This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 42 How to quickly master flying skills

Vincent's first experience with a flying broom was undoubtedly extremely exciting.

At the beginning, he regretted casting the levitation spell.

With such a small amount of mana, it would definitely blow something up when it was used up.

But just like Vincent in a tornado, after a period of adaptation, he had already overcome his inner fear.

The reason he continued to fly upwards was that he didn't know how to land.

"Why is it faster than the one ridden by Madam Hooch with the same model..."

Assuming that the levitation spell failed and caused the tail of the broom to explode, is it possible that the damaged device inside was repaired under the impact?

But this kind of enchanted strengthening should not happen at all.

"Mana riot in critical situations?"

Any wizard will become able to use magic at a special time when he was a child.

For example, Neville said that the reason he was able to come to Hogwarts was that his uncle accidentally dropped him out of the window one time, but he bounced up from the ground.

Before that, the other party had tried to deliberately create crises countless times.

Vincent, who had never experienced a mana riot since childhood, was admitted to the Hogwarts admission book just by virtue of his natural talent as a master of brain occlumency.

This tampered flying broom was definitely not fixed by an explosion.

The truth can only be that it was fixed by the mana that grew out of thin air without knowing it.

It may even be strengthened.

Whether it is to verify the hypothesis or solve the current dilemma, Vincent must take action.

"Hou Li Crab--"

Just a slight deviation, the broom spiraled sideways. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]

Feeling dizzy, he quickly turned back in the opposite direction.

The violent vibration of the seat squeezed his facial features together.

It was a bit uncomfortable, but this broom was absolutely normal.

"How can I quickly master the flying skills?"

Vincent smiled and tapped the broom with his hand, "I know you can go even faster!"

At an altitude of more than 3,000 feet, he suddenly rolled half a circle with his waist and abdomen.

Madam Hooch behind him was about to reach out, but he dived down at a faster speed.


She didn't consider the exclamation in her ears, and also rolled half a circle to chase after him.



McGreg, who had been paying attention to the situation in the sky, widened her eyes.

Vincent was able to control the out-of-control broom and perform many difficult flying moves.

Even when it dropped to 2,000 feet, it began to fly down along an irregular trajectory.


"He actually spelled the name of the school!"

Hermione sighed softly, letting her pursed lips relax a little.

If she was in the mood to do this, safety should not be a problem.

She raised her wand high and pointed it at a high tower of the castle.

There was no spell, nor any hand movement.

But the ancient magic covering the entire castle and its periphery was lifted in a state that could not be detected by the naked eye.

Vincent, who was falling at high speed, did not land immediately.

When he flew past the castle's astronomy tower, he suddenly accelerated to the left again.

The twins who were taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were all shocked to see the figure flashing outside the window.

"Is that Vincent?"

"He seems to be taking a flying class..."

George suddenly rolled off the chair, holding his stomach.

"Professor, my stomach hurts!"

Fred hurriedly helped him up, "Oh, my poor brother--"

"Professor, please rest assured, I will take him to the school hospital now!"

Quirrell waved timidly, "Go quickly."

"Thank you, professor~"

When the twins helped each other out of the classroom, they immediately ran downstairs quickly.

Vincent, who had circled the castle, was now flying towards the Forbidden Forest.

He lowered his altitude so that he could see the magical creatures below clearly.

As soon as the centaurs saw him, they immediately set up their bows and arrows.

Unfortunately, the speed was too fast, and the arrows could not catch up at all.

Vincent suddenly slowed down, smiled at a silver-white unicorn, and flew deeper.

The eight-eyed giant spiders scattered all over the cave,

the bowtruckles wrapped around the trees,

the billywig worms with wings growing on their heads,

the mothra rats with flower-like tentacles on their backs,

the moon idiots with their big heads poking out of the caves, etc.

These magical creatures came into Vincent's eyes one by one.

"I love magic, I love Hogwarts!"

He smiled like a child and stretched out his hand to touch the horned camel on the mountain at the edge of the forbidden forest.

Its tentacle-like mouth screamed, and it pushed up with the golden horns on its head.

Vincent, with his feet on the big rock, flew on the broom in the direction he came from.

"Goodbye~ I'll come to see you when I'm free-"

Every time he met a magical creature, he would wave and repeat this sentence.

The little wizard with the effect of the Felicity Potion flew out of the Forbidden Forest and circled the castle again.

Qiu, who was taking a herbal medicine class in a greenhouse, recognized the boy who made history at a glance.

Today, he made history again.

In the past thousand years, no student dared to fly out of the school on a broom in broad daylight and then fly back to circle the castle and the Forbidden Forest.

The name Vincent Wayne is destined to be recorded in the history of Hogwarts.

"Hey, buddy!" The twins jumped high as they walked out of the castle.

Flying at a low altitude, he opened his hands and high-fived the two people who gave up a little space.

"See you tonight~"

After passing the twins, Vincent continued to slow down, and finally fell in front of Mag and Mrs. Hooch.

"Mr. Wayne, have you been practicing flying for too long?"

After Mag said with a serious face, he smiled happily and stretched out his hand, stroking his short gray-blond hair that was standing on end.

"Professor, controlling it is not an easy thing."

Vincent winked mischievously, "It got out of control several times just now."

This broom with no branches at the tail was obviously not as easy to lose control as he said.

But neither of them, including Mrs. Huo Qi, said anything to blame him.

"Mr. Wayne, you have a very strong talent for flying."

"Thank you ma'am."

Draco, who was still unable to move, managed to turn his eyes towards him with great effort.


What the hell!

"I feel like he's a little different." Hermione didn't know why, but she found him quite pleasing to the eye.

Harry put on the glasses she had just repaired, "Really? I don't think there is any difference."

"Of course there is a difference~" James closed one eye and held five fingers in a circle in front of his open eye.

Then he took an extremely exaggerated step back and said, "The combat power is beyond the limit. This is the level only a Super Saiyan can achieve!"

"What Saiyan?"

"You actually don't know "Dragon Ball"?"

James gave Hermione a small look of disdain.

"I don't have time for this!"

"Then how do you know Fatty Lan?"


The first-year students, who felt relaxed, all shut their mouths obediently when Mag turned to look over.

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