This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 292: Reward from Sprout

Harry and Ron, who were ashamed, didn't know when the laughter disappeared, nor when McGonagall sent out the class schedule.

It was embarrassing, too embarrassing.

In a sense, this "living crime" was much more terrible than a "death sentence".

In Vincent's words, they were already dead in school, socially dead.

"Great!" James kissed the class schedule, "The first class is the Herbology class with Hufflepuff!"

Vincent glanced at it quickly.

The second class was Transfiguration,

there was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon, and an Astronomy class in the evening.

The day with the least classes was Thursday, with Transfiguration in the morning and Potions in the afternoon.

With such a leisurely day like the first grade, it is estimated that there will be fewer elective classes next year.

After breakfast, the little lions all walked out of the castle.

After passing through the large greenhouse after the vegetable garden,

it was the Herbology classroom.

Sprout's arms were covered with many bandages, and his clothes were covered with mud.

Lockhart, who strode with her across the lawn, was different.

His clothes were spotless, and not a strand of his golden hair was messy.

Vincent looked at the Whomping Willow in the distance.

Most of its branches were tied with bandages,

which clearly showed that she had taken good care of it.

Among the socially dead duo, only Harry hung his head in shame.

Ron looked a bit self-destructive, as if the whole world owed him gold galleons.

"Hello, everyone -" Lockhart walked towards the students with a smile on his face, "I just showed Professor Sprout how to treat the Whomping Willow.

I don't want you to think that I'm better than her in herbology, I just happened to see a few of these strange plants during my travels -"

"Today, go to the third greenhouse!" Sprout was slightly angry, which was unusual for him.

Vincent was about to turn around when he suddenly saw Lockhart's big hand grabbing him.

He dodged to the side, and the other party almost fell.

"Sorry, Professor, this is my subconscious physical reaction."

Lockhart came over with sudden realization, "So that's how it is, you are worthy of being the most outstanding student in Hogwarts in recent years..."

The corners of Sprout's mouth that had just been raised drooped.

"Professor Lockhart, we have class."

"Ah - look at me -" Lockhart turned and looked at her, "Can I talk to Vincent?"

"He has already gone in." Sprout smiled faintly, "Do you have anything important to do?"

Lockhart looked at the back of the figure standing in the first row, shook his head with great regret, and focused his eyes on Harry who was hanging his head.

"Then can I talk to Harry for a few words? It won't take up too much time."

Sprout was about to refuse sharply, but he reached out and hugged Harry, "Great,

I knew you wouldn't mind."

Before she could react,

the door of the greenhouse was closed. ♦♦  ♦♡

Vincent looked back.

You can't hide the look of dislike for someone.

He was sure that Lockhart had offended Sprout.

Merlin's big pants!

What kind of outrageous thing did such a good-tempered professor do to make her so angry?

The Whomping Willow should have been taken care of by her all along, and Lockhart's so-called treatment method...

If he dared to go to Snape's office...

The picture of the angry old bat holding Avada in his left hand and chewing a big melon in his right hand appeared.

Sprout found more than 20 pairs of earmuffs of different colors in the cabinet.

She put them on a stool in the middle and stood behind and waited patiently.

Five minutes later, Harry pushed open the door and walked in quietly.

"We are going to repot the mandrake today - who can tell me what the characteristics of the mandrake are?"

Hermione was the first to raise her hand, but unfortunately Sprout nodded to Vincent who was a step slower.

"Mandra has a strong recovery property. It can not only restore people who have been cursed or transformed, but its leaves are also indispensable for learning Animagus."

"Mr. Wayne, I want to give you 15 points."

Sprout asked the next question, "Mandra is an important component of most antidotes, but it is also very dangerous - can anyone tell me why?"

Hermione's little hand was raised.

Unfortunately, she still nodded to Vincent.

"Because hearing the cry of mandrake can be serious enough to kill people."

"Correct answer! Add another 15 points!"

She is not a biased person.

But Lockhart really made her angry.

Vincent, who completely ignored this guy, was like her own person in her eyes.

Let's not say anything, just give him 30 points first.

"Look, the mandrakes here are still very young." Sprout pointed to a row of green and purple seedlings in the greenhouse.

"Everyone take a pair of earmuffs and wear them tightly."

When the students were scrambling for two, Vincent, who came last, took the pink one.

"When it is safe to take off the earmuffs,

I will give you two thumbs up."

After he put on the earmuffs, the extremely conspicuous pink color began to deepen little by little.

Sprout was slightly surprised, and then nodded as a matter of course.

She put on another pair of khaki, rolled up her sleeves and firmly grasped the grass leaves on a small pot.

When the mandrake was pulled out, almost all the students screamed in fear.

Because it was not a grass root that was pulled out, but a very ugly baby.

The leaves grew on its head, and its skin was mottled light green.

The little guy's mouth opened and closed, and it was obviously shouting at the top of its voice.

Sprout's movements were very gentle, and in less than half a minute, he had changed the new large pot.

She raised two thumbs, "Our mandrakes are still seedlings, and hearing their cries is not fatal.

But they can make you unconscious for a few hours, and I don't think any of you want to miss the first day of school."

Her tone was very calm: "So everyone must wear earmuffs, and when it's time to pack up, I will find a way to attract your attention."

"Four people in a pot--" She slapped a dark red plant with thorns, "Be careful of the poisonous tentacles, it is growing teeth."

The tentacles that quietly reached her shoulders were retracted, drooping like a child who had done something wrong.

Vincent was in a group with three roommates.

Neville was responsible for pulling, James was responsible for changing the pots, and Alfred was responsible for pouring dragon manure compost.

Vincent was responsible for filling in the pot.

With just a few complicated gestures, the strong compost was automatically pulled up.

Their group was very fast, and they changed more than half of the hundreds of mandrakes in a row.

Sprout did not hide the admiration on his face.

She knew Vincent was very good last year, but she didn't expect that he would start practicing basic wandless spells after a summer vacation.

When Harry and his friends finished the last pot, she stretched out her hands on a whim and gently patted the students' earmuffs.

Every time she patted, an earmuff would automatically fly back.

"Before the get out of class ends, I have to give 20 points to the most efficient group."

The students who were originally stunned became even more stunned.

They didn't know that Vincent had just used wandless spells, and they didn't know that this was a very advanced technique.



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