This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 305 Daphne Greengrass

It's a bit clumsy to provoke the general, but this is the Court of Owls where nearly 70% of the people are lion cubs.

As the president, how could Vincent let them show off their power?

"I'm worried about how to spend my money recently. Don't quote too low a figure."

Draco sneered, "I won, and your Gwent card belongs to me."

"That's it?" Vincent shook his head in disappointment, "Your wizard cards are of no use to me."

Whether comparing sales or profits,

In the final analysis, it is all about financial resources.

Pansy immediately grinned, "Wayne! If you're scared, just say so!"

"Oh~ I'm so scared~" Fred and George squeezed in.

Cedric and Rolf came too.

"Gwent is more famous than your Wizard card. I'm curious what price you can afford."

"No matter how high it is, we have to take it down, right? After all, this is an undeveloped mine."

Pure-blood wizard families basically have industries, and the gold galleons they use can be earned back slowly.

Vincent is not an impulsive person, and there is no way he would agree to such a childish bet.

"Malfoy, you pure-blood wizards are quite glorious."

Of course Draco could hear the sarcasm.

It would be disgraceful for four of the Holy Twenty-eight families to win against Muggle-borns, and they would even lose face if they lose.

"When you can truly represent your family, come to me again."

Vincent is quite calm,

A direct hit on their vitals.

Even Brace,

The wealth at one's disposal is also extremely limited.

So childish, so ridiculous.

Draco clenched his fists tightly, "Wayne, why do you keep looking down on us!"

"Have you ever done anything respectable?"

Vincent put his hands on the table and stood up slowly, "Don't mention what your ancestors have done. That will only make me look down on you even more."

Voldemort has fallen, and blood supremacy has become less and less popular.

If anything, maybe "donating" money to the Ministry of Magic can be counted as one thing, and "awakening" in time can also be counted as one thing.

Unlike the four truly extreme ones, Daphne began to hate her origins even more.

Living in a world built of lies is tiring.

He always comforted himself that he had done nothing wrong and used his bloodline to maintain his status.

The curse of the Greengrass family made her feel suffocated with no way to escape.

"Let's- let's go."

Amid countless pairs of surprised eyes, Daphne stood in front of Vincent.

"Wayne, as much as you look down on us, it's best to keep doing it."

She is completely opposite to her usual arrogance, and is full of rebellious bravery.

"You are right,

I can't speak for the Greengrass family.

But listen carefully,

The Greengrass family can't represent me either! "

Vincent was stunned for a moment, "I will keep it in my heart. ♝♦  ♦♦"

His eyes moved to the other four people.

Daphne is different from them who have been pampered since childhood.

Although he didn't know why, he was even more convinced that she could be his breakthrough.

Break through Slytherin's stubborn minds and let the Court of Owls absorb them.

"Hmph!" Draco unclenched his fist and turned around and left without saying a word.

The goal was not achieved, but face was still saved.

Blaise and Pansy were reluctant, but followed him.

Marcus looked deeply at Vincent, then turned and left with Daphne.

"The Black Chicken Club was defeated without a fight~"

"President Wayne is still awesome~"

Fred and George sat down again next to Vincent.

Their ideas are simple, as long as they get rid of this group of people, they will win.

Cedric and Rolf looked further.

This is not the end, but a new beginning.

Hermione was silent the whole time.

She guessed that Vincent would use Daphne as a breakthrough, and also vaguely guessed what the Court of Owls meant.

The Gryffindor team woke up early on Saturday.

A notice was posted outside the stadium:

5:00-11:00 belongs to the Gryffindor team

12:00-18:00 belongs to the Slytherin team

McGonagall and Snape had already agreed on Saturday's arrangements, and they would not be lenient if the events of last week happened again.

Vincent opened the suitcase and took out five long boxes, "Mr. Smith quoted the cost price, but please don't tell anyone."

Of course the 750 galleons were not paid for by him.

He just acts as a middleman.


You've been nagging all week~" Both Fred and George were very satisfied with the new broom.

In addition to Harry's current Gwendo, all members of the Gryffindor team are using Sweep's customized models.

After Wood's brief moment of joy,

Then he pointed the wand at the blank blackboard with a dark face.

The pictures that appear little by little above,

These were all new tactics he had been thinking about all summer.

The top one among them is the tactic of using Vincent as the core of the team and quickly scoring 150 points at the beginning to ensure an invincible position.

"Don't be like this, I'm under a lot of pressure."

Wood pointed his wand down the line, "Fred, George, when you are interfering with the other side, you must protect Harry..."

After introducing nearly ten tactics, he led the team members to start training.

Hermione, who was sitting quietly in the audience, was reading Vincent's notes.

She has just started to learn alchemy and is currently in the first step of calcining.

"Can't we sit down?"

"No, Wood will chase you away."

Hermione frowned and looked at the two little heads behind her that made the noise.

It was Ginny and Luna.

She closed the notebook unhappily and moved to the front of the two.

"Don't be too ostentatious, Wood is in a bad mood recently."

"We will." Ginny smiled sweetly and squeezed in behind her with Luna.

Although it was a bit of a cover-up, the seven people who were concentrating on training in the sky obviously wouldn't pay too much attention to this side.

"What are you looking at?" Luna's big eyes focused on the black and white cover of the notebook.

The magic rune covered by Hermione's fingers seemed to have been seen somewhere by her.

"You mean this."

Only a small part was exposed, and she immediately recognized it as Vincent's.

"Is this Wayne's magic rune?"

"Can you understand it?" Hermione was a little surprised.

Luna nodded seriously, "I know what it means. This is Wayne's mark, and it contains some of his personal information."

Ginny shook her head slightly at Hermione, indicating that she had not revealed anything to her.

How could a freshman who had just entered school understand the magic runes that Vincent had studied for a long time before writing?

"This item belongs to Nicolas Flamel's apprentice, the second-class medal of the Order of Merlin, and the recipient of the Medal of Honor of the Magic Congress - Vincent Edward Wayne."

Word for word.

Hermione began to believe what Vincent had said about talent.

Luna could not only perceive magical things, but also seemed to be born to understand magic runes.

As a top student, she also spent two days to decipher it after getting the notebook.



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