This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 329 The Second Victim

The third floor of the castle.

Filch and Mrs. Norris walked in tandem.

They patrol the castle twice every day before bed to make sure no students sneak out.

Since Myrtle was no longer in the girls' bathroom, the third floor, where cries used to be heard from time to time, has become completely quiet.

After a routine half-circle around the corridor, Filch illuminated the interior with his lantern.

The faucet underneath was still leaking, and the overflowing water covered the entire floor as always.

"What a hell place!" He cursed secretly, and after entering, he bent down and turned off the faucet.

The moment he let go, it slowly turned back.

"Tick tick tick——"

Mrs. Norris lazily walked in from outside.

Filch tried again, but gave up when he saw that it still came back.

Ever since he came to Hogwarts as the caretaker, this faucet had never been turned off tightly.

At first I thought it was Myrtle, but now it seems that it was someone more naughty.

"Peeves! I know you're here!"

"Meow——" Mrs. Norris walked to his feet.

"The damn place!"

Just as the scolding ended, crisp footsteps suddenly sounded behind him.

"Who is it!" Filch quickly stood up and shined the lantern into the corridor outside.

"Damn Peeves!" he cursed and walked out of the girls' bathroom.

It's a waste of time to chase after him, so it's better to continue patrolling.

Several figures appeared beside the bathroom, almost blending into the darkness.

"This old guy is so stubborn."

"Hush - he hasn't gone very far yet."

Vincent, who was wearing a bat suit, lit his wand, went in and bent down to look at the faucet that would automatically turn on.

When Hogwarts Castle was first built, it is certain that there were no running water pipes installed.

"H-Catwoman, do you remember what the bathroom here used to be?"

"An empty room." Hermione tried to remember:

"It was probably around the 18th century that Hogwarts had more and more students arriving, so Principal Delise Derwent decided to build a few more bathrooms."

"Correct answer!" The Sorting Hat hidden in the lining of Vincent's cloak poked out.

"Miss Granger, I daresay you have a better memory than I do."

"Thank you, Mr. Hat." She accepted the compliment naturally.

Vincent turned on the tap, "Very strange, isn't it?

Even if the secret chamber requires Parseltongue to open, it is impossible for such a large-scale project to go undiscovered. "

"Unless someone knows about the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione looked in disbelief. "The Gaunt family are descendants of Salazar Slytherin. They disappeared in recent decades."

When this bathroom was built, there was a high probability that someone from the Gaunt family would cover up the existence of the secret room.

"Tick-tick-tick--" The rather weird faucet turned automatically.

Rolf and Cedric looked fine, but Fred and George looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Vincent, how do you know that the water pipeline project is large-scale?"

"It's common sense, any Muggle knows that.

"Hermione, how do you know the history of the castle?"

"It's recorded in "Hogwarts: A School History"."

The tip of the Sorting Hat drooped, indicating that what they both said was true.

The twins looked at the other two quite speechlessly.

Needless to say, Cedric's grades were the best in the entire fourth grade.

Although Luofu is low-key, he is not far behind.

If they don't act naughty and study seriously...

"Fred, you know what I'm thinking."

"George, you know what I'm thinking."

The twins put their hands on their hips and grinned widely: "You are responsible for the things that use your brain, and you can leave everything else to us~"

Vincent looked at the pool carefully with the light from the tip of his stick, "Then please continue to keep watch."

"no problem!"

According to normal pipeline design, the faucet will not automatically turn on even if there is a blockage.

This time, twist it slowly and there is still no loose feeling.

"Come and take a photo."

After Hermione lit her wand, he placed both hands on the closed faucet.

After about a minute or two, the one next to it will automatically unscrew.

Cedric stepped forward and closed it, placing his hands on it as well.

The third one also unscrewed.

Of the six faucets here, there is always one that cannot be closed tightly.

It just so happens that there are six people here.

"Fred, George, have you ever—"


A sudden shrill cry interrupted Vincent.

"It's Filch!" George pointed to the third floor corridor on the map.

The location was not far from them, only two corners away.

And there were only the names of Filch and Lady Norris on it, not the basilisk or the possessed man.

"Same as Quirrell last year!" Hermione looked at Vincent who let go and stood up. "You have looked at it. Can you name the basilisk?"

"Not now." Vincent squeezed the wand tightly, "I want to look at it again."

Although there is a high probability that the basilisk did it, no one knows when it will come back.

Maybe after daybreak, maybe hide in another more private place.

He stuffed the Sorting Hat back into his arms, "Voldemort is not stupid, he should have guessed that we have a way to track the location."

This is a trap, a trap to lure them.

If Salazar Slytherin had lived until now, he would have taken the Basilisk away and closed the Chamber of Secrets permanently.

He is not actually a bad person, he is just affected by the times.

But Voldemort was different.

Blindly believes in pure-blood supremacy and is proud of being the heir of Slytherin.

Grindelwald used "for the greater good" as an excuse, and so did Voldemort.

Vincent scanned the five people one by one and could clearly see their determination.

As members of Hogwarts, they have an obligation to protect the school.

But when it comes to responsibility, professors should be at the top of the list.

"Lockhart can't count on it." He released his left hand from holding the wand. "I just happened to make a few extra pairs of spare glasses."

"Professor McGonagall?"

"Plus Professor Flitwick."

"And Professor Sprout."

"We're not going to call Old Bat anyway."

Vincent was quite speechless by them.

Snape is not a bad person. He dares to demolish the office if he dares to deduct points.

"Let's go take a look first."

Go out to the girls' washroom to the left, and go straight to the corridor where Filch is.

It's very quiet here, without any strange noises.

The six little ones moved forward cautiously, and after passing the second corner, they saw Filch and Mrs. Norris standing still.

Thankfully, they both just stared at the basilisk through the water on the ground.

Unfortunately, Madam Pomfrey's potion had no effect.

"We can only wait until the mandrake matures." Cedric stepped forward and reached out to poke Filch's fearful face.

Although he was the first to be unlucky, this aspect reflects what it means to be conscientious.

Vincent glanced at the wall a few more times.

No warning, no text.

Sure enough it was Voldemort, and sure enough he knew it was them.

"Go to the professors. This is no longer something we can solve."

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