This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 303: Hermione turns completely from a fan to a hater

After Fred and George calmed down a little, the six little ones quietly returned to the third floor.

None of them, including Vincent, heard the voice.

"There are no magic props." He took the alder wand and swept the entire office door twice.

"Go in?" George looked at the door handle.

"Remember to keep your voice down." Hermione held the doorknob uncharacteristically.

Vincent shrugged at Cedric and Rove.

Although it's not to the point where love leads to hatred, it's very close.

Seeing the faint light from the tip of the wand, Hermione's first reaction was to feel sick.

How narcissistic does this person have to be to plaster photos of himself all over the wall?

I swept the alder wand twice more inside and out, but still couldn't find any trace of magic.

"Go in?" Hermione put her little hand on the door handle.

The five older boys took a look and felt that she would not give up until she got in.

She put out her wand, opened the door softly and walked in.

There was a lit incense burner placed on the table next to the bed. With the faint orange light, one could barely see the layout inside.

Vincent sniffed it and found that it was a high-end product that would help him sleep.

He looked inside, and the first thing he saw was Lockhart, who was sleeping reasonably well.

It's just that no matter how decent it is, it is "unsightly" to Hermione.

The walls were still covered with photos of Lockhart and some famous wizards.

Vincent discovers an old wizard who seems to be Nico.

The clothes are quite similar, but there is no special temperament that has accumulated over time.

Rolf finds a picture of Grandpa Newt. ♦♦  ♦♦

After identification, there is no doubt that it is a fake.

But after all, it was a high imitation, and neither the twins nor Cedric could spot it.

Even though Hermione didn't know this, she still came to Vincent and made a famous gesture.

Taking out the smoke bomb, she shook her head and took out the big dung egg.

Before her face turned completely dark, he took out a bottle of dye.

Still the fluorescent green that was hard to wash off, still using her grapevine wand.

The liquid floating in the air slid gently from Lockhart's handsome face, forming several crooked words:

Fake professor, fraudster, glib, Azkaban reserve...

The five big boys looked at each other, not even daring to take a breath.

How terrifying would it be for a girl whose idol's house collapsed and her fans completely turned negative?

If Vincent hadn't stopped her, Hermione would have stripped Lockhart naked and had various words written all over his body.

She plugged the cap of the dye bottle, puffed out her breasts and walked out of the room.

Vincent raised his wand and did a routine inspection of the room.

When he scanned the desk, he felt that there were traces of black magic inside.

Opening the drawer, there were some small ornaments and a black notebook.

Fortunately, he changed the color of his, otherwise he would definitely be disgusted when he saw this.

Even the notebook contains dark magic. It may contain Lockhart's dark secrets.

For example, how to write a story that is wonderful and beautiful, or how to become a best-selling author.

Vincent opened it and took a few glances, then found that it was all blank and put it back.

It is quite difficult to break this dark magic, and no matter how small the movement is, it will definitely wake up Lockhart.

He shook his head slightly at the four people still in the room, and gently closed the opened drawer.

Nothing was expected.

Snape was in the office, and Lockhart was obviously asleep again.

The sounds Harry heard were obviously not caused by these two wandless spells.

Then, there is only one explanation, and this is the only way it can be explained.

The house elf controlling Ford Anglia most likely wanted to scare Harry through this method.

Hermione no longer wanted to believe it, but now she could only accept this only answer.

"Now that we've figured it out, why don't we go to the Batcave?"

The twins' proposal was unanimously opposed.

"Do you think he uses high-end aromatherapy to help him sleep?"

"Do you think he'd leave something out?"

"Do you think he's as fussy as Lockhart?"

Fred and George looked at Vincent eagerly, hoping that he would be merciful.

"You guys are swollen, why don't we go to the principal's office for a walk?"

"Good idea!" The twins laughed and ran upstairs.

Although you can enter the principal's office with a password, no one took this sentence seriously.

"Let's go back first." Cedric and Rolf walked downstairs.

Vincent and Hermione also went upstairs.

It's three o'clock in the morning, the normal rest time for the six little ones.

After the herbal medicine class and transfiguration class in the morning, it was time for the most important Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

It's a pity that Lockhart took time off and it turned into a self-study class.

The happiest person was Draco lying in the school hospital without going to class.

After drinking Madam Pomfrey's carefully brewed bone spirit, he had regrown his bones yesterday.

But these happy days would not last long.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class is here again on Friday.

Lockhart told the public that the reason he took sick leave was to prepare for something more dangerous.

There is a large cage covered with black cloth in the classroom.

It was three meters high, and there were constant "clicking" sounds coming from inside.

Draco fidgeted, remembering some unpleasant experience.

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Even though Lockhart had a bandage wrapped around his forehead, his smile was still bright and charming.

Unfortunately, the students below didn't pay much attention to him.

"Last week we learned how to deal with Cornish elves--"

Lockhart lifted the black cloth as if he was not affected, "Today, let's face dark creatures that are more terrifying than them!"

"Click--" The creature in the cage was half a person's height, had eight legs, was furry all over, and a pair of large claws made particularly excited sounds.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight eyes, this is a living eight-eyed giant spider.

Draco remembered the scene of flying past them almost head to head last Saturday.

He was angry, very angry, and angry that could not be described in words.

But there was someone who was angrier than him.

That was Vincent who recognized this big cutie.

Its name was Audrey, and it lived in the east of the Forbidden Forest.

Among the countless eight-eyed giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest, it was the one with the most and fastest production.

After a few interactions, Vincent and Audrey established a deep "friendship" across species.

"Don't be fooled by its scary size," Lockhart raised his cherry wood wand, "it only needs a simple spell to tremble with fear."

Audrey's black hair stood up, and she squeezed forward as if she had no fear.

But the distance was a bit far, so she couldn't do anything to Lockhart.

"Spiders, retreat--"

The red light spread from its body to its eight legs in an instant like lightning.

But Audrey, who stood firmly, was obviously not affected at all.

"Ha--so amazing!" Draco clapped his hands, his face full of sarcasm, "Professor, it must be very scared!"

Lockhart flicked his wand in annoyance, "Accidents always happen very suddenly, it can't hold on for long."

Audrey's eight big eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

But when its eyes turned to Vincent's face, it suddenly began to retreat.

"See, you can't hold on any longer!" Lockhart smiled again.

However, the students still ignored him, and instead all looked at Vincent.

The Spider Repelling Charm is a very unpopular spell that makes all spider creatures restless and thus has the effect of repelling them.

But this kind of fear that seems to come from instinct does not seem to be caused by a spell.

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