This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 382: The Tenth Floor Underground of the Ministry of Magic


Hermione tossed and turned in bed for a long time without falling asleep.

The conversation after Defense Against the Dark Arts class kept popping up in her mind.

"I would rather destroy all books recording black magic, but this will only make wizards more depressed -"

Grindelwald and Voldemort are both typical rebels.

They all believed that magic was free and should not be hidden from Muggles like rats.

As long as wizards still live under repression, rebels with more extreme ideas will definitely appear again?

She couldn't argue with Vincent at the time.

Even thinking that it was almost dawn, she couldn't come up with an excuse.

Who is right and who is wrong? The answer may only be left to the future.

"The Greengrass family is just the beginning..."

With expectations for the future, she slept lightly for more than three hours.

9 o'clock in the morning, auditorium.

When Fred and George saw the big dark circles under their eyes, they couldn't help but joke:

"Oh my! Aren't you so excited that you can't sleep?"

"After all, we are going to explore the Batcave~ I can understand it~"

Hermione bit off a corner of the toast fiercely, "He has already set off?"

"As early as half an hour ago." Cedric raised the mithril suitcase in his hand. "He said that all the tools were inside, and he also said that he would hold the person back as much as possible."

"Oh." She took a sip of milk with peace of mind and finished the toast in a few seconds.

"Let's go!" Rolf held the fatter Groot and walked at the front.

Operation "Three Lights" officially began.

The ninth floor underground of the Ministry of Magic.

Passing through the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries, one level below is the Wizengamot's courtroom.

Vincent followed Dumbledore and Snape, always feeling that the black tiles and walls here were very out of place.

The walls were bare, with no decorations and no windows.

Under the dim light of the torch, he felt that the Department of Mysteries was more like a top-secret base than an ordinary scientific research department.

"Professor, what are they studying?"

Dumbledore glanced at Snape first, "Some things we still cannot fully understand, such as death, such as love."

Vincent roughly understood why it was a black style.

Muggles also have a similar organization called "cern", whose full name is the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

Some of the research topics there are very dangerous, such as black holes and antimatter.

If the Large Hadron Collider really succeeds in knocking out one of them, poor Earth may be sucked clean by the black hole before it disappears, or it may be completely annihilated under the influence of antimatter.

Although unlikely, these possibilities do exist.

Therefore, at the entrance of Cern's headquarters, there stands a statue of Shiva symbolizing destruction.

The wizards' belief is Merlin, which is magic itself.

What black symbolizes can only be nothingness.

Vincent, who was standing in front of a black door, seemed to want to go in and take a look.

"Professor Dumbledore, are there any thresholds for working there?"

“A brilliant mind, and a mouth that can never be pried open.”

You are not allowed to discuss your work content or reveal any research topics.

Silent people is the most appropriate name for them.

Vincent looked away without interest.

Rather than working part-time and sneaking in, he would rather walk in openly like Dumbledore.

Achievement points are not enough, just keep looking forward to it.

There is a gap in the wall not far to the left of the black door, which is the only staircase leading to the tenth floor of the Ministry of Magic.

Inside are rough stone walls, and the brackets and torches are older than those in the Department of Mysteries one floor above.

There are also no decorations or windows on both sides of the corridor, only the heavy wooden doors leading to the courtrooms.

In the innermost room stood four members of the Wizengamot wearing purple robes.

Seeing the three people walking this way, the two at the back gently pushed the door open.

The walls were made of black stone, and the light from the torches was dim and eerie.

The tenth courtroom is surrounded by rows of benches, arranged in steps upwards.

The most eye-catching thing is a chair with a chain in the middle.

Lockhart will sit on it later to be tried by the Supreme Wizarding Court and the Magical Law Commission.

Vincent's eyes swept across the rows of benches and settled on the auditorium at the top.

The seats were packed, and journalists were indeed present.

Those in the middle should be from the twenty-eight sacred families.

The short, fat, middle-aged wizard sitting next to Lucius was most likely the old Parkinson.

He looked a lot like Pansy—Pansy.

Further outside, the two people who were too tall to be wizards could only be old Crabbe and old Goyle.

At this moment, Vincent seemed to see the future.

The middle-aged Draco has smooth blond hair, and sitting next to him is Pansy, who inherited her father's "excellent" genes...

He shuddered subconsciously, followed Dumbledore under Snape's mocking gaze, and sat in the witness box in the first row on the left.

Not long after I sat down, the door was pushed open again.

They are twenty members of the Wizengamot wearing purple robes and representatives of the Supreme Wizarding Court with legislative and judicial functions.

Dumbledore was one of the members, but this time he appeared in court as a witness.

His replacement was Special Advisor Dorje.

They were sitting in the second and third rows on the left, and Vincent found many familiar people inside.

A few minutes later, members of the Magical Legal Committee in black robes arrived.

At the front was Fudge, followed by Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Walking side by side with her was a thin middle-aged wizard with short gray hair combed neatly.

Dumbledore saw Vincent's curiosity, "He is the director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, Barty Crouch."

This is a foreign ministry boss.

Curiosity was not quenched, but became more intense.

"Barty used to be the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Unfortunately, he was transferred to another position twelve years ago because of his son's problems."

Twelve years ago it could only be Voldemort's business.

The only way to remove the old father from being a talker in the real power department was to join or participate in the Death Eaters' actions.

He saw the unconcealed sadness in Dumbledore's eyes.

Either he is exposed by outsiders, he either protects himself wisely, or he kills his relatives out of righteousness.

Vincent nodded secretly.

Old Batty's serious and formal demeanor didn't look like a smooth and sophisticated person.

"The initial hearing of the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets case has officially begun——"

Belus Ogden, the elder of the Wizengamot, stood up.

"The accused please attend."

Lockhart, who was dressed in plain linen, was escorted by two wizard guards and sat on the chair in the middle of the courtroom.

Those chains wound up automatically.

"Raise your head, accused."

As soon as Ogden finished speaking, everyone could see Lockhart's pale and thin face.

Less than half a month passed, and he was no longer the well-known wizard with many titles.

Even though he was in a very haggard state, his eyes were full of stubbornness.

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