, Albus showed extraordinary magical talent.

When he was in school, he not only met Nicolas Flamel,

but also met the author of "Theory of Magic", Adelbert Waffling.

In the exams of Charms and Transfiguration, he was highly praised by the examiner Griselda Marchbank.


President of the Boy Student Union,

Barnabus Finkley Excellent Spellcasting Award,

British Youth Representative of Wizengamot,

Cairo International Alchemy Conference Pioneering Contribution Gold Award.

Albus, who graduated with many honors, was originally going to practice with his friends according to tradition.

However, one night before departure, bad news came from home.

Ariana couldn't control the silent, and killed their mother Kendra out of control.

Albus canceled all his plans and became the backbone of this broken family.

"After her death, I was responsible for taking care of a disabled sister and a willful brother-"

Dumbledore's tone was very calm, "I returned to the village full of resentment and pain. I thought I was trapped and would waste my time forever.

Then he came..."

When Grindelwald was at Durmstrang, he was already obsessed with the Deathly Hallows.

He had some experiments on dark magic, which even this extremely indulgent school couldn't stand.

He was just expelled, so he obviously didn't care.

In order to find the invisibility cloak, one of the holy artifacts, he came to Godric's Hollow where his great aunt was.

Here, this ambitious boy met another frustrated boy.



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