This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 481: The Sincerity of the Azuki Family

It doesn't matter whether you protect yourself wisely or be careful about yourself.

Since Lucius knew that Voldemort had appeared, he would most likely be prepared.

"He thought too much." Meihui shook her head with emotion.

She had seen Vincent's true face and could roughly think of the reasons not to terminate the contract.

Now that he had guessed it, Takuma had no intention of keeping it a secret.

What he said was also not everything.

The more Meihui listened, the less peaceful her heart became.

Voldemort is probably still planning how to resurrect his body, and Vincent has already planned to eliminate the Death Eaters from the source.

The top pure-blood families have limited influence, but together they are different.

In that wizarding war, it was precisely because of their power and status that Voldemort almost ruled the British Isles.

Without such advantages, Death Eaters are simply terrorists.

"My dear, do you think this is the result of Lord Dumbledore's leadership?"

Takuma shook his head slightly, "You know the answer very well."

"Then what do you think Wayne will do in return if we tell him the news?"

Takuma met Mihui's calculating eyes, "Maybe I won't retire early."

She had no doubt of the possibility.

"Meihui, please take Pingchuan with you."


"That's the result he wants."

Meihui was stunned for a moment, "Are you going to help him?"

"There is no real difference between helping or not helping."

Lucius wanted to provide help in the snow, but unfortunately this situation was deliberately created.

Now that Dumbledore is on Vincent's side, the Weiya family has the icing on the cake.

The Jingu family.

Watching the children's training, Dumbledore became more and more satisfied.

Integrate the spellcasting advantages of the three regions to greatly improve speed, accuracy and power.

There are still 5 years left, and after 5 years there will be no headaches.

But before that, he had to worry about the next school year.

Dorje's substitute teaching is coming to an end at the end of the school year, and a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has not been decided yet.

Kettleburn is also retiring, so Hagrid needs to focus on that.

Harry still needs Occlumency and psychological counseling to do, and he must continue to search for clues to the Horcrux.

Vincent need not worry.

No matter how hard the sandbags hit him, could they still hit him, a centenarian?

Probably because of his presence, even James, who usually likes to find excuses to be lazy, worked hard.

Kenny, who always talks about the old British guy behind his back, gets sore from shaking his wand.

Dumbledore just stood there with a smile on his face, but none of them dared not be serious.

Vincent finished 100 punches with the sandbag, then did 100 push-ups, and finally 100 sit-ups.

Warm up completed.

The moment he held the alder wand, Dumbledore realized that he had improved a lot.

The body is not tight, and he can make dodge movements at any time while standing.

Melee combat and long-range spellcasting each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although they are not perfect complements, they are already the best among students.

You can recite a spell and cast it in one go, and you can even quickly cast a silent spell with a flick of your wrist.

If he could slow down his movements and add some fancy details, he would definitely win the "Barnabus Finkley Award for Outstanding Spellcasting Technique".

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

The wooden dummies flew away and came back. The seemingly boring exercises are actually maintaining muscle memory.

"Your Excellency Dumbledore." Butler Changji appeared behind him respectfully.

"Oh - Mr. Butler, you must have something important to do, right?"

"We have a guest at home, Your Excellency." Changji glanced at Vincent.

"It's the wife and eldest young master of the Weiwu family."

The four people sitting in the living room were chatting.

Toshihiko and Hirakawa talked about work, and Meiko and Miguel talked about their daughters.

Ten minutes later, Changji brought the children over.

The eyes of the mother and son of the Weiwu family were all focused on Vincent.

Mihui quickly moved away and smiled at Rinne.

The daughters of the two families have disliked each other since they entered school. It is more because of their family than their respective personalities.

Junyan asked Xiang Changji: "Where is Mr. Dumbledore?"

"His Excellency felt that his presence would create tension."

Mei Hui glanced at Vincent.

As expected, it was not Dumbledore who was leading the whole thing.

She returned her gaze to Linyin,

"Long time no see, Rinyin"

"Aunt Meihui, we met more than half a month ago."

"Yeah, that was when Gwent's flagship store opened."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

After that day came Magic Street Daily Fun Facts.

Hermione and Daphne kept their attention on her face.

No matter how gentle and virtuous this lady seems, she has also shown malice in the past.

"Speaking of Gwent, everyone should know that I have a contract with the Wizards."

Her calm gaze met Vincent's equally calm gaze.

"I received their letter this morning at breakfast."

It turned out to be a kind reminder.

Linyin slightly restrained the indifference on her face.

Meihui glanced at the pair of curious eyes.

Vincent remained calm, as if he had expected this.

He already has a thorough understanding of human nature at such a young age, no wonder Dumbledore would be on his side.

"The wizard cards are sold to us at cost price, and all profits within half a year also belong to us."

"Hiss—" Everyone almost gasped subconsciously.

Meihui noticed that Vincent and Toshihiko looked at each other.

This seemed to be expected, but not everything.

She moved her eyes with interest, and finally focused on the face of a little witch who had calmed down.

If I remember correctly, this is Granger.

After a brief eye contact, he was able to confirm that he understood what she meant.

This little witch is smart enough and is close in age to her youngest son Kenji.

She sighed secretly in her heart.

One Wayne, one Granger.

"Then, let's say goodbye first." Meihui and Pingchuan stood up and bowed slightly to everyone to say goodbye.

Shun Yan and Mei Zi took the children to see the mother and son leave together.

Vincent, who didn't say a word during the whole process, already knew the attitude of the Aweiya family—or Takuma, it should be said.

They come with sincerity, and if they want to help, they have to do so with sincerity.

"You don't think of me as a child anymore."

"Who dares to treat you as a child?"

Vincent smiled bitterly at them, "They were all forced out.

But after today, there probably won’t be many big shots who will still have an interest in me. "

Junyan turned his back without any embarrassment, "Meiko, please prepare a richer lunch today."

She followed behind very cooperatively, "My dear, I would have prepared it even if you didn't tell me."

They watched as the two walked into the house.

"My father ran away." Linyin suddenly became a little sad.

Not because of my father's attitude, but because there are only a few days left before school starts.

Parting is always sad and short-lived.

It’s not like I’ll never see you again.

"Is Uncle Junyan also afraid?" Vincent walked into the house as if nothing had happened.

Kenny rolled his eyes at his back, "Wayne, I didn't expect you to have a narcissistic side."

"Thank you, but I'm not as narcissistic as you."

Linyin suddenly smiled.

Vincent's cooperation with the Jingu family is just an appearance, the real cooperation is actually with her.

The only one who can control her destiny is herself.

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