This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 352: The Godfather of Fashion

Dumbledore seemed to know something, but he had no intention of saying it.


"Ah - I was a little distracted."

He smiled apologetically at Vincent, "That's the bad thing about getting older. You're either remembering the past or imagining the future."

"Professor, isn't there now?"

"It's too difficult now. After all the problems are solved, I think I can think about it now."

"Like changing your hairstyle?"

Vincent's example made Dumbledore laugh.

At this level of transformation, he can change his height and appearance at will.

The same goes for Tom, who uses magic to transform his body. He can grow his nose and hair back at any time.

"You did a great job this time, kid."

"Yeah." Vincent blinked his big eyes.

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the shelf, bent down and picked up the pensieve underneath.

"Want to see the first time Tom and I met?"

Anyway, I’m quite free, so let’s watch the magical version of the virtual reality movie.

This time Dumbledore appeared on a milk coach.

He was much older than Nagini last time, and his hair and beard were auburn.

Vincent sat across from him and curled his lips at Dumbledore next to him, "Professor, your taste is getting better and better.,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-., _,.-*~' ^ '*-,"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Perhaps because of his unbearable loneliness, Dumbledore wore an extremely elegant purple velvet suit during this period.

Just looking at the 300% turn-back rate among passers-by, he can be said to be a man who is on the cutting edge of fashion.

Following the fashion tycoon, the two walked through a few alleys, walked into a huge iron gate, and came to a bare courtyard.

A square, gloomy and old-fashioned building attracted Vincent's attention.

"Professor, Tom is an orphan?"

"Yes, in fact, his life experience -" Dumbledore paused, "In fact, he could have taken another path, as long as I could teach him carefully."

According to the style of the building and the dress of passers-by, this period should be around the 1940s.

Having to deal with Grindelwald and taking care of Tom at the same time, Vincent found it difficult even for himself.

"Professor, you are not a saint. There is no need to take all the blame on you."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then smiled gratefully.

"Thank you. Maybe when I start thinking about the present, this shadow will completely dissipate."

"There will be a day like this, Professor."

The two of them followed young Dumbledore towards the square building just now.

After knocking on the door for a moment, a girl in a sloppy apron opened the door.

"Good afternoon, I, Mrs. Cole, have an appointment. She is the manager here, right?"

"Oh." The girl said with confusion on her face, while looking at his fashionable outfit with sharp eyes.

"Well, please wait a moment -" After she was sure that she was not a bad person, she turned and shouted into the room: "Mrs. Cole!"

"Let him in, Sarah!"

Inside is a foyer with black and white tiles.

Although it looks particularly shabby, it is spotlessly clean.

As soon as young Dumbledore walked in, a skinny woman with a tired and anxious look walked over quickly.

She gave a few instructions to the other girl, then turned her attention to him.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Cole."

Mrs. Cole stared at him, dumbfounded.

Facing the fashionable atmosphere that hit her face, she froze in place.

"I'm Albus Dumbledore." He extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"I wrote you a letter asking you to accept my appointment, and you have been gracious enough to invite me to come today."

Mrs. Cole blinked, as if to make sure that Dumbledore in front of her was not an illusion.

She braced herself and said, "Oh - yes, you'd better come to my room."

Vincent was suppressing laughter the whole time, "Professor, if you go into the Muggle fashion world, you will definitely become a godfather-level figure."

"Good advice." Dumbledore looked down at his sky blue robe, "I am very much looking forward to this future."

After walking into a small room that seemed to be a living room and an office, Vincent stopped touting.

It was as shabby as the foyer, with outdated furniture that didn't match the rest.

Young Dumbledore sat in a rickety chair, while Mrs. Cole sat behind a cluttered desk.

"I have told you in my letter that I am here to discuss Tom Riddle's affairs with you and arrange a promising future for him."

"Are you his relative?"

"No, I'm a professor." Dumbledore glanced at the foot of the chair, "I'm here to invite him to study in our school."

"What kind of school is this?" Mrs. Cole breathed a sigh of relief.

"The school's name is Hogwarts."

"Why are you interested in Tom?"

"We thought he had some special traits that we were looking for."

"You mean he won a scholarship? How could that be? He never signed up for it."

Dumbledore said slowly: "Oh - from the moment he was born, our school has put his name on the roster."

small book booth

"Who registered him?" Mrs. Cole looked at him defensively, "His parents?"

There is no doubt that she is a very shrewd and troublesome woman.

Dumbledore did not repel her defensiveness.

This just shows that she is conscientious and a good and qualified manager.

He pulled out a wand that was obviously not made of elderberry from the pocket of his purple velvet suit, and picked up a blank piece of paper from the table.

"Here, take a look at this and you'll understand everything."

Mrs. Cole's eyes wandered for a moment after the wand was waved.

She immediately focused and looked at the blank paper carefully.

"Completely in compliance with the procedure." She returned the blank paper to Dumbledore, and her eyes fell on a bottle of gin and two glasses that suddenly appeared.

"Can I buy you a gin?" Her voice was particularly gentle now.

"Thank you so much."

Vincent squinted his eyes and looked at the two Dumbledores.

Although there was no malicious behavior so far, he still felt like he was being fooled.

In front of powerful wizards, even heavily armed Muggles can only obey.

"Professor, is the Muggle Protection Act drafted by Mr. Weasley about to be passed?"

"It turns out there is still some resistance, and the process should be accelerated from today on."

Dumbledore knew what he was thinking.

This law in the name of protection is actually arrogant at its core.

Muggles also have an "Animal Protection Act", but they have never had a "Human Race Protection Act."

It’s okay if they don’t reject or suppress them. The Muggle Protection Act, which also has no malicious intent, may become a trigger for aggravating the relationship between the two parties in the future.

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