This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 434: The Immortal on the Immortal Mountain

Cang Hao's first impression on Hermione and Daphne was neither good nor bad.

Being polite can offset some hostility, and speaking politely can add a lot of goodwill.

But in the final analysis, he and his family have an unclear attitude towards Vincent, and they are still enemies of the Jingu family.

"Mr. Abe, are you going back?" Hermione tried her best to relax.

Cang Hao looked away from Daphne, who was acting well, "The family rules are strict, please forgive me, Miss Granger."

My accent is okay and I'm well prepared.

When Hermione said something else, Vincent walked over with a wink.

"Are they all still training?"

She met his eyes suspiciously and said, "Sed should be the only one left. He has been working very hard recently."

Daphne had been paying attention to Cang Hao and found that he was obviously curious.

She gave Vincent a slight nod.

"I see, he must have been hit."

Both Shunhiko and Meiko shook their heads secretly in their hearts.

Originally, they all thought that Cang Hao was only slightly inferior to Vincent, who was three years younger, but now it seemed that two more people would be added.



Doing your homework in advance means you have a stable character, and mysterious training will become another smoke bomb.

"Let's go see him later." Vincent turned around apologetically.

"Cang Hao, I'm sorry, Said is a very important friend of ours.

He has been in the gym from morning to night recently and we are all worried about his condition. "

Although the Digory family is not one of the twenty-eight holy families, they once had a Minister of Magic.

Cang Hao, who knew the information by heart, didn't mind the delay at all, "It doesn't matter."

He didn't do anything special until he arrived at the gate.

"Vincent, if you come to Shizuoka, you must come to our house as a guest."

"I will. I heard there are many ski resorts over there?"

"Yes, our Abe family is at the foot of Mount Fuji. Every ski resort there has a different scenery."

"We'll pick a time to go there."

"My family and I are looking forward to it." Cang Hao turned and left.

Vincent looked at his back thoughtfully.

When the best shops in the Magic Street area are built, the cooperation with the Jingu family will spread throughout the Japanese magic world.

Show your face on the day and then go skiing in Hokkaido.

The official production of the factory will not start until next month, and the purpose of the store is to provide trial play and warm-up.

Whether to change the itinerary and go to Shizuoka, whether to go first or later, is a question worth pondering.

"I don't care." Linyin knew what he was thinking about.

Reciprocity is a virtue, regardless of good or bad motives.

Vincent raised the corners of his mouth slightly,

"Uncle Tatsuhiko, why don't we inform Abe and Asumiya before the store opens.

Not only do you have to accept the invitation to show up, but you also have to watch your enemies become even more beautiful.

No matter how calm I am, I'm afraid I'll have to contact the Wizard Cards that night.

"Strike first?" Junyan laughed heartily, "Vincent, I probably know what kind of person you are."

"I don't want to suffer."

Hermione and Daphne stayed for a while, and were surprised that Vincent actually had an in-depth understanding of Eastern culture.

The two of them chose to start with the superficial history, while he focused on the root culture.

However, the reality is that they think too much.

Vincent was just here for vacation, and his cooperation with the Jingu family was really just a matter of convenience.

There is an active volcano that straddles Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture.

Its name is Fuji, a sacred mountain in Japan.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend circulating here.

More than 2,000 years ago, an alchemist named Xu Fu came from afar in search of the elixir of life recorded in prehistoric civilizations.

Unfortunately, he came to the wrong place and mistook Mount Fuji for the Immortal Mountain Penglai surrounded by the black sea of ​​underworld.

The place he really wants to go is actually the Black Sea where the Turkish Straits connects with the Mediterranean Sea.

The Immortal Mountain of Penglai is there, as is the Jewish Book of Abraham, which recorded the method of making the elixir of life at that time.

I crossed east twice and found nothing.

Xu Fu had no choice at the time. The First Emperor who sent him had passed away, so he simply lived on the island with 500 boys and girls.

In the eyes of the indigenous people, he is the immortal who prevented Mount Fuji from erupting several times.

The reality is ironic.

He wanted to find Penglai Fairy Mountain, but accidentally became an immortal on the "Fairy Mountain".

He brought not only Eastern culture and legends to Japan, but also the magical blood flowing in the bodies of 500 boys and girls.

As the origin of wizards and a fairy mountain inhabited by immortals in the eyes of Muggles, Mount Fuji has always been the belief of both parties.

This is a tourist holy land, where a large number of wizards live in seclusion, and it is also Cang Hao's home.

In a sense, "immortals" do exist in "fairy mountains".

10:30 am,

A white Honda Accord was parked at the foot of the mountain.

"Master Abe, we are home."

Cang Hao woke up from his meditation, got out of the car and looked at the snow-capped mountain peaks.

He walked up the hill alone, stopping in front of a translucent barrier visible only to the wizard.

The closed folding fan opened and turned into a cherry blossom wood wand without any patterns.

The ripples caused by the tap slowly revealed a small palace.

Made of mutton-fat jade, it is a magically scaled-down version of the South Iwo Jima pagoda's appearance.

"Master—" A butler in a white kimono walked up to him, "Master is waiting for you in the study."

Cang Hao nodded calmly, without the embarrassment he felt when he was at Shen Gong's house just now.

The heavy door was pushed open, and there were two rows of servants standing inside.

He walked up the stairs on the left side of the hall, and the smooth floor reflected an increasingly solemn face.

"Come in-" A deep and deep voice came from the room with the open door.

After Cang Hao entered, he found his father Abe Yugen, who was concentrating on the newspaper in his hand, the Jingu family's "Daily Wizard News".

He stood up straight and waited patiently.

Half an hour later, Yu Xuan put down the newspaper, but did not focus on his youngest son.

There were a dozen bamboo slips placed on the desk, and he picked up the top one and opened it.

It is full of Chinese characters, and the content is the advice of an alchemy teacher at the magic institute.

Next summer, the quadrennial International Alchemy Exchange Competition will be held in Cairo, Egypt.

Among all the students in the magic institute, his son Cang Hao has the best chance of winning.

Although he didn't know whether Nico Flamel's apprentice would participate in the competition, the alchemy teacher still suggested that the two sides should communicate first.

Yu Xuan thought for a moment, rolled up the bamboo slips and placed them on the full bookshelf behind him.

The next one is about next year’s freshmen.

There are only ten freshmen, which is a new low.

There are fewer and fewer students, which is indeed an urgent problem.

However, the Abe family is responsible for teaching, so if there is a headache, it will be the Ashiya family who will have a headache first.

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