This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 30 Shit, Wayne!

The term "Mudblood" is a very insulting term given to Muggle-born wizards by some pure-blood wizards who advocate bloodline theory.

The reason why old Malfoy joined the Death Eaters back then was because the man who must not be named was a staunch supporter of blood theory.

Snape turned around with the healing potion ready.

"Harry Potter can't become the third Dark Lord."

His action of applying the potion was a little rough, "Even if he is a mixed race like that person, it will never be possible."

Draco felt pain like never before.

It was like someone pricking a boil with a needle and then violently slapping the wound.

On purpose? How is it possible.

Malfoy Sr. and his dean were close friends when they were in school, and they even served as Death Eaters together after graduation.

If there is such a relationship, at most it is just a difference in philosophy.

Probably because this kind of potion for treating boils is supposed to have such adverse reactions.

Damn murderer!

"Professor, can you be gentler?"

Snape's eyes were extremely cold, "I have never treated anyone else."

Draco gritted his teeth and endured the entire process.

Although the ideas are different,

My attitude towards myself is not very good,

But after all, it is a big backer.

"go out."


When Draco walked out angrily, Snape's eyes suddenly turned extremely disgusting.

This is a kind of disgust that comes from the bottom of one's bones, a hatred that is both complicated and unreasonable.

During the morning's herbal medicine class, Vincent spent the whole time under Hermione's gaze as if she was looking at a prisoner.

Even if he scored 3 points for Gryffindor, he would never be happy.

She definitely didn't see herself last night.

What does this look mean?

His extremely anxious mood disappeared the moment he arrived at the auditorium.

The choking perfume smell was gone, and there were still a few red spots that had not yet dissipated on the victim's fair and tender face.

"Ah, comfortable~"

The first-grade little lions all felt a little baffled.

Why respond to Draco's angry and unwilling eyes with such gloating eyes?

"Wouldn't it be a good thing not to have to wear a gas mask this afternoon?"

So that's it.

Hermione was the only one who remained skeptical.

Last night's squatting failed. Today, one of them felt like a spring breeze, while the other one actually had red marks on his face.

This is definitely some kind of insidious fighting technique, or the result of some kind of curse.

She regretted that she fell asleep, and even more regretted that she could not open the door of the boys' dormitory.

Two o'clock in the afternoon, the Charms classroom on the fourth floor.

Vincent, who was sitting in the first row, and Draco, who was in the first row near the door, could feel the negative emotions coming from each other across the aisle.

Professor Filius Flivi, who was stepping on a pile of books, exposed half of his small body on the podium.

"Don't think that magic is simpler than transfiguration, just because it is easy to understand."

He gracefully waved his magic wand at the pear in front of him, causing it to grow two legs and walk to the edge of the podium with small steps.

The dangling little feet are exactly the same as the skin of the pear.

The combined use of silent spells and transfiguration spells stunned the students in the entire classroom.

Vincent, who was immersed in taking notes, suddenly had many related applications of magic spells in his mind.

For example, levitate someone, then hang them upside down and pat their little face.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

This evil smile was seen in Draco's eyes, and also in the eyes of Hermione who felt uneasy.

"Before learning the first spell, please open the first page of the textbook and take a careful look at the theoretical knowledge about magic."

Professor Flitwick put away his wand and explained word for word.

The floating piece of chalk that was still writing automatically made many little lions with slow hands fall in love with this short Charms professor.

Especially Ron and Harry.

Halfway through the class, Draco on the other side of the aisle suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The professor was looking down at the textbook, and the students were taking notes.

How could such a great opportunity be wasted?

"Professor!" Vincent suddenly raised his hand.

"Please tell me."

"If mana increases with age, then will wizards who are born with powerful mana increase in different proportions?"

Draco quietly removed his hand from his pocket.

Flitwick gave the answer without much thought: "Mr. Wayne, this assumption is valid..."

The mana powers of the two wizards are 1 and 1 respectively. If they can increase by 1 and 11 every year, then their mana powers will be 1 and 221 in the second year.

The third year is 21 and 2, and the difference in proportional growth is about 02.

In the fourth year, it was 331 and 331, with a proportional growth difference of about 03.

The initial one-tenth gap will gradually widen as it increases year by year.

As long as you live long enough, it is not impossible for one wizard to be equal to a hundred wizards.

Hermione, who was also good at mathematics, and Vincent both came to the same conclusion.

That is the real reason why some wizards delve into black magic.

There is a slight natural gap, and it is indeed difficult to catch up without hard work.

Many people who obviously didn't understand thought this was alarmist.

For example, the representative figure of academic scumbag is Neville, who is sitting next to the academic god with a confused look on his face.

Another example is Draco, who was full of annoyance and patiently waiting for the next opportunity.

Flitwick was very happy to have two studious little wizards in the class.

"Professor, is it difficult to create a new spell?"

"Mr. Wayne, this requires very profound magic and spell analysis."

"Professor, is the difficulty of silent spells very high?"

"Miss Granger, if you can maintain your attention long enough, you will find that it is actually quite easy."

Flitwick, who answered several questions, smiled and assigned the next homework.

"Whoever can calculate the accurate seventh-year proportional growth difference before the end of get out of class will be given 3 points by me."

Vincent, with red eyes, immediately picked up the pen and wrote the formula in the textbook.

Hermione, on the other side, buried her head in her notebook.

For these two, without the help of a computer, it is only a matter of time to calculate the decimal place.

The little lions were uncomfortable.

Study? Learn it!

Compared with the little snakes who were writing furiously, they stared at the textbooks blankly, just like a group of stupid lions.

Draco's eyes also glowed red, and he seemed to be mumbling some mysterious spell.

The opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time finally came to him.

While Flitwick was concentrating on calculating with the chalk behind him, a big dung egg flew high out of the aisle.

It soared accurately over the heads of the little lions, getting closer and closer to the target.

Draco, who was covering his nose, could already imagine the scene of the first suspect, covered with shit-yellow paint.

"Professor, I figured it out!" Vincent raised his right hand excitedly.



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