This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 45: Potions Class is Really Difficult

Deep in the dark and damp dungeon, there is a small gray room.

It has almost no external light, and the lights inside are not very bright.

From the first second Harry walked in, he realized that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Targeting Vincent and Ron?


Those narrow black eyes were clearly heading towards him.

After sitting down anxiously, he was about to open the textbook, but he couldn't help but look up.

The trembling Harry made Vincent frown.

After staring at it for a while, Snape picked up the roster on the podium.

"Harry Potter."

Ron quickly touched him with his elbow.

"Ah - here we come!"

"Oh, yes." Snape stepped down from the podium and whispered: "This is our new arrival - a famous person."

He glanced at the roster in his hand with cold eyes, "Vincent Wayne."


"Ron Weasley."


After the names were called, his voice was slightly higher, "You are here to learn this sophisticated and rigorous discipline."

He walked towards the students step by step, "Since there's no silly wand waving here, many of you won't believe this is magic.

I don’t expect you to truly appreciate the beauty of the slowly simmering crucible emitting white smoke and bursting with fragrance.

You don't really understand the liquid that flows into people's veins, the magical power that makes people feel dizzy and confused. I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death——

But there must be one thing, that is, you are not the stupid fools I often encounter.

After a brief introduction, Snape suddenly stopped in front of Harry's desk.


What will I get if I add narcissus root powder to a mugwort infusion? "

Harry looked at Ron next to him as if asking for help.

However, even if he is not stunned, the other party may not be able to help him.

"I don't know, Professor."

Even though Hermione and Vincent raised their hands a little too much, Snape never shifted his gaze.

He curled his lips contemptuously, "Tsk tsk - it seems that fame doesn't mean everything."

Facing such intense gazes, Harry could only lower his head.

"Let's try again, Potter!

If I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you look? "

Vincent moved his butt, and his right hand was immediately raised higher than Hermione's.

But this is also in vain.

"Professor, I don't know."

"I take it you didn't even read a book before term started, Potter?"

Harry forced himself to look up and saw that Snape's expression had become colder. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

"Potter, tell me what is the difference between Aconitum scaphoides and Aconitum wolfsbane?"

Vincent, who was repeatedly ignored, suddenly figured it out.

This greasy-headed old bat professor didn’t deliberately target Harry because of the little golden retriever!

Revenge for your former boss?

If that was the case, there was no need for him to confront Quirrell.

Looking at Hermione, she had stood up on tiptoes and was about to reach out to the ceiling of the underground classroom. Snape still had no idea of ​​paying attention.

He just stared straight into the green eyes in front of him, waiting for the answer impatiently.

"I don't know," Harry's voice suddenly became louder, "Professor, why don't you ask Vincent and Hermione, they must know the answer."


Draco and his two younger brothers didn't smile, but several Slytherins laughed openly.

Even though no one in Gryffindor laughed, Snape's eyes swept over them one by one.

"Sit down!" he snapped at Hermione, then stared at Harry again.

"Let me tell you, Potter.

Powdered narcissus root and mugwort are combined to make a powerful sleeping potion, a dose of the water of life and death.

Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and has a strong detoxifying effect.

As for Aconitum scaphoides and Aconitum wolfsbane, they are the same plant and are collectively called Aconitum.

Got it? Why don't you write this down? "

As soon as the students in the classroom wrote a few words on the parchment, Snape's extremely cold voice sounded again.

"Potter, because you contradicted the teacher, 10 points will be deducted from Gryffindor."

Just when the little lions thought that things would end like this, he turned his head and looked at Hermione who was taking notes seriously.

"Granger ignores classroom discipline and will deduct another 5 points."

Vincent was no longer calm.

After the old bat targeted Harry, he did not forget to retrieve the scene from yesterday.

He didn't even need to raise his head to know that the other person was looking at him.

It wasn't until the students had finished taking notes that Snape looked away.

"Work in pairs and follow the steps in the textbook to make a simple potion to treat boils."

His eyes lingered on Neville and Ron.

"Potter, you are with Longbottom."

Vincent was honored to be grouped with Hermione.

Probably because they know that if these two are separated, no one will have a chance to make mistakes if they are in a group.

This kind of out-of-sight and out-of-mind behavior is obviously aimed at deducting points.

Sure enough, Snape often hangs around Gryffindor when making potions.

He came over quietly with a long black cloak, blocking most of the light with his body like a bat.

Harry and Neville were the most affected group.

They almost poured the wrong potion into the crucible several times because they couldn't see the small words on the bottle clearly.

All the little lions were criticized, except for the two who made the fastest progress.

"Ahem--" Vincent coughed violently.

After attracting most of the attention, he held the crucible in front of him away from the small flame below.

He waited for two or three seconds and put the porcupine quill in his hand before Snape spoke.

"Wayne, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, it should be because the wind was too strong yesterday. I am about to catch a cold."

Snape walked step by step towards Vincent who was waving his wand.

The powerful aura emanating from him did not affect the liquid that began to emit pink mist at all.

This is a perfect potion,

so perfect that there is nothing to fault with it.

Snape moved his nose slightly as he leaned forward, "Wayne, I hope you can control your mouth."

Vincent stopped stirring and turned off the fire, facing the pair of black eyes that were so close.

"Of course, after all, I can even control a broom that is out of control."

Snape's face became extremely ugly.

"Heh--" He sneered and looked at the cauldron next to him that was also emitting pink mist.

The two potions that were first successfully made should be something worth celebrating.

But this,

was made by two Gryffindor students.



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