This Hogwarts isn't normal.

Chapter 526 Something happened to the Wayne family?

It is not difficult to take out a designated memory, you just need to shape the mana into a container that can carry it.

Vincent succeeded on his first try.

Even flowing mithril can be used, let alone invisible mana.

Principal Black looked as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

No matter how reluctant you are, you have to admit that your magic talent is very high.

"Principal Dippet, if Professor Dumbledore comes back, please let him see this."

Vincent poured the extracted memories into the meditation disk and placed it on the table where all the principals could see it.

After he left the principal's office, Principal Black looked over him immediately.

The picture is of a dirty and messy street.

"Armando, let me just say he is a bad boy!"

Not many adult wizards dare to go to Knockturn Alley, but now they dare to wander around.

The slap in the face came quickly, and the more slap in the face was yet to come.

"These witch scum!" Principal Black yelled, blowing his beard and staring.

Even though he strongly dislikes Muggles, there is still a basic moral bottom line.

After watching a game of Gwent, Hermione and Daphne walked out of the activity room.

"What do you think is lunch today?"

"Maybe it's Dobby's specialty again."

Ever since Dobby joined Hogwarts, he would delve into a table full of delicacies every once in a while.

There’s something from every country, last week it was German food.

Sausage roll stew…

The calories are too high and you will have to exercise all afternoon after eating.

“I wish I could have something a little calmer.

"Me too."

The two little witches walked around the corner, and a figure quickly came down the stairs in front of them.

"Vincent?" They both chased after him in confusion.

third floor,

We have reached the end of the corridor and just turned into the statue of the hunchbacked one-eyed witch.

"Strange-" Hermione took a few steps forward and suddenly stopped.

The previous illegal apparition class lasted all day. Did you forget to bring something?

Daphne stepped forward and took her hand, "There must be something very important.

When we were injured by Byron in the Forbidden Forest before, he was just as anxious as he is now. "

Hermione looked at the corner at the end of the corridor with some worry, "Could Mr. Chavez have been discovered?"

Vincent is harboring a wanted criminal from the Magic Congress...

Daphne didn't need to say anything, she thought it was just a small thing.

“How about we—let’s forget it.”

She let out a small sigh, "He should be able to apparate dozens of meters away now, and we can't catch up with him based on our physical strength."

Two little witches came to the auditorium.

Dobby prepared a table full of Italian food.

The taste was very authentic, but unfortunately neither of them could taste it because they were too distracted.

Cedric and Rolf came over to eat at the Gryffindor table and found

Something wasn't right about them.

Compared with Fred and George who were eating and drinking, they knew something was wrong.

Nine times out of ten, it's still about Vincent.

Under questioning from the two of them, Hermione told Daphne about their encounter on the third floor just now.

Obviously I was in a hurry, so I went outside the school.

If Sam was caught, even if he was already imprisoned in Azkaban, Vincent would definitely walk over in a good mood.

It's even possible not to go.

"Is it Uncle and Aunt Wayne?"

As soon as Cedric's guess came out, Hermione suddenly turned her head and looked at the Slytherin table.

Draco and the others were fine, and their eyes were still full of resentment when they looked over.

If not...

Daphne followed her gaze and met Pansy's resentful look.

The gentlemen were all respectable and unlikely to deal with a Muggle couple.

But if a woman, especially one who enjoys the favor of others, has never tried and failed...

The reason why Pansy's "crazy revenge" failed was because Hermione was strong enough.

If you think about it from another perspective, it's not that Mrs. Zabini doesn't dare to attack the Waynes, it's just that being discovered will cause a lot of trouble.

After Daphne expressed her guess, everyone felt that this might happen.

When Mrs. Zabini came out of the Black Swan Wizard Card Room that day, her expression looked much colder than Snape's.

Fred, who didn't know when, came over and said:

"She has no chance. Isn't Mr. Auror, who has won the Congressional Medal of Honor, living in Wayne's house?"

George's expression was full of pity, "I'm afraid the wizard she sent there has been caught. Vincent must have come back to steal the guy and prepare for revenge."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?" Hermione muttered to herself.

If nothing else, the headline in tomorrow's newspaper will definitely be "Zabini's home was attacked by terror."

The accompanying picture shows a ruined manor, with a disgraced Mrs. Zabini kneeling on the ground in despair.

"Hiss—" Luo Fu quickly mouthed some pasta to suppress his shock.

Everyone inexplicably remembered what Sam said:

Such a beautiful lady, just because she wanted to attract the attention of her parents, was ruined by the bad boy Wayne...

Their pity-filled eyes made Brace very angry.

"Calm down!" Draco pressed his shoulders hard, "Wayne, this bastard is the school director. We will suffer a lot if we attack first."

That's right, but it's annoying.

You've been keeping such a low profile lately, are you still unwilling to let them go?



Wayne's house.

Sam looked at the long list in his hand with a complicated expression.

This was the "customers" that the shop owner said after drinking truth serum.

He didn't care about Vincent's method, but he couldn't understand why half-blood wizards would treat Muggles so cruelly.

[To be honest, I have been using Reading Books to follow the latest updates recently, switching sources, and reading in many voices, both Android and Apple are available. ]

"What's your name?"

"Tash Hemond."

Tash, with a dull look in her eyes, answered every question, including the reason for imprisoning those Muggle children.

His father was a wizard and his mother was a Muggle.

Half a century ago, the Hemond family lived an ordinary and leisurely life in London.

Until 1960 when Tash was born.

Pure-blood supremacy revived, and in just five years it had spread throughout the British Isles, and even Hogwarts was not immune.

Slytherin College was the hardest hit area, and almost all students agreed with this concept.

When Tash was assigned to Ravenclaw, they had already infiltrated the other three houses.

One year, two years,

Three years, four years.

In the fifth year, this group of forces had unknowingly extended their tentacles into the Ministry of Magic and successfully ousted the then Minister Eugenia Jenkins.

Death Eaters officially came into the public eye.

Gradually, Hogwarts was the only safe place in the entire British Isles.

The newly appointed Minister Harold Minchum was a hardliner and introduced a series of very extreme policies.

Aurors have the right to use the Unforgivable Curse on Death Eaters without warning.

Suspects can be forcibly imprisoned in Azkaban without going through the Wizengamot trial.

Tash's father was unfortunately arrested as a Death Eater and his mother died in an attack shortly afterwards.


The Ministry of Magic's policy is wrong?

The Death Eaters' attack everywhere is wrong?


The father who was unable to protect his mother was wrong,

and the mother who could only rely on her father for protection was also wrong.

Tash began to believe in pure-blood supremacy, but he was not even an outer circle of the Death Eaters.

He had no talent, and his graduation grades were barely passing.

What decent jobs could such a wizard get?

His father died not long after learning of his mother's death, and he was alone with only Knockturn Alley as his destination.

Before Voldemort's fall, the "Half Girl" bar at the end of the alley had already taken shape.



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