This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 348 Lockhart's Diary

Gilderoy Lockhart is a handsome man who is admired by thousands of fans. There is no doubt that he is a handsome man.

No one can deny this, including Hermione who turned from pink to black.

As long as he didn't speak or show a smile that disgusted her, she actually looked quite pleasing to the eye.

"What did you do in the past?" Lavender grabbed Hermione's little hand that was about to move, "Vincent has already made him like this, can't you pity him?"

"I didn't plan to do anything." She stood back with a guilty conscience, "I just wanted to go over and take a look."

In fact, if possible, Lockhart's handsome face would probably have had a few more solid leather shoe footprints before he came in.

Vincent, who whispered what happened to Mag, thought so, as did Fred and George, who were almost caught outside.

"The diary you mentioned..."

"Here he is, Professor." Vincent took out a small black book. "It's all blank. It's probably hidden using some special magic."

Snape looked over calmly.

The black cover is very old, it must be at least thirty or forty years old.

Beginning with the unsigned inner page, each subsequent page is blank.

He sniffed it, but he didn't smell the musty smell that yellowed paper should have.

And the entire diary feels particularly evil, as if there is something hidden inside.

"Professor Snape, this is evidence. Vincent closed the diary, his eyes particularly alert.

Just what happened tonight is worth a hundred points at least. This physical evidence is worth 50 points anyway.

"Professor McGonagall, I think it's best to leave it to you for safekeeping."

The diary he handed over was pushed back.

"No." Mag shook his head slightly, "You are not affected by the special magic it exerts, which means you are the most suitable person to keep it."

Vincent understood instantly.

The black magic exerted by the diary not only has a hidden effect, but also has a passive defense mechanism.

Although it will not have a practical impact, the spiritual level is certain.

In other words, apart from him, Snape was the only one who was most suitable.

If you hand it over, the truth will be distorted, so just keep it reluctantly.

"Uh-uh-" Lockhart hummed a few times as he lay on the long table.

The back of his head was bald, but he could wake up so quickly.

Vincent quickly hid behind Snape.

"What's wrong with me?" Lockhart looked around in confusion.

The first, second, and third grade students were all there, as were the professors and teaching assistants.

They all had their eyes on him.

There are worries, doubts, anger, ridicule, anger, etc.

Under the gaze of more than two hundred pairs of eyes with different emotions, Lockhart stood up calmly and stood on the marble floor.

Mag asked with concern: "Gilderoy, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

"I think it's very good." He took off his frayed gold and white cloak. "It would be even better if I could have a glass of firewhiskey."

Vincent, who stuck out half of his little head, felt very incredible.

The life force was sucked away by Tom, knocked out by Sprout, then knocked out by himself, and finally the back of his head was rubbed bald.

Even if he woke up in a short time, he still acted like nothing happened.

This powerful physique puts his father Eric to shame.

No wonder Tom would focus on this person, he is simply an invincible Xiaoqiang.

"Vincent?" Lockhart walked quickly towards Snape, "I didn't see you just now, I thought you weren't here."

"Ah-yeah, I'm here."

He was about to give Vincent a warm hug, but was quickly dodged by the other party.

"Well, it seems you still care about my coma spell."

The students all recalled the duel club after dinner.

To put it nicely, it's called finding the right opportunity, but to put it worse, it's just a sneak attack.

No wonder Vincent would make him like this. It turns out that everything was caused by himself.


Lockhart doesn't know who?

Selective amnesia after a stress response?

"I remember I announced that the club was over and then went back to the office to take a shower and rest." Lockhart frowned and relaxed.

"Did something happen before I woke up?"

The four deans looked at each other.

"Gilderoy, actually tonight..." Mag told the story.

She didn't tell anything about the secret room and Tom, but she just blamed everything on a certain mysterious person who caused the Acromantula to riot.

"Ah!? Such a thing actually happened!" Lockhart looked shocked.

He lowered his head and touched his body several times, "Has any of you seen my wand?"

Snape sneered: "You should be glad that your lost wand did not suffer any serious consequences."

"That mysterious man stole my wand?" Lockhart's expression changed drastically. "I hope he didn't touch my diary. I cast a delayed fire spell on it."

Vincent immediately rolled his eyes.

Even the healing spells that are not too difficult are useless. Can we use advanced black magic with delayed activation?

If you want the notebook back, just say so. You won't be given it anyway.

"Where is it?" Lockhart looked particularly nervous.

"Because I want to protect a list of dark forces personnel recorded in it, I set a 30-minute delay to activate."

He looked at Mag anxiously and said, "I'm not kidding, because only that group of people would take advantage of it."

"Oh -" Snape sneered, "I don't believe you are good enough to learn the Fire Curse."

"I do." Lockhart looked at the few students who looked frightened, "Fire cannot be extinguished by water, everything will be burned by it.

Unless a more difficult cracking spell is used, the only way to completely extinguish it is to wait until all the ashes are burned away. "

The professors, including Snape, were quite surprised.

Although it was just a brief introduction, if he could remember it, it meant he had understood it.

Bet he was lying, and then he really released the fierce fire in a delayed manner?

Mag didn't dare, Flitwick didn't dare, and Sprout didn't dare.

"Only I can undo that magic." Lockhart paced in panic.

"I hope that mysterious man has left the castle with my notebook..."

Fear, panic and other emotions spread among the students.

Most of the students' eyes were on Vincent.

The diary was on him, and if Lockhart hadn't been alarmist, it would have been a disaster for them.

Perhaps only Dumbledore can completely extinguish the fire curse that burns everything.

But by the time he came back, half an hour had already passed.

If they didn't know about this, they wouldn't be as nervous as they are now.

McGonagall didn't believe Lockhart's lies, but her first priority was the students.

Of course it is fake, but at some point it becomes true.

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